Not everyone should be allowed to votel

Well, isn't that surprising, coming from someone from the Right.

True Americans must retake do that we will have to implement some very radical policies...aka enact a new updated Sedition Law...start locking folks up or deport them (preferably) for comitting anti-America activities and or treason...such things as disrespecting the flag, disrespecting our Service Men...etc. we thus will enhance our National Security and our odds of survival in this very dangerous world...more of a threat to America than has ever existed confronts us. We must act and act quickly.
As a Conservative and a Veteran you are wrong about a few things here.
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
Well, not everyone is physicaly able to serve in the military...thus I would say just let each vets vote count as two votes....they are entitled since they help defend the nation.
Veterans have no special status as citizens. Today's veterans are volunteers who get paid well and have great benefits. Great benefits most choose not to access. Military service should be a duty, not an initiation into a special class of citizenship
The VA has been a fucking death warrant for many. My own experiences have been horrible.
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who put party and personal achievement ahead of country.
What is a true conservative? Someone that wants us to go back to the 1780's.
-No investment in science, education or infrastructure.
-Hates science
-Wants to push their god on everyone
-Hates government
-Is a asshole

Pretty much wants America to be like North Korea
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .
The VA has been a fucking death warrant for many. My own experiences have been horrible.
Sorry to hear that. But most every veteran I've met claims to receive top notch care

Problems I have found with the V.A. they are overwhelmed to a large degree with patients, hogtied to federal mandates to hire minorities...specifically negroes...many of which are incompetent rude and difficult to get rid of even after they are discovered to be incompetent....this is true of just about every federal governmental agency...their operation must conform with political correctness...makes it difficult to conduct operations in an efficient and exemplary manner.

One big thing they need to do is to listen to their patients complaints....they need to set up a office at each v.a. facility to take complaints and give this feedback legitimate analysis to improve their operations.

Bottom Line: Our whole health care system is a disaster....due mainly to greedy insurance companies as well as the medical doctors themselves...many of whom just get into medicine to get rich.

If I were the great dictator....I would get the insurance companies out of the health field....federalize the whole friggin mess.....start off by inducting all physicians into national service based on the fact our current health crisis is a threat to our national security....and then set a reasonable salary for health care workers as well as the physicians costs need to be dramatically decreased, people need to be educated on self preventivive measures that will enhance their health and thus reduce the patient overload of all of our hospitals and emergency rooms.

Good health clinics need to be established in all the poor neighborhoods where people can just walk in and be assured they will get good care and not have to wait for hours to see a doctor....Cuba as poor as it is........ actually has a good health care system...we need to look at how they operate and copy what of their system is the most relevant for us.

The reality today is the more money you have ....the better your health care...outragous....every citizen should have as good as health care as any order to improve the health of the nation....everyone should have equal access to health care irregardless of their financial situation.
Last edited:
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .

Too many get hung up on attempting to attach labels which either are not relevant or simply result in doctrinal disputes which leads nowhere but to stagnation.

Thus the Trump Revolution: people want a man of action...(Trump)someone pragmatic...who will get America back on track. Those who are hung up on attempting to cram their brand of conservatism down everyone's throats aka tea partiers with their mantra of smaller government and lower taxes are little more than a special interest group who have been left behind in the wake of Trump's populist victory....many of them actually supported hillary...shows how screwed up they really are.....and thus they are no longer relevant.
Well, isn't that surprising, coming from someone from the Right.

True Americans must retake do that we will have to implement some very radical policies...aka enact a new updated Sedition Law...start locking folks up or deport them (preferably) for comitting anti-America activities and or treason...such things as disrespecting the flag, disrespecting our Service Men...etc. we thus will enhance our National Security and our odds of survival in this very dangerous world...more of a threat to America than has ever existed confronts us. We must act and act quickly.

Yeah, don't worry about the rights of anyone not white & christian? Sorry. Not gonna happen.
The VA has been a fucking death warrant for many. My own experiences have been horrible.
Sorry to hear that. But most every veteran I've met claims to receive top notch care

Problems I have found with the V.A. they are overwhelmed to a large degree with patients, hogtied to federal mandates to hire minorities...specifically negroes...many of which are incompetent rude and difficult to get rid of even after they are discovered to be incompetent....this is true of just about every federal governmental agency...their operation must conform with political correctness...makes it difficult to conduct operations in an efficient and exemplary manner.

One big thing they need to do is to listen to their patients complaints....they need to set up a office at each v.a. facility to take complaints and give this feedback legitimate analysis to improve their operations.

Bottom Line: Our whole health care system is a disaster....due mainly to greedy insurance companies as well as the medical doctors themselves...many of whom just get into medicine to get rich.

If I were the great dictator....I would get the insurance companies out of the health field....federalize the whole friggin mess.....start off by inducting all physicians into national service based on the fact our current health crisis is a threat to our national security....and then set a reasonable salary for health care workers as well as the physicians costs need to be dramatically decreased, people need to be educated on self preventivive measures that will enhance their health and thus reduce the patient overload of all of our hospitals and emergency rooms.

Good health clinics need to be established in all the poor neighborhoods where people can just walk in and be assured they will get good care and not have to wait for hours to see a doctor....Cuba as poor as it is........ actually has a good health care system...we need to look at how they operate and copy what of their system is the most relevant for us.

The reality today is the more money you have ....the better your health care...outragous....every citizen should have as good as health care as any order to improve the health of the nation....everyone should have equal access to health care irregardless of their financial situation.
Damn! I actually agree with all that you say. We need a single payer, universal system. Every other first world nation has that. And in none of them are the insurance companies for profit. All non-profits. And we also need to reform big pharma. Cost plus ten percent for the drugs. And for the very high priced specialty drugs, the government pays for them.

Now, of course, how do we pay for this? With taxes, of course. And the 'Conservatives' are going to scream their bloody heads off about that. But I pay my property taxes, and the water and electrical bills, and live a life that my great-grandfather would regard as reserved only for kings. Taxes, when used right, are the price of civilization.
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .

Too many get hung up on attempting to attach labels which either are not relevant or simply result in doctrinal disputes which leads nowhere but to stagnation.

Thus the Trump Revolution: people want a man of action...(Trump)someone pragmatic...who will get America back on track. Those who are hung up on attempting to cram their brand of conservatism down everyone's throats aka tea partiers with their mantra of smaller government and lower taxes are little more than a special interest group who have been left behind in the wake of Trump's populist victory....many of them actually supported hillary...shows how screwed up they really are.....and thus they are no longer relevant.
Come the end of 2019, we will see if your assessment of the orange clown is correct. If so, I will properly eat crow. If I am correct, and he is the disaster that I think that he will be, I hope you 'Conservatives' do not double down on stupid.
The VA has been a fucking death warrant for many. My own experiences have been horrible.
Sorry to hear that. But most every veteran I've met claims to receive top notch care

Problems I have found with the V.A. they are overwhelmed to a large degree with patients, hogtied to federal mandates to hire minorities...specifically negroes...many of which are incompetent rude and difficult to get rid of even after they are discovered to be incompetent....this is true of just about every federal governmental agency...their operation must conform with political correctness...makes it difficult to conduct operations in an efficient and exemplary manner.

One big thing they need to do is to listen to their patients complaints....they need to set up a office at each v.a. facility to take complaints and give this feedback legitimate analysis to improve their operations.

Bottom Line: Our whole health care system is a disaster....due mainly to greedy insurance companies as well as the medical doctors themselves...many of whom just get into medicine to get rich.

If I were the great dictator....I would get the insurance companies out of the health field....federalize the whole friggin mess.....start off by inducting all physicians into national service based on the fact our current health crisis is a threat to our national security....and then set a reasonable salary for health care workers as well as the physicians costs need to be dramatically decreased, people need to be educated on self preventivive measures that will enhance their health and thus reduce the patient overload of all of our hospitals and emergency rooms.

Good health clinics need to be established in all the poor neighborhoods where people can just walk in and be assured they will get good care and not have to wait for hours to see a doctor....Cuba as poor as it is........ actually has a good health care system...we need to look at how they operate and copy what of their system is the most relevant for us.

The reality today is the more money you have ....the better your health care...outragous....every citizen should have as good as health care as any order to improve the health of the nation....everyone should have equal access to health care irregardless of their financial situation.
Damn! I actually agree with all that you say. We need a single payer, universal system. Every other first world nation has that. And in none of them are the insurance companies for profit. All non-profits. And we also need to reform big pharma. Cost plus ten percent for the drugs. And for the very high priced specialty drugs, the government pays for them.

Now, of course, how do we pay for this? With taxes, of course. And the 'Conservatives' are going to scream their bloody heads off about that. But I pay my property taxes, and the water and electrical bills, and live a life that my great-grandfather would regard as reserved only for kings. Taxes, when used right, are the price of civilization.

We are on the same page.......the 'republicans screaming about taxes' are a minority wing of the republican party...most of those who voted for Trump are not that republican and not that conservative...mainly being of a pragmatic nature....thus the appeal of Trump.

Trump is innovative,pragmatic and not hung up on any sort of political doctrine to any great extent...he is a game changer and I do expect him to make dramatic changes in Washington. The guy is smart, rich and has tremendous common sense...very unusual fellow...he may very well go down in history as one of our greatest presidents...if he is not assassinated...when you have so many left wing nuts consumed with hatred for a President...that likliehood should not be ruled fact I will be suprised if he is not assassinated.

I view Trump as sort of a combination Huey P. Long aka the Kingfish and Teddy Roosevelt. Exactly right for these times.
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
What a utter load of shit. The OP does not speak for the majority of true Conservatives.
What the hell is a "true conservative"? Is that something that has to fit your definition? Perhaps it is a delusional definition that can be changed, altered, adjusted, ect., to fit an agenda. In any case, no massive numbers of politicians claiming to be conservative have stood up to Trump in any real way. We have heard many of them object and criticize trumps fascist comments and rants, but they all ended up supporting him just enough to help him be elected. The guys like Ryan and others who claim to be your "true conservatives" will go down in history as the cowards who putut party and personal achievement ahead of country.
Ryan and the rest of those turds are establishment Republicans.. True Conservatives believe in small Government, Capitalism and the Constitution none of which the Republican party has supported. .

Too many get hung up on attempting to attach labels which either are not relevant or simply result in doctrinal disputes which leads nowhere but to stagnation.

Thus the Trump Revolution: people want a man of action...(Trump)someone pragmatic...who will get America back on track. Those who are hung up on attempting to cram their brand of conservatism down everyone's throats aka tea partiers with their mantra of smaller government and lower taxes are little more than a special interest group who have been left behind in the wake of Trump's populist victory....many of them actually supported hillary...shows how screwed up they really are.....and thus they are no longer relevant.
Come the end of 2019, we will see if your assessment of the orange clown is correct. If so, I will properly eat crow. If I am correct, and he is the disaster that I think that he will be, I hope you 'Conservatives' do not double down on stupid.

If you want to talk about Presidents and 'disaster' you must understand that obama ranks right at the top...even worse than jimmah ah say jimmuh carter...and thankfully we have been spared the super sized disaster of hillary that we came so close to being inflicted with.....time to rejoice folks....America's future now looks better than it has in decades.
Well, isn't that surprising, coming from someone from the Right.

True Americans must retake do that we will have to implement some very radical policies...aka enact a new updated Sedition Law...start locking folks up or deport them (preferably) for comitting anti-America activities and or treason...such things as disrespecting the flag, disrespecting our Service Men...etc. we thus will enhance our National Security and our odds of survival in this very dangerous world...more of a threat to America than has ever existed confronts us. We must act and act quickly.

Yeah, don't worry about the rights of anyone not white & christian? Sorry. Not gonna happen.

Have any of your predictions ever come true? I think not.
Every other first world nation has that. And in none of them are the insurance companies for profit. All non-profits. And we also need to reform big pharma. Cost plus ten percent for the drugs. And for the very high priced specialty drugs, the government pays for them.

Not exactly correct. Some other nations have non profits for the basic healthcare of all with options to buy into extra insurance that is run by for profits insurance entities

Big pharma? Check out Switzerland/

otherwise a great few posts from you people

two thumbs up
We are on the same page.......the 'republicans screaming about taxes' are a minority wing of the republican party...most of those who voted for Trump are not that republican and not that conservative...mainly being of a pragmatic nature....thus the appeal of Trump.

Trump is innovative,pragmatic and not hung up on any sort of political doctrine to any great extent...he is a game changer and I do expect him to make dramatic changes in Washington. The guy is smart, rich and has tremendous common sense...very unusual fellow...he may very well go down in history as one of our greatest presidents...if he is not assassinated...when you have so many left wing nuts consumed with hatred for a President...that likliehood should not be ruled fact I will be suprised if he is not assassinated.

I view Trump as sort of a combination Huey P. Long aka the Kingfish and Teddy Roosevelt. Exactly right for these times.
The sorry thing is watching you get away with wrapping Trump up in a nice package. Trump has nothing in mind but how Trump looks. He doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself. How can I state this as fact?

Because EVERY single thing he has done that we have on record, not just from his big fat lying mouth, shows him to be what I describe. Even his charity is a fraud

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