Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go

We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.
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Looks like Phil might own A&E after all this is over. Specifically, A&E violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703]

(a) Employer practices

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer -

(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

That’s what discrimination is. It's law.

That clause does not apply to Christians or Jews, it replies to other religions. Furthermore, it is not a weapon to be used on liberals, it's a weapon to be used by liberals. It also doesn't apply to hate speech, which by definition is liberal speech.

That is how these laws are in effect, but not how they are written.

Part of the problem is the hypocritical nature of libtard lawyers, and the other is the repugnance of conservatives to defend each other when attacked if it reminds them of things libtards do.
We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are "public" airwaves...


You are joking, right?

You could either be doing a farce of a libtard or just be a libtard, it is getting hard to pull farce on libtardism these days.
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We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are "public" airwaves...


You are joking, right?

You could either be doing a farce of a libtard or just be a libtard, it is getting hard to pull farce on libtardism these days.


Isn't it sad that liberals are so ridiculous that while you realized I was joking, you still had to confirm? And what's even more ridiculous is I get why you had to confirm.
If you fire someone for their religion it is against the law.

Phil was never in danger from being fired for being a Christian. He's been a Christian for years - correct?

Phil was suspended because he made comments that were interpreted as hateful and thus caused a public uproar. Key word is "interpreted". I don't believe Phil said anything hateful - personally - but other individuals interpreted his words as such and this threatened the health of the network. This discussion is about stirring unwanted controversy, which is sometimes a breach of contract.

When you have a multimillion dollar company, it's smart to protect yourself at times of controversy (lol) and this is exactly what A&E did.

Not sure what you folks are whining about.

We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished.

Phil said nothing controversial. He got targeted by GLAAD because Phil stated the TRUTH.

Jim - I (personally) actually agree with you in that I don't think what he said was that big of a deal. However, the word "controversy" isn't yours (alone) to define. To say he didn't stir up a controversy is absurdly dishonest. He absolutely did.

Again, people on Facebook talking about it in large numbers, blogs talking about it, newspapers writing about it, etc. Some of it was in his defense, and some of it was negative towards both Phil and A&E.

This is controversy. I never even heard of DD before the incident.

Perhaps it was started by GLAAD, but it grew into something real. You can't deny this.
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We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.
Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are "public" airwaves...


You are joking, right?

You could either be doing a farce of a libtard or just be a libtard, it is getting hard to pull farce on libtardism these days.


Isn't it sad that liberals are so ridiculous that while you realized I was joking, you still had to confirm? And what's even more ridiculous is I get why you had to confirm.

It would be a sign to any reasonable person when you cant lampoon an ideology because it actually does assert such stupid things.

Or we could be discussing lawyers in their legal webs.
We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.

Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.
We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.

OK, I realized when I wrote the first part someone may take me seriously, so I added the last sentence to show that I was not. Apparently it didn't work. So I'll clarify, I was not serious.
Phil was never in danger from being fired for being a Christian. He's been a Christian for years - correct?

Phil was suspended because he made comments that were interpreted as hateful and thus caused a public uproar. Key word is "interpreted". I don't believe Phil said anything hateful - personally - but other individuals interpreted his words as such and this threatened the health of the network. This discussion is about stirring unwanted controversy, which is sometimes a breach of contract.

When you have a multimillion dollar company, it's smart to protect yourself at times of controversy (lol) and this is exactly what A&E did.

Not sure what you folks are whining about.

We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished.

Phil said nothing controversial. He got targeted by GLAAD because Phil stated the TRUTH.

Jim - I (personally) actually agree with you in that I don't think what he said was that big of a deal. However, the word "controversy" isn't yours (alone) to define. To say he didn't stir up a controversy is absurdly dishonest. He absolutely did.

Again, people on Facebook talking about it in large numbers, blogs talking about it, newspapers writing about it, etc. Some of it was in his defense, and some of it was negative towards both Phil and A&E.

This is controversy. I never even heard of DD before the incident.

Perhaps it was started by GLAAD, but it grew into something real. You can't deny this.
So when are you going to prove the Robertsons have a morality clause and how it apply to them trying to fire them? I mean since you are stupid enough to take up Pogo's argument perhaps you can prove it.
Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.

Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.
Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.

Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

I believe your serious because you dont think Religious white men deserve liberty.
Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

I believe your serious because you dont think Religious white men deserve liberty.

Strawman. Someone having a bad hair day? Here's a hug... :smiliehug:
Phil was never in danger from being fired for being a Christian. He's been a Christian for years - correct?

Phil was suspended because he made comments that were interpreted as hateful and thus caused a public uproar. Key word is "interpreted". I don't believe Phil said anything hateful - personally - but other individuals interpreted his words as such and this threatened the health of the network. This discussion is about stirring unwanted controversy, which is sometimes a breach of contract.

When you have a multimillion dollar company, it's smart to protect yourself at times of controversy (lol) and this is exactly what A&E did.

Not sure what you folks are whining about.

We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished.

Phil said nothing controversial. He got targeted by GLAAD because Phil stated the TRUTH.

Jim - I (personally) actually agree with you in that I don't think what he said was that big of a deal. However, the word "controversy" isn't yours (alone) to define. To say he didn't stir up a controversy is absurdly dishonest. He absolutely did.

OK, dude, let me break this down for you in terms of cause and effect.

We have factor 1) Phil gave an off the record interview that included a Bible quotation.

2) A+E had no problem with the interview until.....

3) GLAAD made threats to A+E to punish Phil or else. we then had a....

4) 'Controversy' that was entirely a media driven event.

5) A+E stood to lose NO MONEY from what Phil said, in fact it is MAKING THEM MONEY.

The idea that A+E let Phil go because his remarks would hurt their business is a laughable lie. Only an idiot or an ideologue would assert such a thing, or maybe a lawyer hired to say silly things.

A+E fired Phil because they feared the fascists at GLAAD. And GLAAD was purely trying to suppress Phils religious views.

Phil was fired for his religious beliefs, and not anything he did on the air, on company property or that hurt A+E's revenue. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED.

If you want to continue to look like an idiot, keep insisting that Phil was not fired for his religion. That was what dorve GALAAd and what A+E responded to.

Again, people on Facebook talking about it in large numbers, blogs talking about it, newspapers writing about it, etc. Some of it was in his defense, and some of it was negative towards both Phil and A&E.

This is controversy. I never even heard of DD before the incident.

Perhaps it was started by GLAAD, but it grew into something real. You can't deny this.

The greatest part of the controversy was the blowback A+E and Cracker barrel got for giving in to GLAAD. The biggest part of the public AGREED with Phil. So nothing he said brought a 'bad light' to A+E, dumbass.

Phil made them even more money and they will likely see a BIGGER AUDIENCE AND MORE AD REVENUE! GALAAD hates Christianity, bluffed A+E into firing Phil for his religious views, that is the sequence of events here.

So go ahead and continue to insist that had nothing to do with religion, idiot, lol.
Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

I believe your serious because you dont think Religious white men deserve liberty.

Do you think kaz was being sarcastic, lampooning libtards?

That is how he came across to me.

But I still had to ask.....
Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state again? And correct me if I am wrong but I dont remember Phil ever being elected to office.

Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

Yeah, I didn't mean Thanatos was lying.

The phrase 'wall of separation' is the lie that 20th century libtards have twisted into suppressing religious expression and I was referring to.

The establishment of religion the Founding Fathers referred to is the Church of England, and the damage such relations have on the religion are easy to see.
Another libtard lie that too many people believe due to the libtards taking over 90% of mass media in this country.

I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

Yeah, I didn't mean Thanatos was lying.

The phrase 'wall of separation' is the lie that 20th century libtards have twisted into suppressing religious expression and I was referring to.

The establishment of religion the Founding Fathers referred to is the Church of England, and the damage such relations have on the religion are easy to see.

Absolutely, there is no wall of separation. There is a ban on creating a State religion and forcing people to follow a religion. There is nothing in this country that protects people from hearing things they disagree with. And there should not be.
So go ahead and continue to insist that had nothing to do with religion, idiot, lol.

Jim - Phil wasn't suspended because he was a Christian, he was suspended because he made comments of a highly controversial nature. The "gay" topic is a highly controversial and divided one among Americans; to speak publicly about it you're going to be opening a can of worms, and doing such a thing might be a breach of contract (given that there are multiple sources confirming Phil signed a morality clause).

I'm not disagreeing with you when you say that GLAAD started the issue and that A&E didn't care about it initially. That could very well be the case. However that is irrelevant, lol.

What is relevant is that by GLAAD pushing the issue, it caught on with the mainstream and became a REAL controversy. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? When I see 7-8 facebook posts regarding thoughts on Phil, these are real comments (are you claiming they're not?).

You seem to think I have something against Phil or Christianity. I do not. I'm simply saying A&E was responding to some negative press they were getting by various news outlets and social postings.
We are upset that Phil was canned for quoting the Bible all because militant gays wanted him punished

Quoting the bible on TV is a violation of the Constitution because of separation of church and State. They are government airwaves.

There is no winning because liberals are winning.

I guess that's supposed to be funny (?) but actually the gummint says the airwaves belong to the people, so it's ironical.

Which is interesting since we give commercial broadcasters all that electronic real estate away for nothing.
I don't think thanos is a lib or this point was meant to support liberalism, I think he just didn't realize I wasn't serious.

Yeah, I didn't mean Thanatos was lying.

The phrase 'wall of separation' is the lie that 20th century libtards have twisted into suppressing religious expression and I was referring to.

The establishment of religion the Founding Fathers referred to is the Church of England, and the damage such relations have on the religion are easy to see.

Absolutely, there is no wall of separation. There is a ban on creating a State religion and forcing people to follow a religion. There is nothing in this country that protects people from hearing things they disagree with. And there should not be.

Phil can say and do whatever he wants with regards to gay people, black people, bestiality, etc and will not be arrested. This is a wonderful thing, as it is "freedom of speech".

However, the discussion at hand is about a private contract between A&E and Phil R. A&E hired him so that he can make their network look good and make money. When Phil says something of a controversial nature, and attracts negativity towards himself and the network, he may no longer be doing the job he was hired for and thus A&E has the right to protect itself by suspending Phil.

This isn't about morals, religion, etc, it's about CONTROVERSY. If GLAAD had not stirred up things, and people didn't get genuinely upset, Phil would have never of been suspended. This is a key. Again, I don't commend GLAAD from creating a controversy, but you can't simply deny that it generated thousands of facebook posts, thousands of blog comments, news stories, writeups, you name it regarding Phil's comments. AND this may be a breach of contract for a public representative.

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