'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand

I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
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No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.
The Emperor should be kissing Trump's ass. He exists only at the grace of the United States.

The Japanese would be just another poverty stricken island if they didn't sell their trinkets here.

They became a welfare state after we bombed their sorry asses. We feed them and protect them so he should be bowing to Trump.

Don’t be ridiculous.
Actually, in retrospect... is he wrong?

We kicked their arses... we rebuilt them in our own image... we've held The American Shield over their country for 70+ years... freeing them to do other things, at our expense.

There may be more than a kernel of truth to his observation, methinks.
My father did not want either Germany or Japan to have a military. We rebuilt them in our image yes.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
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No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?
My father did not want either Germany or Japan to have a military. We rebuilt them in our image yes.
We rebuilt them in our modern secular cultural image, not in our military image, and with good reason, in the decades after World War II.

However, that war is now 70+ years behind us, and The American Shield has grown heavy and expensive and tiring, and it's time for them to step-up again.
"Those who do not remember the past, ...."

Hold a people under your thumb for too long, and eventually they'll turn on you, regardless of your benevolent intentions.

The American-Philippines relationship comes to mind, as a modern-day, living-memory case-in-point, to reinforce the argument.

We can't play Conqueror Turned Benevolent Parent to either Japan or Germany forever.

Might as well recognize that fact, avoid the Christmas Rush, and begin nudging them down that path, as friends, rather than something else.
Anyone who thinks we are “playing parent” to Germany and Japan is absurdity ignorant.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
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No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?

The Confederate states didn't attack the United States. Japan did.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?

The Confederate states didn't attack the United States. ...

Yes they did. And they were conquered, so should never be respected according to your standard.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?

The Confederate states didn't attack the United States. ...

Yes they did. And they were conquered, so should never be respected according to your standard.
No they didn't. Ft Sumter wasn't part of the United States.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?

The Confederate states didn't attack the United States. ...

Yes they did. And they were conquered, so should never be respected according to your standard.
No they didn't. Ft Sumter wasn't part of the United States.

Yes it was, wannabe.
Obama licked the Saudi King's shoes.....


Then he shined them!
The Saudi King is like whoa bubba whatchyou going for down there.
Maybe this was worked out in advance of this meeting, who knows.

Trump does claim the prime minister to be his friend.

And even the Japanese are not making any real deal over this!
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
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You’re such a fucking douche bag who has no concept of cultural respect. If the Japanese leader had come to the US instead and bowed instead of shaking Trump’s hand, you crybabies would throw a complete mega tantrum over it.
No American president should ever bow to the Japanese emperor. These are the people we dropped nuclear weapons on, after all. They were thoroughly beaten and vanquished. Conquerors don't bow to those they defeated.

So, no one from the former confederate states should be shown respect - ever?

The Confederate states didn't attack the United States. ...

Yes they did. And they were conquered, so should never be respected according to your standard.
No they didn't. Ft Sumter wasn't part of the United States.

Yes it was, wannabe.
Produce a map showing it not lying within the borders of South Carolina.
Was there any doubt that Trump would refuse to show anybody respect? He insults gold star families and POW's... so why in the fuck would anybody expect him to act differently with this?

Britain got it right by cancelling any Trump meetings with the Queen.
Funny how you think respect is complete surrender. Why don't you think the Japanese guy should show some respect?
no sitting President should ever bow to an emperor of a country that committed genocide on a people like Japan did to the Chinese. Ever!!!!!!!
The Emperor should be kissing Trump's ass. He exists only at the grace of the United States.

The Japanese would be just another poverty stricken island if they didn't sell their trinkets here.

They became a welfare state after we bombed their sorry asses. We feed them and protect them so he should be bowing to Trump.
You have no concept of history or economics whatsoever. Based on your logic, the US would be China’s bitch based on our dependency of their economy. Perhaps someone should explain what the global economy actually means.

I think what bothers me the most about you Trumpsters is that when you think of “American exceptionalism”, you somehow delude yourself into thinking you are exceptional by extension. It is such a laughable concept that it is nauseating to think about.
I am sure this won't please the America last crowd.

'Not his style – never has been': Trump shakes Japanese emperor's hand but doesn't repeat groveler-in-chief Obama's deep bow

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5053019/Trump-shakes-Japan-emperor-s-hand-doesn-t-bow-like-Obama.html#ixzz4xi0m89hS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
You’re such a fucking douche bag who has no concept of cultural respect. If the Japanese leader had come to the US instead and bowed instead of shaking Trump’s hand, you crybabies would throw a complete mega tantrum over it.

Shut the fuck up snowflake.

Trump nodded his head, then shook hands. It was the appropriate gesture.

Not one Japanese media outlet found it disrespectful.....Unlike when Obama made a 90 degree bow.....the entire world laughed at his idiocy.

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