Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


They have trade and are in the same area. By the way , what are we doing over there?
Last edited:
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


They have trade and are in the same area. By the way , what are we doing over there?

Yes. And only broke off diplomatic relations in 2016.

What part of oil did you not get? And proxy wars?

None of the above explains why you support terrorists or terrorists receiving stipends.......

I am well aware that you have a problem with the Joos.
What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


They have trade and are in the same area. By the way , what are we doing over there?

Yes. And only broke off diplomatic relations in 2016.

What part of oil did you not get? And proxy wars?

None of the above explains why you support terrorists or terrorists receiving stipends.......

I am well aware that you have a problem with the Joos.

We supported the Taliban and armed them. Oh I have a issue with the Joos now. I have the same issue with the Evangelicals. What does that make me?

Who are the Joos. Why not call them Jews.
So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


They have trade and are in the same area. By the way , what are we doing over there?

Yes. And only broke off diplomatic relations in 2016.

What part of oil did you not get? And proxy wars?

None of the above explains why you support terrorists or terrorists receiving stipends.......

I am well aware that you have a problem with the Joos.

We supported the Taliban and armed them. Oh I have a issue with the Joos now. I have the same issue with the Evangelicals. What does that make me?

Who are the Joos. Why not call them Jews.

You have always had a problem with them.

We can go back further then the Taliban. Saudi Arabia and the US matched dollar for dollar to fund the Peshawar Seven and create a jihad against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

Still no explanation from you though.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Was a Christian

Is now a Jew

Used to believe Jesus was the Son of God, now believes he was a total fraud who got what he deserved....


Judah MaccaBEE

Mike Huckabee = JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian, which explains why he spends more time in Israel than the US
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!
How come no democrats, even all those Jewish ones, attended the US embassy opening in Israel ?

The Democratic Party must pander to everyone.
Then why do Democrats not pander to Netanyahu

I think you have your parties mixed up!

So you can sell your line of crap to the Muslim population here and in exchange for........oil.

Netanyahu was open to negotiations with Kerry and with Mitchell before him.

And then Iran. See, it's really hard to deal with a nation-state that is aiding and abetting the terrorist organizations that keep trying to blow up your country. So, the whole you just be quiet you thingy didn't work out as a plan.

And Abbas.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Reagan certainly did not mind giving weapons to Iran.

Why should he? Bush Senior negotiated to have the hostages released the day Reagan was inaugurated.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Was a Christian

Is now a Jew

Used to believe Jesus was the Son of God, now believes he was a total fraud who got what he deserved....


Judah MaccaBEE

Mike Huckabee = JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian, which explains why he spends more time in Israel than the US
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.

You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.

That doesn't have jack to do with anything........

You don't have an argument.
...The irony here is Jews are responsible for most of their own problems...
When you have been persecuted for centuries, you tend to turn inwards, and shun contact with 'outsiders', and thereby draw suspicion and superstition on your head.

...their Zionism turned off Muslims...
Incorrect... those previously in-thrall (Dhimmitude) had the gall to rise-up and defeat their former masters.

...they turned off Eastern Europe with Jewish Commie butchers...
The rank-and-file of the Communist Party was largely Jewish in nature? Doubtful.

...ethnic Jews wrote the texts of Christianity which say Jews killed Jesus...
Yep. It's called "truthful reporting". It's also 2,000 years in the past. Christians have been using that as an excuse to kill Jews for nearly that long.

..., and that Jews who won't accept Jesus will go to Hell...
Yep. Factional warfare, on the theological level. 2000-year-old factional warfare.

...The Jewish Judenrate councils also documented the Jewish community to the Nazis, and the Jewish Ghetto Police were responsible for rounding up Jews for the Nazis.
Yep. It was that or be killed first. The hope was that they could hold out long enough for the Soviets to liberate them, and that some would survive. They ran out of time.

Do you really believe that if your spouse and children were on the chopping block unless you cooperated, that you would behave differently? Doubtful.
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.

Good lord, the stupid is strong with this one. Tell me little girl, how and when did Abraham "start" Shia Islam?

No,he was telling the truth. Something Trump backers do not know the meaning of.
Good thing for me that I voted for Her Thighness, Madame Shrillary then, eh? - although I felt like taking a shower after leaving the voting booth.

As to the NY rabbi telling the truth... well... we have your word for that... and his.

I (and most of the rest of the non-Muslim world), on the other hand, will take the word of the Allied investigation and prosecution panels convened in 1945 and beyond.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Was a Christian

Is now a Jew

Used to believe Jesus was the Son of God, now believes he was a total fraud who got what he deserved....


Judah MaccaBEE

Mike Huckabee = JDAAC = Jew disguised as a Christian, which explains why he spends more time in Israel than the US
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.

You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.

Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.
What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon.

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.
So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?

So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.

Good lord, the stupid is strong with this one. Tell me little girl, how and when did Abraham "start" Shia Islam?


Abraham was not a jew and neither was Moses, and by the way, Moses told the wayward Egyptians in the desert that the first born son inherits, all according to the scriptures and so if Abraham followed Moses which he didn't, that would of been Esau. By the way Sarah was not a jew either, but she was a freewoman who had a handmaiden.
Last edited:
So you are told what? What about Saudi Arabia?

Its well known Saudi Arabia is a terrorist nation, they want control of the gulf states and their enemy is Iran.

Poor Persians.........

You found the Saudi Arabia terrorist nation useful when it came to driving out the Soviet Union, yes?

You know Iran has excellent relations with Russia currently, yes?

Hmmm.......Russia, Russia, Russia......


A jew begun Shia Islam which is what Iran is mainly.

Good lord, the stupid is strong with this one. Tell me little girl, how and when did Abraham "start" Shia Islam?


You'll need to pay attention to your "sources".

"A Jew of Yemen, Arabia, of the seventh century, who settled in Medina and embraced Islam."

You'll lose a Religious discussion with me every time honey. "Embraced" and "Started" are not the same ;)
Abraham is where Ishmael came from. Islam descends from Ishmael. That's as close as it gets honey, your ignorance not with standing.

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