Note The Difference Between The Headline -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
- and the reality.

Headline: "Packers' Quarless charged with firing automatic handgun"

Reality: "Miami (AFP) - Green Bay Packers player Andrew Quarless was arrested Saturday after allegedly firing a semi-automatic handgun following an argument near a Miami Beach parking garage."

Is media intentionally stupid, or intentionally lying?

Packers Quarless charged with firing automatic handgun - Yahoo Sports
Last edited:
Is media intentionally stupid, or intentionally lying?

A little of both
This was in my email today.
Pretty good match:

****The gist of the study appears to say that since gun control supporters’ long term goal is to reduce gun ownership, they ought to consider not only campaigning for gun control laws that make it more difficult to acquire or possess guns — background checks, gun registration, gun owners licensing, etc. — but focusing on policies that could undermine the social aspects of gun ownership.****

Study Gun control groups should undermine our gun culture to reduce gun ownership - The Gun Writer

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