Not everyone should be allowed to votel

Well, isn't that surprising, coming from someone from the Right.

True Americans must retake do that we will have to implement some very radical policies...aka enact a new updated Sedition Law...start locking folks up or deport them (preferably) for comitting anti-America activities and or treason...such things as disrespecting the flag, disrespecting our Service Men...etc. we thus will enhance our National Security and our odds of survival in this very dangerous world...more of a threat to America than has ever existed confronts us. We must act and act quickly.
What is your definition of a "true American"? Let's start there.
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Starship Troopers?
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Great book! But not quite correct. Citizens had rights, but those rights didn't including voting rights or the ability to serve in office unless they were a veteran.

Heinlein was a Naval Academy graduate and Naval Officer.
I met him once not long before he died, under the most unusual of circumstances.
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Great book! But not quite correct. Citizens had rights, but those rights didn't including voting rights or the ability to serve in office unless they were a veteran.

Heinlein was a Naval Academy graduate and Naval Officer.
I met him once not long before he died, under the most unusual of circumstances.
You were lucky!
I've never met a real writer.... :(
There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

Which ones exactly?
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Great book! But not quite correct. Citizens had rights, but those rights didn't including voting rights or the ability to serve in office unless they were a veteran.

Heinlein was a Naval Academy graduate and Naval Officer.
I met him once not long before he died, under the most unusual of circumstances.
You were lucky!
I've never met a real writer.... :(
You just wrote..
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Did they show boobs in the book? Like they did the movie...
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Great book! But not quite correct. Citizens had rights, but those rights didn't including voting rights or the ability to serve in office unless they were a veteran.

Heinlein was a Naval Academy graduate and Naval Officer.
I met him once not long before he died, under the most unusual of circumstances.

Were you giving a donkey show down in Messico?
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
Your message reminds me a book I've read a few years ago. It was a novel called "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein.
In that novel the author described a future society where you can't vote if you didn't serve in the military. And if you never serve in the military you will never have any political rights :)
Did they show boobs in the book? Like they did the movie...
Lucky for me there are no boobs in the book :D
There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

Which ones exactly?
If they are native born, deported to where?
Fascism has arrived in America wrapped in a flag and guarded by a bible. Trumpism is nothing more that corporatism and fascism blended into a populist package.
Roflmao, no, fascism has been here for a long time under the moniker of "Democratic Party".
There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

Which ones exactly?
Why he is referring to the Amish, obviously.
I met him once not long before he died, under the most unusual of circumstances.
Lucky you! He was my favorite author growing up. I literally read everything of his I could find. He'd been having serious health problems for ten years before his death. Why do you think he died under "the most unusual of circumstances"?
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.

By that standard not a single living Trump would be allowed to vote.
Correct....and the vast majority of Democrats. Win-win!
It is quite obvious that many types are not qualified to should be a privelege not a right.

Hopefully, during Trump's first term we will be able to revise the voting system which has essentially crashed....aka millions of illegal aliens to be stopped.

Here is what we need to do: first make it a requirement that everyone who votes must present documentation that proves they are a legal one who is not a citizen should be allowed to vote.

No felons should be allowed to vote.

Still yet....that is not enough...more needs to be done. We must whittle down the minority vote....otherwise America will wind up with a government dominated by those who cannot even run their own countries....why should they be allowed to come here and try and run ours?

The first step is to stop all immigration of muslims, people from third world countries and only allow in folks like us...with similar morals, education and do oherwise is to comitt National Suicide.

There are obvious population groups in America that are a threat to our National Security...these folks should not be allowed to vote....they should be deported irregardless of their current citizenship status.

As we go along and begin to implement these steps then we will find the way clearer to do even insure that the America that survives is the America that our founding fathers envisioned. This is true Americanism and True Conservatism...which will truly make America Great Again.

Not Everyone Should Be Allowed to Vote - The Last Resistance
Better yet, no person can be a voting citizen until they 1) pass a citizenship exam and 2) are a military veteran.
By that standard not a single living Trump would be allowed to vote.

And none of them should ever be allowed to hold office

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