Not Very Presidential

The worst and rudest President in our lifetime.

This is also an important topic that needs to be discussed. I want to give BS Filter credit for this thread since his thread was closed for not posting two sentences of his own. Biden and his collective claim that they do not insult American voters and yet they are constantly calling people MAGAs and far right extremists. But, they don't insult voters or the American people.

Only fools listen to that dementia ridden old jackass
They have made that clear. It's why I call them vermin, for that specific reason, and of course they never get it.

Trump is so funny, he does this to them all day and they NEVER GET IT. Then THEY call HIM stupid. It's just classic
I have laughed over the years when Trump has said things to get them going and then they jump around like chickens with their heads cut off, only for Trump to keep on doing it to them over and over and over again and they never seem to catch on.
It is a black and white issue. Either you act presidential or you don't. It's not a contest to see who is more presidential than someone else.
I know your world is black and white. On or off. Either/or. All or nothing. No complexity.

I know. That's Trumpism.
Biden is universally Presidential with a few off moments. Trump was universally never Presidential with rarely an on moment.
But they don't know how to act, dress, how to set a table...
I could never date a hillbilly.
Many southern white trash girls can screw as fabulously as they can cook. Word.

But then you hvae to talk to them, which is really not worth the good food and loving. And you have to talk to their dumber than shit brothers. Look at the terds around here.

Stay way way from them.
I have laughed over the years when Trump has said things to get them going and then they jump around like chickens with their heads cut off, only for Trump to keep on doing it to them over and over and over again and they never seem to catch on.

The I'm going to be a dictator but only on day one was Trump at his best, I laughed knowing what was coming, and of course it did. Just read how stupid they are. I know you agree.

Then there was the brainless reporter who asked Ramaswami to condemn white nationalism, and he said he condemns all extremism but won't play their game, but they are going to write he refused to condemn white supremacy. And that's exactly what they did.

Democrats are getting where they are on violence, there is zero intelligence involved. It's Stalinism. Believe what we tell you or die, your choice
Just pointing out the hypocrisy. If you criticize Trump for not being presidential then you should also criticize Biden.
NEVER going to happen. When Obama laid into the White House press corps with what one Dem veteran correspondent described as a profanity laced tirade there was zero uproar.

Dems have been WINNING this battle for decades. Dems can be as NASTY as they want, but Reps must be nice and clean as a fresh winter snow. When you control 90% of the news media you can get away with almost anything.
NO ONE behaves like Trump. NO ONE.

No man, woman, child. No animal, vegetable or mineral.

NO one.
Several years a go Joe was a promoter of nuclear hetero families. He now is pushing for anything goes and the pedophile agenda will come along with the bestiality agenda. We can all change opinions to some degree. that is a 180 degree turn around and he put it on steroids.
Several years a go Joe was a promoter of nuclear hetero families. He now is pushing for anything goes and the pedophile agenda will come along with the bestiality agenda.
These people just toss words like around like they're nothing.

Ugliness is part and parcel of Trumpism.
Conservative women don't know how to act or set a table? Do you ever get out of your parents basement? Holy fuck, vermin

MAGA trash not conservative women.
People do this all the time, they conflate Republic, Conservative and MAGA when they are all separate and distinct.
No, the point is that it was happening well before Trump.
Trump just put it to work for his advantage with his wall, that appeals directly to the worst of racism in America.

Racism is a rational and completely acceptable ideology to the right. We've become so close to heaing most of them bragging about how they feel.

Trump created an irrational fear and offered himself as the only solution.
Propagada 101.

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