Not so fast Ms Clinton. Two more investigations ramping up.

can you spell


Yeah I know, I know.....I got the WITCH part right, eh? :lol:
She keeps the emails for two years, then turns them over only when she's caught not archiving them, then lies when answering every question regarding the server and her conduct, then, again, after two years of keeping all of those emails, she deletes the ones she kept. Doesn't sound like a witch hunt when the evidence is this clear. Comey also said that they couldn't prove she had intent, not that she lacked it.
It doesn't have to be deliberate for it to be a crime.
can you spell


Yeah I know, I know.....I got the WITCH part right, eh? :lol:
She keeps the emails for two years, then turns them over only when she's caught not archiving them, then lies when answering every question regarding the server and her conduct, then, again, after two years of keeping all of those emails, she deletes the ones she kept. Doesn't sound like a witch hunt when the evidence is this clear. Comey also said that they couldn't prove she had intent, not that she lacked it.
It doesn't have to be deliberate for it to be a crime.
Even in absence of intent, there are many more crimes she committed, anyway.
Isn't it great having this corrupt power whore running for President? You get not one, not two, but THREE investigations on her wrong doing with National Security, her responsibilities as SOS, and dirty money flowing into the Clinton foundation. Liberals will need to draw on all their powers of delusion to convince themselves to stick with H-bitch.
While trying to maintain the farce that they hate the corruption of the über rich.
Isn't it great having this corrupt power whore running for President? You get not one, not two, but THREE investigations on her wrong doing with National Security, her responsibilities as SOS, and dirty money flowing into the Clinton foundation. Liberals will need to draw on all their powers of delusion to convince themselves to stick with H-bitch.

Isn't is great to have the Reich wing--spend and waste 7 million taxpayer dollars on 8 Benghazi investigations to come to the same conclusion as the 1st one?

Now you're doing it with emails--LOL

The definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result.

Obama probably spends that on his manscaping every month.
I can't wait until the next round of Gates. I can bet that she once left the cap off the tooth paste at least once. Enter the new congressional probe, "Colgate".
the FBI director agreed they were IMPROPERLY MARKED and also said they were at the LOWEST level of Classified.

No, he said "some" of them were. He also said she used several mobile devices when Hillary swore she only used one. He also said she used those devices outside the US in areas where our adversaries had the ability to hack her transmissions.

My Lord, I can image you libs if this were a Republican; putting our country in jeopardy by allowing our foes to intercept our vital secrets. Then being allowed to run for President of our country.
Harassment by Republican congress critters for political posturing....anyone with a brain can see this....not tp mention a waste of tax tax dollars... and no way jose can she be charged with have to intentionally lie, and for the 3 emails out of 30000 plus emails she received, 1/100th of her emails, which the 3 were also improperly marked with no markings at the top but a small 'c' in the copy.... nothing would ever stick on that? and your useless partisan hack R congress critters are going to spend more time and money on THAT? While the country's infrastructure is falling apart, while real immigration reform is ignored, zika virus, veteran care, ISIS, trade problems and the R's choose this to waste their time on?

Yeah, we are on to you, and have been for a while...

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

The Republican-led House hasn’t been particularly good at governing, but perhaps governing has never been the point. Why govern when there’s a future election to influence?

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi
I just feel it's Karman for all of Bush era investigations led by Democrats.

Republicans Wither Under Weight of Democratic Investigations | Fox News

WASHINGTON – Republicans are getting fed up with what they call “fishing expeditions” and hearings to nowhere conducted by majority Democrats thriving in their newfound oversight authority.

Annoyed by ongoing inquiries into everything from the firing of eight U.S. attorneys to the Bush administration’s 2003 charges that Iraq had tried to purchase yellowcake uranium in Niger, Republicans inside and outside Congress say Democrats have gone overboard.

“We understand that the Congress has a role to play, which is oversight over the Executive Branch,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said during a recent press briefing. However, “I do think there is a difference between oversight and overreaching.”​
can you spell


Yeah I know, I know.....I got the WITCH part right, eh? :lol:
How can you be so blind?

She's not blind. She will forgive Hitlery anything and will vote for her no matter how incompetent that woman is. Its just a fact.
and you will condemn her for anything and everything, even if it is NOT TRUE.

I guess it's a stalemate! ;)

Kinda hard to say her carelessness, stupidity and incompetence aren't plain to see.

Even the FBI had no problem telling everyone about it.

But of course you will ignore it and say everyone is condemning her.

Catch a clue there Care. Hitlery isn't worth your approval at all.
Isn't it great having this corrupt power whore running for President? You get not one, not two, but THREE investigations on her wrong doing with National Security, her responsibilities as SOS, and dirty money flowing into the Clinton foundation. Liberals will need to draw on all their powers of delusion to convince themselves to stick with H-bitch.

Harassment by Republican congress critters for political posturing....anyone with a brain can see this....not tp mention a waste of tax tax dollars... and no way jose can she be charged with have to intentionally lie, and for the 3 emails out of 30000 plus emails she received, 1/100th of her emails, which the 3 were also improperly marked with no markings at the top but a small 'c' in the copy.... nothing would ever stick on that? and your useless partisan hack R congress critters are going to spend more time and money on THAT? While the country's infrastructure is falling apart, while real immigration reform is ignored, zika virus, veteran care, ISIS, trade problems and the R's choose this to waste their time on?

Yeah, we are on to you, and have been for a while...

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

The Republican-led House hasn’t been particularly good at governing, but perhaps governing has never been the point. Why govern when there’s a future election to influence?

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi
The 3 lies she told the Benghazi committee (a felony) are to be forgotten? I think not by Congress.
so, you are claiming that because 3 emails out of 30000 plus sent to her, which were supposedly marked classified, that she lied when she said nothing she sent or received was marked classified? When those 3 emails were NOT EVEN PROPERLY MARKED CLASSIFIED? They had no markings at the top of the documents for her to even spot.... That's one of these lies under oath?

Cut us break!!! :rolleyes: Seriously, you call that perjury and want the republicans to have THAT investigated? Like I said, abuse of power by the Repubs and nothing less than harassment.

Those 3 were from the e-mails she DELETED! There were over a hundred that she didn't delete!

Are you seriously that ignorant of the topic?

I suggest you grow up, read for comprehension, and stop talking out of your ass!
Harassment by Republican congress critters for political posturing....anyone with a brain can see this....not tp mention a waste of tax tax dollars... and no way jose can she be charged with have to intentionally lie, and for the 3 emails out of 30000 plus emails she received, 1/100th of her emails, which the 3 were also improperly marked with no markings at the top but a small 'c' in the copy.... nothing would ever stick on that? and your useless partisan hack R congress critters are going to spend more time and money on THAT? While the country's infrastructure is falling apart, while real immigration reform is ignored, zika virus, veteran care, ISIS, trade problems and the R's choose this to waste their time on?

Yeah, we are on to you, and have been for a while...

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

The Republican-led House hasn’t been particularly good at governing, but perhaps governing has never been the point. Why govern when there’s a future election to influence?

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

What about the e-mail where she directed the sender to remove the classification and send it via unsecured e-mail anyway? Forgot that one, didn't you?

Didn't forget that at all. You didn't see the interview yesterday, did you?
Isn't it great having this corrupt power whore running for President? You get not one, not two, but THREE investigations on her wrong doing with National Security, her responsibilities as SOS, and dirty money flowing into the Clinton foundation. Liberals will need to draw on all their powers of delusion to convince themselves to stick with H-bitch.

yes....keep wasting taxpayer money on partisan garbage.

keep that drumbeat going. :cuckoo:
yes....keep wasting taxpayer money on partisan garbage.

keep that drumbeat going.

I would say that this is money well spent finding out how corrupt and dishonest (as if we didn't know already) a presidential candidate is. Even thought it was not Republican led.

And we are once again finding out how corrupt the entire system is which is what led us to candidates like Trump and Sanders in the first place. The whole thing stinks.
yes....keep wasting taxpayer money on partisan garbage.

keep that drumbeat going.

I would say that this is money well spent finding out how corrupt and dishonest (as if we didn't know already) a presidential candidate is. Even thought it was not Republican led.

And we are once again finding out how corrupt the entire system is which is what led us to candidates like Trump and Sanders in the first place. The whole thing stinks.
Oh, I think the Donald's a slimy turd too. I think that's beyond dispute.

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