Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go

Yes I do call people who try to use the bible to justify their bigotry bigots. They are bigots. They are just as bigoted as the people that used the bible to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws.

I have yet to see a single person condemn Robertson for his references to the bible.

He got in trouble for his hatred and ignorance which he exhibited in his statements about Jim Crow, anal sex and bestiality

He got in trouble with A&E. It might have been because the executive complaining was once a gay porn star. To the public, for the most part Robertson was CORRECT and said only what needed to be said.

Do you have any links to info on that gay porn star executive? PM me with it if you wish.
Yes I do call people who try to use the bible to justify their bigotry bigots. They are bigots. They are just as bigoted as the people that used the bible to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws.

I have yet to see a single person condemn Robertson for his references to the bible.

He got in trouble for his hatred and ignorance which he exhibited in his statements about Jim Crow, anal sex and bestiality

He got in trouble with A&E. It might have been because the executive complaining was once a gay porn star. To the public, for the most part Robertson was CORRECT and said only what needed to be said.

What does that have to do with anything?
All Phil did was quote the Good Book. That's as religious as one can get.

And you just called someone who quoted the Bible as a "bigoted asshole." The trouble with adopting the Democrat Party as the decider of who's good and who's not, look at their base. They're using lies rather than fact, promoting politicians who lie, cheat, steal, with emphasis on the lying, to fool simple working people into voting for them, not realizing their freedoms are slipping under the door along with all their personal money in the form of taxes as in being taxed to death, and yes, even beyond death. The Democrats are so greedy in their covetousness of other people's money, they went after people's inheritances, which destroys small businesses being passed to children who worked all their lives often without wages to keep the family business going, now, destitution creeps in when the government takes the lion's share first from death taxes when their parents pass away.

It's a disgrace.

When you vote Democrat, you vote for killing the middle class. The only people who can survive this push for wealth by Democrats is very, very large businesses who collaborate in electing and re-electing democrats into the offices to join the Old Liars Club.

Yes I do call people who try to use the bible to justify their bigotry bigots. They are bigots. They are just as bigoted as the people that used the bible to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws.

I have yet to see a single person condemn Robertson for his references to the bible.

He got in trouble for his hatred and ignorance which he exhibited in his statements about Jim Crow, anal sex and bestiality

Again you spin lie after lie.

The 'Jim Crow' phrase never came out of Phil's mouth, that was tacked on by critics who objected to his memories of a lot of blacks being happy at times. That is politically incorrect now because we are all supposed to think blacks too stupid to find any happiness under segregation. And no one even brought it up till much later anyway, when the usual civil rights race baiting fascists decided to get in on the whine-fest.

You other lies have all been rebutted repeatedly without any factual and reasonable response from you as is your standard BS.
Whats the deal with conservatives and bestiality?

Why do they feel the need to bring it up whenever they discuss homosexuality?
I have yet to see a single person condemn Robertson for his references to the bible.

He got in trouble for his hatred and ignorance which he exhibited in his statements about Jim Crow, anal sex and bestiality

He got in trouble with A&E. It might have been because the executive complaining was once a gay porn star. To the public, for the most part Robertson was CORRECT and said only what needed to be said.

What does that have to do with anything?

EVERYTHING. jack ass.
Whats the deal with conservatives and bestiality?

Why do they feel the need to bring it up whenever they discuss homosexuality?

Because it is a similar sexual perversion, dumb fuck.

I never associated homosexuality with bestiality. Seems like gays would find animals abhorent.

When I think of bestiality I always conjure up images of country boys abusing farm animals

Look kind of like "Duck Dynasty" or Deliverance
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Acceptance of one ends with acceptance of the other. Just as it worked in other countries that accepted normalization of homosexuality.
A&E violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Actually not.

First, a review would need to be conducted to determine if indeed the relationship between the network and the cast member actually constitutes an employer/employee relationship subject to Title VII protection.

But assuming such a relationship existed, the cast member wasn’t suspended because he was a Christian, the cast member was suspended because he made false, hateful, and ignorant statements concerning gays and African-Americans that didn’t comport with the networks policies, having nothing to do with Christian doctrine or dogma.

The cast member wasn’t suspended because the network doesn’t want to be associated with Christians, the cast member was suspended because the network doesn’t want to be associated with hateful bigots and racists, which is perfectly legitimate grounds for a suspension.

Exactly. Neither Robertson nor any other actor hired for a series could likely be classified as a salaried "employee". Not to mention anybody on a show like this signs a contract that has a morality clause in it, which basically means any time the Producer sees Talent not living up to the image, for whatever reason, they can can him.

This thread's a complete failure.

Show me their contract or shut the fuck up about it

tapatalk post
Whats the deal with conservatives and bestiality?

Why do they feel the need to bring it up whenever they discuss homosexuality?

Because it is a similar sexual perversion, dumb fuck.

I never associated homosexuality with bestiality. Seems like gays would find animals abhorent.

Probably would, but that isn't the point and you know that you stupid ass liar.

The design of the sexual organs is to produce off spring and behavior that does not allow for the inception of a child is to abuse that reproductive system, similar to how people that eat food simply for pleasure often develop abusive practices like throwing up their food so they can eat more (popular with the ancient Romans).

People who put pleasure before the purpose of the reproductive system drift away from normal sexual practices into increasingly abusive one, from self abuse to the abuse of prostitutes/mistresses, abuse of people of the same sex, or abuse of animals, etc.

No one is saying that abuse of a person of the same sex is the same as the abuse of a whore or an animal except in that they are all sins, and that is what PHil said; these are sins.

You leftwing fascists are trying to destroy sexual norms because the leaders of your idiotology have decided that sexual preference, a choice in behavior, qualifies as an identity. And so you haters are trying to silence any opposition through your astroturfing efforts on the internet or by calling up A+E and making threats if they don't punish Phil, like GLAAD did.

You are an enemy of freedom, Truth and the American culture.

You are an evil person and a fascist.

When I think of bestiality I always conjure up images of country boys abusing farm animals

I bet you do...all the time.

Look kind of like "Duck Dynasty" or Deliverance

And that make Phil guilty of something?

You racist fool.
Because it is a similar sexual perversion, dumb fuck.

I never associated homosexuality with bestiality. Seems like gays would find animals abhorent.

Probably would, but that isn't the point and you know that you stupid ass liar.

The design of the sexual organs is to produce off spring and behavior that does not allow for the inception of a child is to abuse that reproductive system, similar to how people that eat food simply for pleasure often develop abusive practices like throwing up their food so they can eat more (popular with the ancient Romans).

People who put pleasure before the purpose of the reproductive system drift away from normal sexual practices into increasingly abusive one, from self abuse to the abuse of prostitutes/mistresses, abuse of people of the same sex, or abuse of animals, etc.

No one is saying that abuse of a person of the same sex is the same as the abuse of a whore or an animal except in that they are all sins, and that is what PHil said; these are sins.

You leftwing fascists are trying to destroy sexual norms because the leaders of your idiotology have decided that sexual preference, a choice in behavior, qualifies as an identity. And so you haters are trying to silence any opposition through your astroturfing efforts on the internet or by calling up A+E and making threats if they don't punish Phil, like GLAAD did.

You are an enemy of freedom, Truth and the American culture.

You are an evil person and a fascist.

When I think of bestiality I always conjure up images of country boys abusing farm animals

I bet you do...all the time.

Look kind of like "Duck Dynasty" or Deliverance

And that make Phil guilty of something?

You racist fool.

As a redneck racist from the bayou, it seems that Phil would be more subject to stereotypes about rednecks and bestiality

You would think he would be more sensitive in applying it to gays
I never associated homosexuality with bestiality. Seems like gays would find animals abhorent.

Probably would, but that isn't the point and you know that you stupid ass liar.

The design of the sexual organs is to produce off spring and behavior that does not allow for the inception of a child is to abuse that reproductive system, similar to how people that eat food simply for pleasure often develop abusive practices like throwing up their food so they can eat more (popular with the ancient Romans).

People who put pleasure before the purpose of the reproductive system drift away from normal sexual practices into increasingly abusive one, from self abuse to the abuse of prostitutes/mistresses, abuse of people of the same sex, or abuse of animals, etc.

No one is saying that abuse of a person of the same sex is the same as the abuse of a whore or an animal except in that they are all sins, and that is what PHil said; these are sins.

You leftwing fascists are trying to destroy sexual norms because the leaders of your idiotology have decided that sexual preference, a choice in behavior, qualifies as an identity. And so you haters are trying to silence any opposition through your astroturfing efforts on the internet or by calling up A+E and making threats if they don't punish Phil, like GLAAD did.

You are an enemy of freedom, Truth and the American culture.

You are an evil person and a fascist.

I bet you do...all the time.

Look kind of like "Duck Dynasty" or Deliverance

And that make Phil guilty of something?

You racist fool.

As a redneck racist from the bayou, it seems that Phil would be more subject to stereotypes about rednecks and bestiality

You would think he would be more sensitive in applying it to gays

You are the one lying about stereotypes about rednecks, you stupid liar.
Sustren made the point tonight that if A+E has suspended Phil for a morals clause violation, while still using his image in their show, that would give grounds to suggest that there is in fact no offense, and no moral clause violation, r else they would not have continued to air him in the marathons.

That is interesting to think about.

If someone has truly caused brand damage, then why keep airing his performances?

A jury might see that as an invalidation of the morals clause.

Hard to see how, since a morality clause gives the Producer any remedy it deems appropriate. In this case A&E could have decided that publicly suspending him was enough, and excising his image was beyond what was necessary. Besides, the shows airing or about to air are already in the can.

Greta either didn't think this one through, or more likely considering who she works for, is baiting.

You buyin'?

I think a jury can always surprise you.

Though I dislike profanity, I do wonder what the point of TV Ratings like TV-14 and TV-MA is if you then bleep out profanity. And if in this case, they were getting bleeped for no reason, that's something that should be investigated. I'd raise heck about it, heck I say! :)
Looks like Phil might own A&E after all this is over. Specifically, A&E violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703]

(a) Employer practices

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer -

(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

That’s what discrimination is. It's law.

Did you know that if the plaintiff prevails in a civil rights case he/she gets treble damages?

Lawyers LUV civil rights cases. LOL
Title VII was not violated. You might not be able to understand that, but the reason why it has never come up is because there was no violation.

Sadly YOU might look at this situation and see a blatant violation, but I guarantee you that legions of attorneys are looking at it right now and know there is no violation.
One's contract can indeed be terminated for: >> "If at any time while Artist is rendering or obligated to render on-camera services for the program hereunder, Artist is involved in any situation or occurrence which subjects Artist to public scandal, disrepute, widespread contempt, public ridicule, [or which is widely deemed by members of the general public, to embarrass, offend, insult or denigrate individuals or groups,] or that will tend to shock, insult or offend the community or public morals or decency or prejudice the Producer in general, then Producer shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to terminating the production of the program." <<

Danth declares victory while drowning in legal quicksand. I love it. :lmao:

Ok....Provide a link to that..
BTW, that clause is so vague, it reaches the level of absurdity to the affect that I would gather that no agent would permit their client to ever sign a contract with that clause contained within.

Finally...Nobody cares. In this case being right is immaterial.
The people have spoken. They are pissed off at A&E, GLAAD( whatever) and all the other knee jerk PC libs..
This thing back fired and that's that.

So...... first half of the post wants a link, second half says it's "immaterial".
You're officially lost, dood. But feel free to look up the first five times I linked it while you were busy snorting lines of Oblivious Dust.

And trust me, they sign it. It's been SOP for 90 years. It works like this: "I have a TV network and I'll hire you to star in my new series. You have to play by my rules."
You either sign it my way, or I go find somebody else to build a TV show around.

Yeah..provide a link...Did you really think you would get to post that stuff and not be called on it?
It IS immaterial. The public has spoken. And no paragraph of legalese is going to change anything. And that, as they say, is THAT.
Actually not.

First, a review would need to be conducted to determine if indeed the relationship between the network and the cast member actually constitutes an employer/employee relationship subject to Title VII protection.

But assuming such a relationship existed, the cast member wasn&#8217;t suspended because he was a Christian, the cast member was suspended because he made false, hateful, and ignorant statements concerning gays and African-Americans that didn&#8217;t comport with the networks policies, having nothing to do with Christian doctrine or dogma.

The cast member wasn&#8217;t suspended because the network doesn&#8217;t want to be associated with Christians, the cast member was suspended because the network doesn&#8217;t want to be associated with hateful bigots and racists, which is perfectly legitimate grounds for a suspension.

Exactly. Neither Robertson nor any other actor hired for a series could likely be classified as a salaried "employee". Not to mention anybody on a show like this signs a contract that has a morality clause in it, which basically means any time the Producer sees Talent not living up to the image, for whatever reason, they can can him.

This thread's a complete failure.

Show me their contract or shut the fuck up about it

tapatalk post

Been linked six times and your response is :lalala:

Maybe Santa will bring you a pair of glasses and a new fucking attitude.
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Exactly. Neither Robertson nor any other actor hired for a series could likely be classified as a salaried "employee". Not to mention anybody on a show like this signs a contract that has a morality clause in it, which basically means any time the Producer sees Talent not living up to the image, for whatever reason, they can can him.

This thread's a complete failure.

Show me their contract or shut the fuck up about it

tapatalk post

Been linked six times and your response is :lalala:

Maybe Santa will bring you a pair of glasses and a new fucking attitude.

Really? What I saw was links to contracts that have morality clauses, never the exact contract that bound the Robertsons and A&E. We have absolutely no idea what the subject contract says.
And juries have been known to toss out the fine print in contracts and go by what thy think is fair.

Juries are unpredictable and almost random at times.

What I am trying to deduce is why this scares the shit out of so many libtards.

Contracts are neither unpredictable nor random. A contract is binding; it's not up to a jury to determine a party is "guilty" or "not guilty" of following a contract.

I don't know who "libtards" are but all I'm doing is continually re-explaining the same things over and over to the unwashed who keep bringing it up after it's been explained so... if the shoe fits, nomsayin'....

Which corresponds with the conservative tactic of repeating a lie often enough in the hope it’s perceived to be true.
Sort of like "if you like your plan, you can keep it"?
Yes, only conservatives lie. Libs are pure as the driven snow...

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