Not only is Trump's visit to the ghetto scripted but he gets editing rights before it's broadcast.

When's the last time you hung in the Ghetto? Be honest.

Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

Hey, at least he doesn't adopt an embarrassing fake African American accent like ole Hitlery does. He's talkin straight with African Americans. If they wanna keep on voting for failed Democrats, than so be it. That's their call. But like he said, they don't have anything to lose by trying something different. Why not him?

By nearly all indications, Trump is a friggin' racist, or if he isn't, he sure comports himself and speaks like one.
Blacks have plenty to lose by risking it and trusting him and voting for him if he is a racist and if he isn't a racist, he ought not behave and speak like one.

Sure, he's a 'Racist.' We got ya. Because of course anyone's a 'Racist' if they offer an alternative to failed Democrat misery. African Americans really don't have anything to lose by trying something else. Why not Trump? I mean, this is it. This is what Democrats have to offer...

Let's see ole Hitlery hang in the hood without anyone knowing who she is. I'd give anything to see that. Let's see her, and all her Bootlickers start keepin it real. Let's see how long they last.

They rip Trump, but they know they ain't hangin in the hood. I actually give Trump some credit. He's trying to reach out to the African American community. Now, will it matter in the long run? Probably not.
I think it will matter. Trump isn't like anyone else. He genuinely cares about helping communities of color and all communities for that matter. People can see through bullshit and when they get a chance to see and speak to him they will come away with a whole new appreciation. That seems to be the way things have been going for him with blacks. They come away with a whole other perspective on him. A good perspective.

Hope you're right.
Visit to the ghetto? Is he even going to the ghetto? I truly don't know the neighborhood he's going to, though I probably should as my daughter lives in Michigan.
I had to alter the title a couple times before posting to get it all to fit. I think most of us get the point

When's the last time you hung in the Ghetto? Be honest.

Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

No, I don't want to live in a ghetto, although I used to live in a ghetto.
Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

Hey, at least he doesn't adopt an embarrassing fake African American accent like ole Hitlery does. He's talkin straight with African Americans. If they wanna keep on voting for failed Democrats, than so be it. That's their call. But like he said, they don't have anything to lose by trying something different. Why not him?

By nearly all indications, Trump is a friggin' racist, or if he isn't, he sure comports himself and speaks like one.
Blacks have plenty to lose by risking it and trusting him and voting for him if he is a racist and if he isn't a racist, he ought not behave and speak like one.

Sure, he's a 'Racist.' We got ya. Because of course anyone's a 'Racist' if they offer an alternative to failed Democrat misery. African Americans really don't have anything to lose by trying something else. Why not Trump? I mean, this is it. This is what Democrats have to offer...

If you were to have read the content at the links I provided, some of which include my own remarks, you'd know that my basis for believing Trump is a racist has nothing to do with any alternative to Democrat policy and has everything to do with Trump's own words and deeds with regard to black folks.
When's the last time you hung in the Ghetto? Be honest.

Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.
You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

Hey, at least he doesn't adopt an embarrassing fake African American accent like ole Hitlery does. He's talkin straight with African Americans. If they wanna keep on voting for failed Democrats, than so be it. That's their call. But like he said, they don't have anything to lose by trying something different. Why not him?

By nearly all indications, Trump is a friggin' racist, or if he isn't, he sure comports himself and speaks like one.
Blacks have plenty to lose by risking it and trusting him and voting for him if he is a racist and if he isn't a racist, he ought not behave and speak like one.

Sure, he's a 'Racist.' We got ya. Because of course anyone's a 'Racist' if they offer an alternative to failed Democrat misery. African Americans really don't have anything to lose by trying something else. Why not Trump? I mean, this is it. This is what Democrats have to offer...

If you were to have read the content at the links I provided, some of which include my own remarks, you'd know that my basis for believing Trump is a racist has nothing to do with any alternative to Democrat policy and has everything to do with Trump's own words and deeds with regard to black folks.

He didn't respond, he reacted.

Clearly, the palooka didn't even bother to read the links. They don't comport with his distorted vision of reality you see.

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Of course the NYT article doesn't say anything about Trump editing the tape. Where did you get that from?
I got it from a live broadcast on TV but a Google search offered this link.

Trump "Interview" At Black Church Exposed As Propaganda Designed To Fool Voters
Of course you can find some obscure source for almost anything on the Internet, but according to the NYT

"The official said several Trump aides would work with the network to edit the taped interview so that the final version reflected the campaign’s wishes. (On Thursday night, Mr. Miller said the campaign would not edit the interview.)"

So it turns out Trump will be interviewed by a pastor who is a Democrat and says he will voter for Clinton and then address the congregation and then visit African American neighborhoods to greet people and you find this intolerable.
I did not reference the NYT. You did that all by yourself. I posted 3 points in the op. I find those objectionable. If you have problems following along refer to your kindergarten training of the abc's & 123's
You posted three point you find objectionable that according to the NYT are untrue.
I don't give a fuck what that liberal rag said, this thread IS NOT about them.

That's my point, your posts are not about anything real.
"the ghetto"


Conservatives are truly stupid.
I've been wondering this whole time how is "ghetto" being defined. Can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You see, what I think is going on is that "ghetto" by definition means "place where poor, violent black people live." IMO, in the minds of conservatives, white folks don't live in the ghetto because they live in "the sticks" or in trailer parks and, of course, the white folks there are merely poor, but not violent or in other ways plebeian, crass or vulgar. No, those are things that are exclusively behaviors and character attributes of "ghetto people," aka blacks.
Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
I think Clinton Bootlickers and Democrats in general, seriously fear what he's gonna say. They fear some African Americans may listen. Trump will speak the harsh truth about how the Democrats have failed African Americans miserably. He'll present an alternative. And that obviously scares the usual suspects.
Well, last night. That's where my mentees live.

You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Yes, the Pastor is a lifelong Democrat. You're Spot On. The usual suspects are very frightened Trump may offer African Americans a viable alternative. They're scared of what he's gonna say. They're even more scared that some African Americans may listen.
You wanna live there? I doubt it. Trump's reaching out. I think it's a good thing.

Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
The NYT cited an internal document some one leaked for the Trump campaign; there was no agreement to share answers as you suggested.

Clearly, you have no idea how silly your sound or how obvious it is that you fear black Americans will change their minds about Trump once they have an opportunity to hear without all the racist screeches from Democrats.

Trump will take the interview, address the congregation and then visit and talk with African Americans in their own neighborhoods in Detroit, and this scares the hell out of you.
Is your idea of "reaching out" having a scripted conversation with a black bishop that will then be edited? Hell, he could have just sent an email. We already have the questions and the answers.

Unlike Trump, Hillary isn't afraid to get in front of black folks and make her case.

If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
The NYT cited an internal document some one leaked for the Trump campaign; there was no agreement to share answers as you suggested.

Clearly, you have no idea how silly your sound or how obvious it is that you fear black Americans will change their minds about Trump once they have an opportunity to hear without all the racist screeches from Democrats.

Trump will take the interview, address the congregation and then visit and talk with African Americans in their own neighborhoods in Detroit, and this scares the hell out of you.

Trump has a 97% unfavorablility rating with blacks ... remind everyone who is scared.
If you think that's not scripted you're naive......Hillary doesn't do anything without lots of planning, but she's still incompetent at any job she's held.

I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
The NYT cited an internal document some one leaked for the Trump campaign; there was no agreement to share answers as you suggested.

Clearly, you have no idea how silly your sound or how obvious it is that you fear black Americans will change their minds about Trump once they have an opportunity to hear without all the racist screeches from Democrats.

Trump will take the interview, address the congregation and then visit and talk with African Americans in their own neighborhoods in Detroit, and this scares the hell out of you.

Trump has a 97% unfavorablility rating with blacks ... remind everyone who is scared.
You are scared because you know that just as Hillary's support among Hispaniics dropped sharply in August, her support among black Americans might be just as fragile.
I don't have a problem with planning. Students plan for their tests, so do the teachers. I plan all the time for interviews with my clients. The applicants for jobs in the firm plan for their interviews just as I and the other interviewers do. I plan before delivering a presentation. I even plan what I want to say with most of my posts on USMB.

I have problem with the questions and answers being known and established and then shared between the interviewer and interviewee before the actual "interview."
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
The NYT cited an internal document some one leaked for the Trump campaign; there was no agreement to share answers as you suggested.

Clearly, you have no idea how silly your sound or how obvious it is that you fear black Americans will change their minds about Trump once they have an opportunity to hear without all the racist screeches from Democrats.

Trump will take the interview, address the congregation and then visit and talk with African Americans in their own neighborhoods in Detroit, and this scares the hell out of you.

Trump has a 97% unfavorablility rating with blacks ... remind everyone who is scared.
You are scared because you know that just as Hillary's support among Hispaniics dropped sharply in August, her support among black Americans might be just as fragile.

Im not afraid of you or anything on two legs, boi.
Then you should have no problem with this interview. Although Trump will see the questions before the interview, there is no indication the pastor, who is a Democrat and a Clinton supporter, will see Trump's answers before the interview. Perhaps what you are worried about is that black people will hear what Trump has to say instead of the anti Trump propaganda being spewed by Democrats.

Of course not because the man doesn't read the New York Times or watch the news. Puh-lease!

How about I send the man an email that contains the questions and answers. I already pasted them in another thread.
The NYT cited an internal document some one leaked for the Trump campaign; there was no agreement to share answers as you suggested.

Clearly, you have no idea how silly your sound or how obvious it is that you fear black Americans will change their minds about Trump once they have an opportunity to hear without all the racist screeches from Democrats.

Trump will take the interview, address the congregation and then visit and talk with African Americans in their own neighborhoods in Detroit, and this scares the hell out of you.

Trump has a 97% unfavorablility rating with blacks ... remind everyone who is scared.
You are scared because you know that just as Hillary's support among Hispaniics dropped sharply in August, her support among black Americans might be just as fragile.

Im not afraid of you or anything on two legs, boi.
So you're not smart enough to be afraid Hillary might lose some of her support among African Americans?
Obama has questions looked at beforehand...So I have heard...That's for a press conference...
In this case the Trumpster gets to see the questions beforehand and the answers are written out for Trump....

Are you kidding me....
What a colossal waste of our time.....
So you have heard......from where?
I think Clinton Bootlickers and Democrats in general, seriously fear what he's gonna say. They fear some African Americans may listen. Trump will speak the harsh truth about how the Democrats have failed African Americans miserably. He'll present an alternative. And that obviously scares the usual suspects.
Oh yes....I'm sure that's it.

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