Not in 2029, but in 2016-2017.Merkel shortened the time of prophesy


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The video posted below was produced in 2011, no one could believe five years ago, that German Traitor and Destroyer of Europa fat ugly hag Merkel will shorten the time of fulfillment the prophesy. Not in 2029, but now, right now we can see the destroying of Europa by Muslims.Merkel is one of the most worst dictators in the human history, she and her 'Party' - CDU ( the biggest Muslim party in Europe ) must be cursed for ever.


Bombs going off? Bombs have been going off in Europe for a long time, ETA blew up the next in line to power in Spain over an apartment building in the early 1970s
Bombs going off? Bombs have been going off in Europe for a long time, ETA blew up the next in line to power in Spain over an apartment building in the early 1970s

Merkel & Muslims want to annihilate Europa completely, Merkel has invited the entirely ISIS to Europa, there are lot of thousands IS troops in Europa and are waiting for command.Merkel has broken all possible laws and constitutions, she is highly criminal and commits genocide against European folks.

No one terrorist group in Europa wanted to destroy the continent like Merkel it does.

Who are behind devil Merkel?

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