Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Follow the Republican Policy.

The irony of this, of course, is that many are homeless as a consequence of conservative fiscal policies and budget cuts aimed at mental health treatment as well as education and training programs.

The irony of this, of course, is that the law student doesn't know anything about vagrancy laws nor the SCOTUS case addressing them.

Margaret PAPACHRISTOU et al., Petitioners, v. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE. 405 U.S. 156 (92 S.Ct. 839, 31 L.Ed.2d 110)

vagrancy legal definition of vagrancy. vagrancy synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Margaret PAPACHRISTOU et al., Petitioners, v. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE. | Supreme Court | LII / Legal Information Institute
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.


How unchristian of you! Wait! You've no doubt will have a pass cuz God and Jesus are going to be busy being your hit men, boogering me for negging you!
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A woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is not necessarily a 'slut'.
Maybe she should embrace the concept of birth control.

A) You're not paying for any abortions

B) Getting pregnant unexpectedly doesn't make a woman a 'slut'

C) Maybe she is a young girl in a red state whose legislature has made it more difficult to obtain birth control and even tried to outlaw certain types (like Plan B)

And finally...

D) This is the most important one. It's none of your fucking business what any woman decides to do with her own body

A. Ever hear of federal funding, stupid?

B. No, but the sluts use the option the most.

C. Anyone can buy a rubber in any state, idiot.

D. It is if I'm paying for it.
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

HI has started offering the homeless a one-way ticket Stateside to get them the hell off their beaches.

Hawaii Offers Homeless One-Way Tickets Out of State |

There was a nurse I worked with at the state hospital in Tennessee who went to Hawaii as a traveling nurse. That winter one of our summer TN patients showed up in the state hospital there. Seems a bus ticket to the west coast and a plane ticket to Hawaii are in the budget of the homeless who manages to get a check each month.
Discrimination and prejudice against the poor - the last acceptable vice. Money=good, Poverty=sinful.

What? Are we all a bunch of Mormons now that equate being rich with being blessed by God?

There are many laws that discriminate against VISIBLE homelessness because all society wants is to end visible homelessness and turn them invisible! Don't want the rich folks to feel uncomfortable buying more stuff in one day than most people live on in an entire year - that would create guilt and a nagging feeling that perhaps they don't deserve all the good things they got.

I take it that you have taken some of them into your home.
I think we should pass a law that all the homeless advocates have to take one homeless person into their homes.

I will agree to that as long as the anti abortionists have to adopt at least one unwanted child.

They already pay to raise and educate them.

I'm too old now, but when I was younger, I offered to adopt the child of any woman who would carry the child to term instead of aborting the child. I got no takers. Not one.

truth is, if abortion wasn't available, I doubt those women would get pregnant at all. Birth control is widely available.
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.


How unchristian of you! Wait! You've no doubt will have a pass cuz God and Jesus are going to be busy being your hit men, boogering me for negging you!

LOL Did I say I was a Christian? I'm an agnostic. Which is what I think a lot of other people are, too, they just won't admit it.

But God knows about my lack of faith, I've told Him. If He exists, He'll decide how to deal with me when the time comes. At least He knows I'm honest.

And Jesus...agnostic or not, I can't help but love Jesus.

I don't think God and Jesus are going to bother about the fact that you've negged me. But they might have an issue with you splashing that perfume of yours around when they're trying to conduct the Second Coming. :)
Wow, I wish people had made excuses for me back when I was a hopeless drunk. I wish they'd said i was mentally ill. I wish they'd coddled me and told me it wasn't my fault., I don't. Because if they had, I would have continued on drinking until I WAS homeless, or sick, or dead.

I hated it back then, but nobody cut me any slack. They all kicked me in the butt and said they didn't want anything to do with me and that I was ruining my life. And they were right. Luckily they'd didn't enable any denial in me and I was able to pull myself up out of the mire.

And right now I'm having hard times, financially. My husband quit his job, went on unemployment and then got a job paying less than half of what he used to make. : ( My job is in question as someone is buying out the company I work for, and who knows...

But one thing I know for sure...I won't end up homeless because I DO NOT DRINK ANYMORE. So I WILL find a way through this. But if I was drinking...well, I probably would have been out on the streets long ago.

I would have taken you to an AA meeting :cool: are assuming I would consent to go. Actually, at one point I had been "out sick" from work for a couple of days (I missed a LOT of work) and I gave up and called my boss and told him I wasn't sick, I was drinking and that I had a drinking problem. Instead of firing me, the company gave me the option of attending an outpatient treatment program for 12 weeks, so I did in order to keep my job. One of the requirements of the program was that I attend AA meetings each week, so I did.

Didn't matter, once I finished the program and was out of trouble at work...I started drinking again, and eventually quit that very excellent job (at IBM) because of it. After almost 20 years at my current job, I still don't make as much as I did after working at IBM for 10 years. : (

I had to make the decision to quit for myself, not for others. But if they had enabled me, I would have continued to drink much longer, you see, because they would have helped me to justify my behavior. Alcoholics are great at deceiving themselves, they don't need other people to help them do it. So I would say that "just not enabling" drunks is about the best thing you can do for them, harsh as it may be sometimes.
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That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.


How unchristian of you! Wait! You've no doubt will have a pass cuz God and Jesus are going to be busy being your hit men, boogering me for negging you!

LOL Did I say I was a Christian? I'm an agnostic. Which is what I think a lot of other people are, too, they just won't admit it.

But God knows about my lack of faith, I've told Him. If He exists, He'll decide how to deal with me when the time comes. At least He knows I'm honest.

And Jesus...agnostic or not, I can't help but love Jesus.

I don't think God and Jesus are going to bother about the fact that you've negged me. But they might have an issue with you splashing that perfume of yours around when they're trying to conduct the Second Coming. :)

Then you should stop preaching about Christian things. You have no authority to do so. AND you are a blithering idiot. What God and Jesus do or do not do with me is none of your business. What I do with my perfume is also none of your business. One thing is for sure I will not waste it on you. All you get from me is negged~!


Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

Put them in cattle cars. Take them to extermination camps of course where you can work them to near death....starve them and eventually gas them and throw them in ovens. Didn't you learn anything from Hitler you fucking Nazis?
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

Put them in cattle cars. Take them to extermination camps of course where you can work them to near death....starve them and eventually gas them and throw them in ovens. Didn't you learn anything from Hitler you fucking Nazis?

What Nazis?
Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Conservatives certainly are.

Criminalize them, violate their civil liberties, ship them off somewhere to be ignored and forgotten.

Problem ‘solved.’

As I stated in a previous post...

The Columbia City Council, the city mentioned in the OP, is comprised predominantly by Democrats. I believe it is 4-2. They passed the ordinance. The mayor, tasked with enforcing the ordinance, is a Democrat.

This certainly does not preclude conservatives/Republicans from doing something similar, but I think it speaks to the bigger picture, everyone has a problem with growing homelessness. We can argue all day about what should be done, but it seems to me to be a bipartisan issue in many cases as to appraoch taken to deal with it...
Wow, I wish people had made excuses for me back when I was a hopeless drunk. I wish they'd said i was mentally ill. I wish they'd coddled me and told me it wasn't my fault., I don't. Because if they had, I would have continued on drinking until I WAS homeless, or sick, or dead.

I hated it back then, but nobody cut me any slack. They all kicked me in the butt and said they didn't want anything to do with me and that I was ruining my life. And they were right. Luckily they'd didn't enable any denial in me and I was able to pull myself up out of the mire.

And right now I'm having hard times, financially. My husband quit his job, went on unemployment and then got a job paying less than half of what he used to make. : ( My job is in question as someone is buying out the company I work for, and who knows...

But one thing I know for sure...I won't end up homeless because I DO NOT DRINK ANYMORE. So I WILL find a way through this. But if I was drinking...well, I probably would have been out on the streets long ago.

I would have taken you to an AA meeting :cool: are assuming I would consent to go. Actually, at one point I had been "out sick" from work for a couple of days (I missed a LOT of work) and I gave up and called my boss and told him I wasn't sick, I was drinking and that I had a drinking problem. Instead of firing me, the company gave me the option of attending an outpatient treatment program for 12 weeks, so I did in order to keep my job. One of the requirements of the program was that I attend AA meetings each week, so I did.

Didn't matter, once I finished the program and was out of trouble at work...I started drinking again, and eventually quit that very excellent job (at IBM) because of it. After almost 20 years at my current job, I still don't make as much as I did after working at IBM for 10 years. : (

I had to make the decision to quit for myself, not for others. But if they had enabled me, I would have continued to drink much longer, you see, because they would have helped me to justify my behavior. Alcoholics are great at deceiving themselves, they don't need other people to help them do it. So I would say that "just not enabling" drunks is about the best thing you can do for them, harsh as it may be sometimes.

I know all about alcoholics and as stated previously I would have taken you to an AA meeting ( if you went that would have helped) if not I wouldn't have helped:cool:
Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Conservatives certainly are.

Criminalize them, violate their civil liberties, ship them off somewhere to be ignored and forgotten.

Problem ‘solved.’

As I stated in a previous post...

The Columbia City Council, the city mentioned in the OP, is comprised predominantly by Democrats. I believe it is 4-2. They passed the ordinance. The mayor, tasked with enforcing the ordinance, is a Democrat.

This certainly does not preclude conservatives/Republicans from doing something similar, but I think it speaks to the bigger picture, everyone has a problem with growing homelessness. We can argue all day about what should be done, but it seems to me to be a bipartisan issue in many cases as to appraoch taken to deal with it...

Ah the Southern democrats. Nice.
There are an estimate 650,00 truly homeless derilects in the USA. Each one of them has their own story./

The Band - Shape I'm In (album version) - YouTube

That's a good song by The Band.
With the topic of helping those with mental difficulties who have somehow fallen through the cracks of our healthcare system currently being in the news, I thought to create a morphing animation from two images of a homeless man in Baltimore that I took several years ago. I don't know what his current situation is.
[ame=]Homeless Man with Mental Difficulties - YouTube[/ame]

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