Not Knowing Or Not Wanting To Know?

Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

They know and they just don't care. They are lawless socialists who are willing to commit any crime to advance their party

The very best synopsis of the Democrats/Leftists.
I read a headline (and the linked article on Drudge) this morning that some people of ethnicity X are very angry that the Trump campaign is alleging that there was voter fraud in Philadelphia, where many voters are of ethnicity X and usually vote Democratic.

I have also read somewhere that some people feel that some election workers in "big cities" are dishonest because they favor Mr. Biden and really, really, really "dislike" Mr. Trump. So, it is implied, they threw out votes for Mr. Trump.

Of course, since "ethnicity" is such a hot potato in this country, no one one wants to touch the topic of alleged crooked election workers.

I do.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’


2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Nope. All of your 'requirements' are imagined. The official tallies are superb evidence of the election results. You'll need evidence BETTER than those tallies to make your case.

If you have proof that the election was fraudulent, present it.

You can't. You have no such evidence.
And that's where your argument breaks.

No one is under any obligation to disprove your imagination. I've told the same thing to Flat Earthers, Birthers, and Truthers. Its true of all conspiracy theorists.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Nope. All of your 'requirements' are imagined. The official tallies are superb evidence of the election results. You'll need evidence BETTER than those tallies to make your case.

If you have proof that the election was fraudulent, present it.

You can't. You have no such evidence. And that's where your argument breaks.

No one is under any obligation to disprove your imagination. I've told the same thing to Flat Earthers, Birthers, and Truthers. Its true of all conspiracy theorists.

I never said we'd win.

There is plenty of evidence....but sometimes the bad guys win.

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

One would imagine that Democrat voters would respond to claims that the party they support is now running on the above...

…with informed arguments proving this untrue.

But they don’t….because they can’t: every claim above is true, correct, and accurate.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Nope. All of your 'requirements' are imagined. The official tallies are superb evidence of the election results. You'll need evidence BETTER than those tallies to make your case.

If you have proof that the election was fraudulent, present it.

You can't. You have no such evidence. And that's where your argument breaks.

No one is under any obligation to disprove your imagination. I've told the same thing to Flat Earthers, Birthers, and Truthers. Its true of all conspiracy theorists.

I never said we'd win.

There is plenty of evidence....but sometimes the bad guys win.

Then present the evidence. But demanding we disprove whatever you make up isn't 'evidence'.

Its an excuse for it. An excuse every conspiracy theorists I've ever met uses.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.

Or.....nonsense claims that are demonstrably false.

For example, the batshit conservative claim that Wisconsin had more votes cast than registered voters.

Or the batshit conservative claim that the Dominion Voting System's servers were seized by the US military in Germany.

Or the batshit conservative claim that no republican observers were allowed to witness the vote counts.

All complete nonsense. All demonstrably false. All debunked.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Nope. All of your 'requirements' are imagined. The official tallies are superb evidence of the election results. You'll need evidence BETTER than those tallies to make your case.

If you have proof that the election was fraudulent, present it.

You can't. You have no such evidence. And that's where your argument breaks.

No one is under any obligation to disprove your imagination. I've told the same thing to Flat Earthers, Birthers, and Truthers. Its true of all conspiracy theorists.

I never said we'd win.

There is plenty of evidence....but sometimes the bad guys win.

Then present the evidence. But demanding we disprove whatever you make up isn't 'evidence'.

Its an excuse for it. An excuse every conspiracy theorists I've ever met uses.

There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’


2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

AFFIDAVIT OF DEBRA J. FISHER IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF^S MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER I, Debra J. Fisher, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:

On November 16,2020 I witnessed the various issues on military and overseas ballots. 3. All military and overseas ballots I reviewed were very clean. No bubbles were colored outside of the line. Not one ballot used an "x" or check mark. The ballots I observed were marked in black ink and were for Biden. Not one ballot had a selection crossed out to change the vote selection. 4. I noticed that almost all of the ballots I reviewed were for Biden. Many batches went 100% for Biden. 5. I also observed that the watermark on at least 3 ballots were solid gray instead of transparent, leading me to believe the ballot was counterfeit. I challenged this and the Elections Director said it was a legitimate ballot and was due to the use of different printers. 6. Many ballots had markings for Biden only, and no markings on the rest of the ballot. This did not occur on any of the Trump ballots I observed. 7. Ballots were rejected because people chose 2 or more candidates. I found it odd that none of this happened with the military ballots. {00584029.} Ex. K to TRO Motion: Fisher Affidavit Case 1:20-cv-04651-SDG Document 6-11 Filed 11/17/20 Page 2 of 4 8. The military ballots did not have one specific precinct code on them. Instead, they had multiple precincts printed on it (a "combo"), I challenged this as when this is done, you do not know what precinct the voter is registered in. 9. Based on my observations above and the fact that signatures on the ballots were not being verified, I believe the military ballots are highly suspicious of fraud. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. [SIGNATURE AND OATH ON NEXT PAGE] {00584029.} Ex. K to TRO Motion: Fisher Affidavit Case 1:20-cv-04651-SDG Document 6-11 Filed 11/17

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.

Or.....nonsense claims that are demonstrably false.

For example, the batshit conservative claim that Wisconsin had more votes cast than registered voters.

Or the batshit conservative claim that the Dominion Voting System's servers were seized by the US military in Germany.

Or the batshit conservative claim that no republican observers were allowed to witness the vote counts.

All complete nonsense. All demonstrably false. All debunked.

" that are demonstrably false."

'Is not, isssss nooottttt!!!' is not a demonstration that any of it is false.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.

Or.....nonsense claims that are demonstrably false.

For example, the batshit conservative claim that Wisconsin had more votes cast than registered voters.

Or the batshit conservative claim that the Dominion Voting System's servers were seized by the US military in Germany.

Or the batshit conservative claim that no republican observers were allowed to witness the vote counts.

All complete nonsense. All demonstrably false. All debunked.

" that are demonstrably false."

'Is not, isssss nooottttt!!!' is not a demonstration that any of it is false.

First, you've presented no evidence. You've simply demanded that we disprove your imagination.

Second......what demonstrates that something is false is the evidence. You know....that thing you don't have nor have any use for.

For example: the batshit conservative conspiracy claim that there are more votes cast in Wisonsin than there are registered voters in Wisconsin. Its pure nonsense. How do we know?

Evidence! We go to the Election Commission of the State of Wisconsin....and see what they have to say:

The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

We then check the total number of votes 3,289, 631. And we can see that 3,684,726 is larger than 3,289, 631.

See how evidence works, Poli? Now you try:

Show us the evidence that the election was fraudulent.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.

Or.....nonsense claims that are demonstrably false.

For example, the batshit conservative claim that Wisconsin had more votes cast than registered voters.

Or the batshit conservative claim that the Dominion Voting System's servers were seized by the US military in Germany.

Or the batshit conservative claim that no republican observers were allowed to witness the vote counts.

All complete nonsense. All demonstrably false. All debunked.

" that are demonstrably false."

'Is not, isssss nooottttt!!!' is not a demonstration that any of it is false.

First, you've presented no evidence. You've simply demanded that we disprove your imagination.

Second......what demonstrates that something is false is the evidence. You know....that thing you don't have nor have any use for.

For example: the batshit conservative conspiracy claim that there are more votes cast in Wisonsin than there are registered voters in Wisconsin. Its pure nonsense. How do we know?

Evidence! We go to the Election Commission of the State of Wisconsin....and see what they have to say:

The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

We then check the total number of votes 3,289, 631. And we can see that 3,684,726 is larger than 3,289, 631.

See how evidence works, Poli? Now you try:

Show us the evidence that the election was fraudulent.

Perhaps I had forgotten what liars you Leftists are.

You just reminded me.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Show us the evidence, Dinesh.

Alas, he has none. So he's demanding what all conspiracy theorists demand: that we prove his imagination wrong.


There are two requirements to support the belief that the election was fair and equitable. The first is to have two members of opposing parties sitting next to each other viewing mail-in ballots….registration of the voter, and signature comparison, agree that ballot is filled out correctly. This was not done. In fact, the Democrat strongholds would not allow Republican poll watchers and vote watcher into the room….and even put up paper to prevent viewing of vote counting from outside.

In some cases boxes of ‘votes’ were brought in after closing of the site, with no one around to see.

Why would they do that if the vote count was on the up and up?

Sworn affidavits are evidence, and there were lots of them by witnesses and even postal workers.

Do Democrat officials believe that Dominion voting machines are the correct arbiters of votes?


In 2019, a letter was sent from Amy Klobuchar and several other pols…all Democrats, who asked why Dominion continued to sell machines with these known vulnerabilities before an upcoming election.
“2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against “Dominion Voting” For “Vote Switching”

A newly unearthed document reveals that back in 2019, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Ron Wyden all filed formal complaints against the voting systems company, claiming they were a threat to “voting integrity” and citing situations of “vote switching” as a reason.

Here’s what the complaint said in part: “These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.” Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems. Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’

View attachment 419904
2019 Document Reveals Warren and Klobuchar Filed Official Complaint Against "Dominion Voting" For "Vote Switching" -

“In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.”

Why do you continue to put out the debunked lies about poll Republican poll watchers? I thought you would come up with something a little less easily verified.

"Debunked' is the term Leftists use when confronted with truth that obliterates their claims.

Everything above is true, correct and accurate.

As is every claim I've made about you.

Or.....nonsense claims that are demonstrably false.

For example, the batshit conservative claim that Wisconsin had more votes cast than registered voters.

Or the batshit conservative claim that the Dominion Voting System's servers were seized by the US military in Germany.

Or the batshit conservative claim that no republican observers were allowed to witness the vote counts.

All complete nonsense. All demonstrably false. All debunked.

" that are demonstrably false."

'Is not, isssss nooottttt!!!' is not a demonstration that any of it is false.

First, you've presented no evidence. You've simply demanded that we disprove your imagination.

Second......what demonstrates that something is false is the evidence. You know....that thing you don't have nor have any use for.

For example: the batshit conservative conspiracy claim that there are more votes cast in Wisonsin than there are registered voters in Wisconsin. Its pure nonsense. How do we know?

Evidence! We go to the Election Commission of the State of Wisconsin....and see what they have to say:

The State of Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters on November 1, 2020.

We then check the total number of votes 3,289, 631. And we can see that 3,684,726 is larger than 3,289, 631.

See how evidence works, Poli? Now you try:

Show us the evidence that the election was fraudulent.

Perhaps I had forgotten what liars you Leftists are.

You just reminded me.

By showing you links to the ACTUAL State of Wisconsin election commission?

You can follow the link, Poli. Don't take my word for it. It demonstrates, undeniably, that the conservtive conspiracy that Wisconsin has more votes than registered voter is demonstrably false. With evidence.

Now you try: Show us the evidence of voter fraud.
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

Buckley kooks.jpg
Dinesh D'Souza puts a voice to the questions so many Americans want answered.

1.Isn’t it true that these Democratic cities, like Philadelphia, have a long and documented history of fraud?

2. What are the details of said election fraud?

3. Is it true that the votes of our American elections are being processed, counted and tabulated in foreign countries?

4. Is it true that some of said countries are hostile to us, and could manipulate the votes?

5. Can these machines, in fact, be manipulated? Can they be programmed to ‘flip’ votes?

6. If the machines can be rigged, why are they allowed to be used by any district or municipality?

7. Why is it that journalists have not investigated these questions….or even asked them?

8. We have several hundred sworn affidavits….affidavits are evidence….why do we constantly hear ‘there is no evidence’?

9. It seems that there are numerous ‘whisteblowers.’ Who are they, and what are they saying? Can they prove that there was a nationwide scheme to rig the election?

10. Why is the huge investigative community in the journalist profession not doing its job?

View attachment 419930

I asked a pertinent question, and you punted.

Did you hear the word salad from Joe yesterday?

"...when they need to ...when they need to dis.....when they need to ah....when they ding the national guard.....we're gonna ....we're gonna depose....the.....we're gonna enforce the....excuse me, employ.....the reconfect act....go out there and dictate companies build and do....but if it waits, it takes a long time....."

BTW....the journalist asking the question then asked if she could pose the question to the vice-president elect......what does that tell you?

This is your man.
Last edited:
Another waste of bandwidth from the mentally afflicted.

Trump lost. He lied about fraud because he knows that his supporters are stupid enough to believe anything he says. He has filed over 30 complaints, all of them shot down by the courts. Trumps presidency will end on January 20th. imagine (I almost said 'think') that Americans would vote for this????

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite? (I bet I can guess....does it begin with 'anti-'?)

Everything you said is a lie. Anti white racism is a claim made by white racists who are angry because the history of wrongs whites have done to others is being included in the education of our citizens. These people are fine with continuing to teach how native americans were savages that whites conquered or that blacks were ignorant and backwards people saved by slavery.

You're a dumb ass Korean who hates yourself so you internalize racism in hopes that people will like you. One of the creators of modern republican political strategy has stated that the republican party played to racism over the past 50 -60 years. So you need to shut the fuck up. But you won't so:

Michael Steele: Yes, Republican Party Has Racism Problem

He ran the Republican party.

You run your mouth.

What he says holds weight.

Your halitosis doesn't.

Your sensory apparatus is out of whack. There is no fear, only a genuine admiration for you. I’ve never such a textbook example of the birth of a conspiracy theory. It’s awesome! Kudos to you! :)
Seriously, this board provides an amazing insight into the thought process of these people. Or, perhaps more accurately, it demonstrates how directly the talk radio-created alternate universe translates into the thought processes of its consumers/inhabitants. There is a clear, linear, direct line between what is said in their media and how these people perceive, process their perceptions and communicate in the real world.

I think this relationship is underestimated and underappreciated to a degree. This whole ecosystem is its own animal, and it's powerful.
Obviously, talk radio must be shut down.

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