"Not normal": Joe Biden attacks our democracy with blatant assault on Supreme Court

The right wing fascist agenda is illegal and does not run counter to the Constitution. You have a perverted view of the Constitution. It only works for whites.
haha joe can something be illegal and not run counter to the Constiution?

oh you mean your demafasict constitution?
That statement is hysterical.

HIs recent SCOTUS appointment was going to be a black woman. That was established before she was appointed.

That is racism and sexism at it's worst.

RW -

Just a troll
He doesn't even believe the nonsense that he types.
I am sure that all the blacks who have succeeded based on merits choked on whatever they were eating when they read this.

All blacks should be insulted by such a statement.

Arguably one of the smartest, educated and informed black guys has always been against affirmative action. Not only because he says if you only admit X amount of black students you also did not admit X amount of non blacks because of their skin color. But he also has other reasons why it's bad for blacks.

And Steven crowder has had dozens of conversations with black students where in the end they understood more about what affirmative action is.

Arguably one of the smartest, educated and informed black guys has always been against affirmative action. Not only because he says if you only admit X amount of black students you also did not admit X amount of non blacks because of their skin color. But he also has other reasons why it's bad for blacks.

And Steven crowder has had dozens of conversations with black students where in the end they understood more about what affirmative action is.

I love Thomas Sowell !!!!

Great post.
Biden served under the first black President
He also selected the first woman and first black Vice President
He also appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court

Serious cred

^^^Here's incontrovertible proof that DemoKKKrats accept casual racism as part of their daily lives, and in fact vote for it enthusiastically when given the chance.

Next on the hit list -

If racial preferences in college admissions violate 14th Amendment’s equal protection, then so do ESG’s ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ racial and gender hiring quotas.
Biden’s comment could be interpreted as advocating violence being perpetrated against certain members of the court. It would be if a Republican said that.
Hmm, you recognize it in Biden, but not in Trump!

Next on the hit list -

If racial preferences in college admissions violate 14th Amendment’s equal protection, then so do ESG’s ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ racial and gender hiring quotas.

This is already being pursued. The left's entire racist scam is collapsing. :abgg2q.jpg:

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