Not only do black lives matter, All lives matter.

I even believe that certain Middle Easterners are classified as 'WHITE.'

Why are people of Middle Eastern descent considered "white" on the census?

I don't have any problem with Middle Eastern folks, but I'm curious as to why they're considered "white" on the census. And are all Middle Easterners considered white, or only those from the nations that American society considers "white" like Lebanon? Would Sudan be considered "Middle Eastern", for example? And I know that many of the census classifications of the past were ridiculously racist, so how did Middle Easterners get lumped in with whites? Surely the racists of old would've come up with some bigoted classification for those from the Middle East?

All people from the Middle East (and North Africa) are considered "white" by the Census. If you're going to invent a fake race that somehow includes Sicilians, Norwegians, and Bulgarians, you might as well lump Persians in there too. There's a reason why the concept of "white" is entirely a Western Hemisphere one.
So. People are making rules up so other people can make a Profit. You should remember that the terms 'white' 'Asian' 'and others are all MAN MADE NAMES to distinguish between peoples. And the classifications of persons falls into a man made ethnicity named, 'white' or 'black' or 'hispanic' or others. Hispaniola was a name given not a name they found written all over their property.
So. People are making rules up so other people can make a Profit. You should remember that the terms 'white' 'Asian' 'and others are all MAN MADE NAMES to distinguish between peoples. And the classifications of persons falls into a man made ethnicity named, 'white' or 'black' or 'hispanic' or others. Hispaniola was a name given not a name they found written all over their property.
Even Native American Indians have been given the name 'Native American Indian.' They didn't call themselves that among each other before they were given that title and name of identification..
So. People are making rules up so other people can make a Profit. You should remember that the terms 'white' 'Asian' 'and others are all MAN MADE NAMES to distinguish between peoples. And the classifications of persons falls into a man made ethnicity named, 'white' or 'black' or 'hispanic' or others. Hispaniola was a name given not a name they found written all over their property.
Even Native American Indians have been given the name 'Native American Indian.' They didn't call themselves that among each other before they were given that title and name of identification..
And I sure as heck doubt that everyone in Asia called each other Asians before the term was given.
So it's pretty clear that if Leaders of Nations are trying to put everything nicely in order and in their proper place in the world, that they would appreciate help instead of resistance.
So it's pretty clear that if Leaders of Nations are trying to put everything nicely in order and in their proper place in the world, that they would appreciate help instead of resistance.
Wouldn't leaders have that right? To organize the population in their proper places? The elite are with the elite, the poor are with the poor, the seniors are with the seniors.. so forth?
So it's pretty clear that if Leaders of Nations are trying to put everything nicely in order and in their proper place in the world, that they would appreciate help instead of resistance.
Wouldn't leaders have that right? To organize the population in their proper places? The elite are with the elite, the poor are with the poor, the seniors are with the seniors.. so forth?
Students are with Students. Parents are with Parents... etc etc....
Besides, hasn't the Government already TOLD you what you can eat and drink and what you CANNOT eat and drink? And the besides?
if not, they're starting in the school cafeterias... No soda, no sugars, not too much meat, no salt, orange juice from concentrate, no candy, no bring to schools, no packed lunches... no walking children to school....
and what happens in school stays in school, right? how many children have the 'right' to tell their parents what they were taught?
And maybe this is why the parents don't know what their children are being taught in the their classes ... Are you sure Israel was NEVER a collective group of People in all of History? That is what teachers are discussing to teach if they have not already started writing textbooks on the matter.
It's strange how Islam teachings are entering into the school systems under the subject of 'History' while Israel, before the 1948 decision, is being neglected as heresay.

Gays join the Syrian uprising

Gays join the Syrian uprising | Middle East | DW.COM | 07.09.2012 - Translator

Hallal sodomy..... "It is lawful to expand the anus by sodomy for jihad

And what is Jihad? The personal walk and striving and efforts with God.

  • The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
  • The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".
  • In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.

  • Why they can't be comfortable in their own skin without having everybody agree with their lifestyle is strange.
basically their jihad is their own personal struggles with their own sexuality which they may need understanding and reinforcing that it is okay in order for them to not have such a great struggle.
And to take out any people or persons who do not agree with the hallal of sodomy can be seen as hindering their personal 'jihad.'
I'm sorry to inform some of those people.. But there are STILL some parents who would prefer their children not grow up to be gay. Sorry if this offends anyone.

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