Not one of Biden supporters can defend this statement by Biden!


Go back, read it again.

This time embrace brevity in your response. Nobody's got time to wade through all the obfuscation.
Ah... so you depend on ASSUMPTIONS rather than facts.
Who do you think believes YOUR personal, subjective and non-substantiated comments? Another reason why people are growing very tired of ignorant people like you making truly unproven comments.
the law says you have to come in through legal points of entry,, thats why they are called legal points of entry,,
The law says you can claim asylum and get a court hearing no matter HOW you entered.

Stop wearing your ignorance like a badge of honor
the law also says the government shall protect and defend the border from invasion,,

that trumps any asylum law,,
There’s no responsible person that would characterize this as an invasion.

It fact it’s not too different than what occurred on the latter years of the Bush Admin

If this were an invasion then Congress needs to declare war… but on who?
Biden stupidly said as a candidate for Presidency on September 12, 2019, said:...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Words matter, and when Biden repeatedly promised to extend amnesty, to shut down Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and most famously “immediately surge to the border all those people seeking asylum,” millions of soon-to-be illegal aliens heard him loud and clear.

>>> The Biden Border Crisis

They know well enough that all it takes is to show up and say the magic words of “asylum” and they will be let in and never removed. Under Biden, the famous Field of Dreams quote has morphed from “if you build it, they will come” to “if you destroy our border security, they will come.”

View attachment 907190

/—-/ Just what we need, more dead Americans.
Georgia student murder suspect confirmed to be illegal immigrant

Georgia student murder suspect confirmed to be illegal immigrant

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There’s no responsible person that would characterize this as an invasion.

It fact it’s not too different than what occurred on the latter years of the Bush Admin
youre a fucking liar,,,

the left consider responsible is handing children over to perverts to make them easier to molest and abuse,,,

now youre defending G bush???
He was building the wall and got stay in Mexico started. It was working. Till your pedophile stopped it.
I really worry about you. Hope you aren’t unsupervised. In 2019 immigration under Trump doubled at the southern border. Shot up to its highest level in 10 years, way higher than anything under Obama. His programs were not working. Then, covid hit and no one wanted to come here, even for asylum.

You can’t point to failed Trump policies, many ruled unconstitutional, as I linked, and act like there was something he was doing. He failed at it.
I really worry about you. Hope you aren’t unsupervised. In 2019 immigration under Trump doubled at the southern border. Shot up to its highest level in 10 years, way higher than anything under Obama. His programs were not working. Then, covid hit and no one wanted to come here, even for asylum.

You can’t point to failed Trump policies, many ruled unconstitutional, as I linked, and act like there was something he was doing. He failed at it.
Where is your proof that In 2019 immigration under Trump doubled?
FACTS not guesses or personal erroneous statements!

Where in the below is the number "doubled"? Doubled over what? 2018... 87% not doubled!

Where is your proof that In 2019 immigration under Trump doubled?
FACTS not guesses or personal erroneous statements!

Where in the below is the number "doubled"? Doubled over what? 2018... 87% not doubled!

View attachment 907747
You realize you just posted what I just said? Look at the 2019 red line. See how much taller it is than the others? It’s more than double the number of encounters From any prior year on that chart.
You realize you just posted what I just said? Look at the 2019 red line. See how much taller it is than the others? It’s more than double the number of encounters From any prior year on that chart.
No they are NOT more than DOUBLE! Geez exaggerations are your forte !
No they are NOT more than DOUBLE! Geez exaggerations are your forte !
View attachment 907765
Listen carefully and look below. in 2019 BORDER APPREHENSIONS SHOT UP AND WERE A DECADE HIGH. 977k is about double 521k, and double 415k and double 553k and double 444k and double 569k all from prior years.

No they are NOT more than DOUBLE! Geez exaggerations are your forte !
View attachment 907765
Also you have 3.5M for Biden 2.4M for Trump but Obama was 1.2M. Trump did nothing to slow it down. In fact the current spike happened under him starting in 2019 and his numbers were twice Obama’s.
But they understood "surge the border" with their non english speaking? And for some reason you think all these guys have access to American TV?

Think, then post.
There a lot of people in Latin America and the rest of the world that speak English. Biden’s speech was also translated into news articles all over the world. The cartels and NGOs facilitating illegal immigration were quick to spread the work and train illegals to demand asylum as a easy get-qround for our immigration laws,

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