Not Sure What To Do With the Homeless?

Maybe they'll make it illegal to have a net worth less than a million dollars. Just think, everyone would be a millionaire.
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.

Your town too cheap to provide a few well placed portable toilets? It is you and those like you that are scum. Maybe the person was ill and couldn't control his bowel movements. You are a heartless piece of shit and deserve to have your precious property shit on.
Some people are homeless, some are just bums. I think this law will be used mostly to target bums. Got no problem with that. Most bums are drug addicts and/or drunks and they need to be kept away from decent people.
Some people are homeless, some are just bums. I think this law will be used mostly to target bums. Got no problem with that. Most bums are drug addicts and/or drunks and they need to be kept away from decent people.

And what you advocate, however unwittingly, is un-Constitutional

Really? Show me in the Constitution that we cannot have anti-vagrancy laws or anti-loitering laws.
There are an estimate 650,00 truly homeless derilects in the USA. Each one of them has their own story./

[ame=]The Band - Shape I'm In (album version) - YouTube[/ame]
So, because I'm not willing to pay for some slut's baby, I should be okay with paying for the baby being murdered? How about some responsibility on the part of the slut?

A woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is not necessarily a 'slut'.
Maybe she should embrace the concept of birth control.

A) You're not paying for any abortions

B) Getting pregnant unexpectedly doesn't make a woman a 'slut'

C) Maybe she is a young girl in a red state whose legislature has made it more difficult to obtain birth control and even tried to outlaw certain types (like Plan B)

And finally...

D) This is the most important one. It's none of your fucking business what any woman decides to do with her own body
Discrimination and prejudice against the poor - the last acceptable vice. Money=good, Poverty=sinful.

What? Are we all a bunch of Mormons now that equate being rich with being blessed by God?

There are many laws that discriminate against VISIBLE homelessness because all society wants is to end visible homelessness and turn them invisible! Don't want the rich folks to feel uncomfortable buying more stuff in one day than most people live on in an entire year - that would create guilt and a nagging feeling that perhaps they don't deserve all the good things they got.
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Rich or poor, your property is your own. The focus is what we each do with what we have, not how much we have. Good will, be it 10 fold, 30 fold, or 100 fold, has value, so does aiding specific circumstance. Good will is about meeting need, effecting change, it is about conscience, not politics. You remove conscience, humanity, from the equation, and it becomes a pay off.

Give a damn - Spanky & Our Gang
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A woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is not necessarily a 'slut'.
Maybe she should embrace the concept of birth control.

A) You're not paying for any abortions

B) Getting pregnant unexpectedly doesn't make a woman a 'slut'

C) Maybe she is a young girl in a red state whose legislature has made it more difficult to obtain birth control and even tried to outlaw certain types (like Plan B)

And finally...

D) This is the most important one. It's none of your fucking business what any woman decides to do with her own body

Agreed. It is no fucking business of anyone except that woman what she does with her own body. There is no form of property that is more personal than one's own body.

Which is why women should take complete ownership and pay for her own birth control, abortions, children, and STD treatment. That's part of ownership. Women should treat their bodies as the same kind of personal property as a car. They put gas in it, change the oil and have it repaired because they own it. They are responsible for it. Now do the same thing with all those precious bodies.
Do what Columbia, SC has done. Ban them. It is now illegal to be homeless in Columbia, SC. If I were homeless in Columbia, I'd make sure they arrested me and jailed me on a regular basis. Free food and a free pad. Who could ask for more?

South Carolina City Bans Homeless People - AOL On

That's not what it says. They are only banned from the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA.

As for the homeless in my town, I say run them out of town...completely.

And this viewpoint was reinforced yesterday when neighbors called me at home to let me know that a homeless man was defecating in front of my house. I went outside and he had taken a shit in front of my house, right up by the cedar fence my husband and I constructed with our own hands. He had left his shitty toilet paper laying in my driveway.

Neighbors pointed him out, he was walking away with two buddies. I yelled after them and let them know I would be calling the cops from now on if I saw them loitering anywhere nearby. One of them yelled back, "Call the cops! Go ahead!" I assured them I would, but not when they were expecting it.

Shitting in front of people's houses, leaving shitty toilet paper in people's driveways, don't even have the dignity to find a private spot somewhere. What if a child got that on them? Scum. Run them out of town.

You know how so many paces downtown stink like piss, too...the public places they prefer to inhabit so they can accost passersby.

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