Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Wow, I wish people had made excuses for me back when I was a hopeless drunk. I wish they'd said i was mentally ill. I wish they'd coddled me and told me it wasn't my fault., I don't. Because if they had, I would have continued on drinking until I WAS homeless, or sick, or dead.

I hated it back then, but nobody cut me any slack. They all kicked me in the butt and said they didn't want anything to do with me and that I was ruining my life. And they were right. Luckily they'd didn't enable any denial in me and I was able to pull myself up out of the mire.

And right now I'm having hard times, financially. My husband quit his job, went on unemployment and then got a job paying less than half of what he used to make. : ( My job is in question as someone is buying out the company I work for, and who knows...

But one thing I know for sure...I won't end up homeless because I DO NOT DRINK ANYMORE. So I WILL find a way through this. But if I was drinking...well, I probably would have been out on the streets long ago.
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Wow, I wish people had made excuses for me back when I was a hopeless drunk. I wish they'd said i was mentally ill. I wish they'd coddled me and told me it wasn't my fault., I don't. Because if they had, I would have continued on drinking until I WAS homeless, or sick, or dead.

I hated it back then, but nobody cut me any slack. They all kicked me in the butt and said they didn't want anything to do with me and that I was ruining my life. And they were right. Luckily they'd didn't enable any denial in me and I was able to pull myself up out of the mire.

And right now I'm having hard times, financially. My husband quit his job, went on unemployment and then got a job paying less than half of what he used to make. : ( My job is in question as someone is buying out the company I work for, and who knows...

But one thing I know for sure...I won't end up homeless because I DO NOT DRINK ANYMORE. So I WILL find a way through this. But if I was drinking...well, I probably would have been out on the streets long ago.

I would have taken you to an AA meeting :cool:
Homeless people choose to be homeless?

Hmmm, not too sure about that one.

Oprah showed one day that to be homeless all one needs is to lose is one's job.
No job, can't then pay the mortgage, rent etc.
There goes the roof over one's head...and out onto the street one goes.
Two paypackets away from the street, in most cases.

Not that long ago, on my tv was shown a story from America about the streets hehind the bright lights of Vegas.
Filled with homeless people, cowering under tarps attached to fences in what seemed to be vacant blocks etc.
They're not there anymore, seems city hall got their butts into gear and found shelters etc for them to live in.

It's the state and federal govts' responsibility to see that no people are living on the streets, ...homeless, hungry, dirty, wet, cold and cowering.
Charity begins at home, cut the foreign aid budget and look after America's homeless and suffering first.
Also, stop massive immigration, and most immigration for a while until the country sorts out some of its housing/job problems.
Also, get American jobs back that were offshored to india, China etc.
What about a nice American made "support America, buy your kids a job" smart phone cover, flag design? etc
Usually one becomes homeless because of priorities. Sometimes people choose to give priority to things they shouldn't, like drugs or gambling. If you have a good job, put money away. Most people live beyond their means, they accumulate debt that consumes their income, then when they lose their job, they have no money and a lot of debt. Whose fault is that? Then there are the ones that just plain don't want to work. I know one of those guys. He's smart, well spoken, and digs in dumpsters for cans. I offered him a job and he turned it down. His brother offered him a room at his house but he turned it down because he couldn't bring his hooker girlfriend with him. He doesn't want to not be homeless badly enough to do what he needs to do.

My partner offered a relative in the family a free fixer upper as we heard the relative was going to be homeless but they refused it. They said it was to far away from where they were now and rather try to stay with friends. They had 5 kids and the place we offered was free.

Anyway they ended up kicked out from the friends and just moved in with other relatives.


There are instances where I do feel homeless need help and that is homeless children, and those who are mentally ill, war vets with ptsd, but as far as those who are on drugs or booze, they can go to recovery and then get my help or stay the same and get none.
I've probably given more money to homeless people (who really need it) than J.E.D. and Old Rocks combined. They are just talkers, they like to condemn others but never step up to the plate themselves. Phonies.
Usually one becomes homeless because of priorities. Sometimes people choose to give priority to things they shouldn't, like drugs or gambling. If you have a good job, put money away. Most people live beyond their means, they accumulate debt that consumes their income, then when they lose their job, they have no money and a lot of debt. Whose fault is that? Then there are the ones that just plain don't want to work. I know one of those guys. He's smart, well spoken, and digs in dumpsters for cans. I offered him a job and he turned it down. His brother offered him a room at his house but he turned it down because he couldn't bring his hooker girlfriend with him. He doesn't want to not be homeless badly enough to do what he needs to do.

My partner offered a relative in the family a free fixer upper as we heard the relative was going to be homeless but they refused it. They said it was to far away from where they were now and rather try to stay with friends. They had 5 kids and the place we offered was free.

Anyway they ended up kicked out from the friends and just moved in with other relatives.


There are instances where I do feel homeless need help and that is homeless children, and those who are mentally ill, war vets with ptsd, but as far as those who are on drugs or booze, they can go to recovery and then get my help or stay the same and get none.
I've probably given more money to homeless people (who really need it) than J.E.D. and Old Rocks combined. They are just talkers, they like to condemn others but never step up to the plate themselves. Phonies.

I've done a lot of volunteer work in food kitchens and food pantry's and with homeless.

Those who want help get it and get out of the situation usually within a year depending on what the situation is and if they have kids or not.

Those who want help have lots of places to get it.

The exception is mentally ill, in some instances harder to convince them they need help.

But the ones on booze and drugs you see them at the shelters when the weather gets cold they talk the talk but don't walk the walk and are gone when weather gets better.
When hubby and wind up homeless due to the landlord telling us he wants his house back, I will be sure to come here and ask for a fixer upper. When we are can have it back.
I think we should pass a law that all the homeless advocates have to take one homeless person into their homes.

I took in 3. One for 2 years, one for 6 months and another for 2 years. I think I've done my part. I also hand out lunches to them at the church once a week.
Follow the Republican Policy.

The irony of this, of course, is that many are homeless as a consequence of conservative fiscal policies and budget cuts aimed at mental health treatment as well as education and training programs.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's why poverty and homelessness has skyrocketed under Obama. Damn conservatives.

As usual, you don’t understand.

These budget cuts policies date back years, well before Obama, implemented by state republican lawmakers and other local jurisdictions.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Maybe they wouldn't be aborted if you republicans set up a fund to take care of unwanted babies, maybe give mom a cash bonus if she takes it all the way to being born. Dig deep, talk is cheap.
Usually one becomes homeless because of priorities. Sometimes people choose to give priority to things they shouldn't, like drugs or gambling. If you have a good job, put money away. Most people live beyond their means, they accumulate debt that consumes their income, then when they lose their job, they have no money and a lot of debt. Whose fault is that? Then there are the ones that just plain don't want to work. I know one of those guys. He's smart, well spoken, and digs in dumpsters for cans. I offered him a job and he turned it down. His brother offered him a room at his house but he turned it down because he couldn't bring his hooker girlfriend with him. He doesn't want to not be homeless badly enough to do what he needs to do.

My partner offered a relative in the family a free fixer upper as we heard the relative was going to be homeless but they refused it. They said it was to far away from where they were now and rather try to stay with friends. They had 5 kids and the place we offered was free.

Anyway they ended up kicked out from the friends and just moved in with other relatives.


There are instances where I do feel homeless need help and that is homeless children, and those who are mentally ill, war vets with ptsd, but as far as those who are on drugs or booze, they can go to recovery and then get my help or stay the same and get none.
I've probably given more money to homeless people (who really need it) than J.E.D. and Old Rocks combined. They are just talkers, they like to condemn others but never step up to the plate themselves. Phonies.

That's what I like about your posts. You never condemn anybody.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Maybe they wouldn't be aborted if you republicans set up a fund to take care of unwanted babies, maybe give mom a cash bonus if she takes it all the way to being born. Dig deep, talk is cheap.
So, because I'm not willing to pay for some slut's baby, I should be okay with paying for the baby being murdered? How about some responsibility on the part of the slut?
as usual our libtard bedwetters did not even read what the story is about but jumped into their stupid conclusions right away :lol:
The irony of this, of course, is that many are homeless as a consequence of conservative fiscal policies and budget cuts aimed at mental health treatment as well as education and training programs.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That's why poverty and homelessness has skyrocketed under Obama. Damn conservatives.

As usual, you don’t understand.

These budget cuts policies date back years, well before Obama, implemented by state republican lawmakers and other local jurisdictions.
Which Republican are you gonna blame for Obama's failures this time?
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.

Okay, now that is sick, and I would have gone after that man, dragged him back and forced him to clean up his own mess.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Maybe they wouldn't be aborted if you republicans set up a fund to take care of unwanted babies, maybe give mom a cash bonus if she takes it all the way to being born. Dig deep, talk is cheap.

why should anybody pay for the itch to get sex without protection except the woman and the man involved?
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Maybe they wouldn't be aborted if you republicans set up a fund to take care of unwanted babies, maybe give mom a cash bonus if she takes it all the way to being born. Dig deep, talk is cheap.
So, because I'm not willing to pay for some slut's baby, I should be okay with paying for the baby being murdered? How about some responsibility on the part of the slut?

A woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is not necessarily a 'slut'.

Maybe they wouldn't be aborted if you republicans set up a fund to take care of unwanted babies, maybe give mom a cash bonus if she takes it all the way to being born. Dig deep, talk is cheap.
So, because I'm not willing to pay for some slut's baby, I should be okay with paying for the baby being murdered? How about some responsibility on the part of the slut?

A woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is not necessarily a 'slut'.
Maybe she should embrace the concept of birth control.
Wow, I wish people had made excuses for me back when I was a hopeless drunk. I wish they'd said i was mentally ill. I wish they'd coddled me and told me it wasn't my fault., I don't. Because if they had, I would have continued on drinking until I WAS homeless, or sick, or dead.

I hated it back then, but nobody cut me any slack. They all kicked me in the butt and said they didn't want anything to do with me and that I was ruining my life. And they were right. Luckily they'd didn't enable any denial in me and I was able to pull myself up out of the mire.

And right now I'm having hard times, financially. My husband quit his job, went on unemployment and then got a job paying less than half of what he used to make. : ( My job is in question as someone is buying out the company I work for, and who knows...

But one thing I know for sure...I won't end up homeless because I DO NOT DRINK ANYMORE. So I WILL find a way through this. But if I was drinking...well, I probably would have been out on the streets long ago.

at least SOMEBODY READ the story.

Yes, it is about these types of shit which I wouldn't even mind they shoot if caught.

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