Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

95% of the homeless in my town are homeless because they choose to stay drunk on their asses every possible minute rather than doing anything constructive with their lives.

And I actually understand this because I am an alcoholic and went through a phase of my life where my next drink was more important than just about anything else. I guess I was lucky in that I didn't have to end up laying in my own puke out on the streets in order to "hit bottom" and turn my life around.

You said that it was 95 percent.

Got any links to back that up?

I'm guessing that the drunks make up only around 10 to 15 percent.

But...................I'd really like to see the links you have that state 95 percent of the homeless are because they're drunks.

BTW..................ever heard about the homeless Veterans?

Okay, I should refine my terminology. I'm talking about the chronic inebriates wandering around town and living in camps in wooded areas of town. They're drunks. They panhandle to get money and then they buy booze. That's how they live their lives. As for other homeless people who are living in temporary shelters, trying to get back on their feet, etc., they're not a problem. They're not the ones fornicating in our city parks and shitting in people's driveways. Or passing out with their genitals exposed for neighborhood children to see. Or having loud drinking parties outside in the summer and getting in fights and leaving their litter all over the place when they leave.

Yeah, and some of these are probably veterans, so what? My former husband was a veteran and a drunk to boot. So what? I know plenty of veterans who manage to lead responsible lives.

You're not going to get any sympathy from me for these bums right now, one of them actually did shit in front of my house yesterday, right by my fence, and left his soiled toilet paper in my driveway. Which I got to clean up. I can clean up dog poop all day long with no problem, but I'll tell you what, that made me fucking sick.
Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Apr 9, 2013 - More than 630,000 Americans currently homeless, figures show, but fears grow that $85bn cuts will make problem even worse.

May 14, 2013 - Foreclosure Home · News and Opinion America's 14.2 Million Vacant Homes: ...

Obviously the solution is to give each and every homeless person their own house.

We'd still have millions of vacant homes left over if we did.

Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. Out of the vast number of homeless people in this country there may be a very small percentage who "choose" to be homeless; but certainly not every homeless person chooses to live that way. Many have a mental illness or a drug addiction that goes untreated making them unable to live a normal life. That's not really a choice. Many are homeless because they can't afford a roof over their head with the low wages they earn. That's not really a choice.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

I don't often wish people ill luck, but I will make an exception in your case. Your arrogance needs an education. I sincerely hope that in the near future, you lose your job and healthcare, suffer an illness that prevents you from getting another job, fall delinquent on your mortgage, lose your home, and experiance the homelessness that many have experianced when it was definately not their choice.

You are just like the heartless assholes that during the Depression looked down on the Okies and Arkies that were dusted or tractored out of the homes. Feeling so smug and superior, not realizing you are but a few steps from the same state as the people that you are feeling so superior to.
Such dishonesty!

You have to be a democrat.

It is not illegal to be homeless. It is illegal to clog the city center with homeless. They have to camp out someplace other than the city center. There are shelters set up just outside the center's limits.

It is no different than the law Los Angeles has for Civic Center. We have the exact same law. Except we go further. It's against the law to panhandle in the Civic Center too.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. Out of the vast number of homeless people in this country there may be a very small percentage who "choose" to be homeless; but certainly not every homeless person chooses to live that way. Many have a mental illness or a drug addiction that goes untreated making them unable to live a normal life. That's not really a choice. Many are homeless because they can't afford a roof over their head with the low wages they earn. That's not really a choice.
Bullshit, most of them are bums with a drug or alcohol problem. I see them every day, roaming around parking lots trying to scam people out of money with bullshit stories of their car breaking down or some other scenario. I was approached by the same guy twice within a couple of days, with 2 different stories. I called him on it and he just grinned, like he's been caught. I've only seen a few that looked like they really needed help, and I'll usually give them some change but I'll be damned if I'm gonna give my hard-earned money to somebody who's just as capable of working as I am. I see very few homeless people who are mentally ill.
Such dishonesty! You have to be a democrat.
Hah, what happened in your life where your first reaction to information is attempting to ascertain someone's political affiliation?

Are you ever curious what it would be like to just see things/events as they happen instead of needing to cast everything to your appropriate filter, or are you content living forever rooting for one team?
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

I don't often wish people ill luck, but I will make an exception in your case. Your arrogance needs an education. I sincerely hope that in the near future, you lose your job and healthcare, suffer an illness that prevents you from getting another job, fall delinquent on your mortgage, lose your home, and experiance the homelessness that many have experianced when it was definately not their choice.

You are just like the heartless assholes that during the Depression looked down on the Okies and Arkies that were dusted or tractored out of the homes. Feeling so smug and superior, not realizing you are but a few steps from the same state as the people that you are feeling so superior to.
And how many have you invited into your home, Mr. Compassion? I'm willing to bet it's ZERO. Phonies like you are quick to tell other people to be sympathetic but when it comes time to reach into your OWN pocket, it's another story.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. Out of the vast number of homeless people in this country there may be a very small percentage who "choose" to be homeless; but certainly not every homeless person chooses to live that way. Many have a mental illness or a drug addiction that goes untreated making them unable to live a normal life. That's not really a choice. Many are homeless because they can't afford a roof over their head with the low wages they earn. That's not really a choice.
Bullshit, most of them are bums with a drug or alcohol problem. I see them every day, roaming around parking lots trying to scam people out of money with bullshit stories of their car breaking down or some other scenario. I was approached by the same guy twice within a couple of days, with 2 different stories. I called him on it and he just grinned, like he's been caught. I've only seen a few that looked like they really needed help, and I'll usually give them some change but I'll be damned if I'm gonna give my hard-earned money to somebody who's just as capable of working as I am. I see very few homeless people who are mentally ill.

So, now you're a fucking mental health expert? You're just an asshole. You don't know the story behind every homeless person. How they got to that point. What types of problems they have. Just shut the fuck up before you make yourself look even more stupid than you already have.
That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. Out of the vast number of homeless people in this country there may be a very small percentage who "choose" to be homeless; but certainly not every homeless person chooses to live that way. Many have a mental illness or a drug addiction that goes untreated making them unable to live a normal life. That's not really a choice. Many are homeless because they can't afford a roof over their head with the low wages they earn. That's not really a choice.
Bullshit, most of them are bums with a drug or alcohol problem. I see them every day, roaming around parking lots trying to scam people out of money with bullshit stories of their car breaking down or some other scenario. I was approached by the same guy twice within a couple of days, with 2 different stories. I called him on it and he just grinned, like he's been caught. I've only seen a few that looked like they really needed help, and I'll usually give them some change but I'll be damned if I'm gonna give my hard-earned money to somebody who's just as capable of working as I am. I see very few homeless people who are mentally ill.

So, now you're a fucking mental health expert? You're just an asshole. You don't know the story behind every homeless person. How they got to that point. What types of problems they have. Just shut the fuck up before you make yourself look even more stupid than you already have.
Not a mental health expert but when someone approaches me and I have a conversation with them, I can tell they're not mentally ill. When I see somebody walking across the street shaking their head and talking to an imaginary person, that's a pretty good indication they're mentally ill, but they're not the ones who ask for money.

But if you're stupid enough to give people money for drugs or alcohol or who are just too lazy to work, feel free to reach into your pocket, that's what idiots do. BTW, how many homeless people have YOU invited into your home?
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Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Homeless people choose to be homeless?

Hmmm, not too sure about that one.

Oprah showed one day that to be homeless all one needs is to lose is one's job.
No job, can't then pay the mortgage, rent etc.
There goes the roof over one's head...and out onto the street one goes.
Two paypackets away from the street, in most cases.

Not that long ago, on my tv was shown a story from America about the streets hehind the bright lights of Vegas.
Filled with homeless people, cowering under tarps attached to fences in what seemed to be vacant blocks etc.
They're not there anymore, seems city hall got their butts into gear and found shelters etc for them to live in.

It's the state and federal govts' responsibility to see that no people are living on the streets, ...homeless, hungry, dirty, wet, cold and cowering.
Charity begins at home, cut the foreign aid budget and look after America's homeless and suffering first.
Also, stop massive immigration, and most immigration for a while until the country sorts out some of its housing/job problems.
Also, get American jobs back that were offshored to india, China etc.
What about a nice American made "support America, buy your kids a job" smart phone cover, flag design? etc
Such dishonesty! You have to be a democrat.
Hah, what happened in your life where your first reaction to information is attempting to ascertain someone's political affiliation?

Are you ever curious what it would be like to just see things/events as they happen instead of needing to cast everything to your appropriate filter, or are you content living forever rooting for onxe team?

Democrats lie and they lied right here. It is not illegal to be homeless. It is illegal to make the city center a homeless camp.
Some people choose to be homeless. I grew up homeless because my parents chose to be homeless. They loved it. It was perfect freedom. A judge made my dad get a job and a place to live. I heard for the rest of my life how I ruined their lives. Well not the rest of my life but the rest of their lives. Some people choose to eat out of garbage cans. They call themselves freegans.

It is as much of a mistake to think that everyone is just down on their luck as it is to think that no one is down on their luck.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Homeless people choose to be homeless?

Hmmm, not too sure about that one.

Oprah showed one day that to be homeless all one needs is to lose is one's job.
No job, can't then pay the mortgage, rent etc.
There goes the roof over one's head...and out onto the street one goes.
Two paypackets away from the street, in most cases.

Not that long ago, on my tv was shown a story from America about the streets hehind the bright lights of Vegas.
Filled with homeless people, cowering under tarps attached to fences in what seemed to be vacant blocks etc.
They're not there anymore, seems city hall got their butts into gear and found shelters etc for them to live in.

It's the state and federal govts' responsibility to see that no people are living on the streets, ...homeless, hungry, dirty, wet, cold and cowering.
Charity begins at home, cut the foreign aid budget and look after America's homeless and suffering first.
Also, stop massive immigration, and most immigration for a while until the country sorts out some of its housing/job problems.
Also, get American jobs back that were offshored to india, China etc.
What about a nice American made "support America, buy your kids a job" smart phone cover, flag design? etc
Usually one becomes homeless because of priorities. Sometimes people choose to give priority to things they shouldn't, like drugs or gambling. If you have a good job, put money away. Most people live beyond their means, they accumulate debt that consumes their income, then when they lose their job, they have no money and a lot of debt. Whose fault is that? Then there are the ones that just plain don't want to work. I know one of those guys. He's smart, well spoken, and digs in dumpsters for cans. I offered him a job and he turned it down. His brother offered him a room at his house but he turned it down because he couldn't bring his hooker girlfriend with him. He doesn't want to not be homeless badly enough to do what he needs to do.
Homeless people choose to be homeless, babies don't choose to be aborted.

Homeless people choose to be homeless?

Hmmm, not too sure about that one.

Oprah showed one day that to be homeless all one needs is to lose is one's job.
No job, can't then pay the mortgage, rent etc.
There goes the roof over one's head...and out onto the street one goes.
Two paypackets away from the street, in most cases.

Not that long ago, on my tv was shown a story from America about the streets hehind the bright lights of Vegas.
Filled with homeless people, cowering under tarps attached to fences in what seemed to be vacant blocks etc.
They're not there anymore, seems city hall got their butts into gear and found shelters etc for them to live in.

It's the state and federal govts' responsibility to see that no people are living on the streets, ...homeless, hungry, dirty, wet, cold and cowering.
Charity begins at home, cut the foreign aid budget and look after America's homeless and suffering first.
Also, stop massive immigration, and most immigration for a while until the country sorts out some of its housing/job problems.
Also, get American jobs back that were offshored to india, China etc.
What about a nice American made "support America, buy your kids a job" smart phone cover, flag design? etc
Usually one becomes homeless because of priorities. Sometimes people choose to give priority to things they shouldn't, like drugs or gambling. If you have a good job, put money away. Most people live beyond their means, they accumulate debt that consumes their income, then when they lose their job, they have no money and a lot of debt. Whose fault is that? Then there are the ones that just plain don't want to work. I know one of those guys. He's smart, well spoken, and digs in dumpsters for cans. I offered him a job and he turned it down. His brother offered him a room at his house but he turned it down because he couldn't bring his hooker girlfriend with him. He doesn't want to not be homeless badly enough to do what he needs to do.

My partner offered a relative in the family a free fixer upper as we heard the relative was going to be homeless but they refused it. They said it was to far away from where they were now and rather try to stay with friends. They had 5 kids and the place we offered was free.

Anyway they ended up kicked out from the friends and just moved in with other relatives.


There are instances where I do feel homeless need help and that is homeless children, and those who are mentally ill, war vets with ptsd, but as far as those who are on drugs or booze, they can go to recovery and then get my help or stay the same and get none.

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