Note to Democrats: Losing Is Not Winning


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Dumbos keep up with the violent hate and their going to lose big time...

June 26, 2017
Note to Democrats: Losing Is Not Winning
By Bruce Walker


The curiosity is that Democrats, who lust for power like no one else in American life, are quite literally incapable of offering anything but noxious feminism, stale racial whining, worn out socialism presented by multimillionaires like Hillary, job-destroying radical environmentalism, pathetic complaints about "religious extremism" that invariably mean peaceful and loving Christians and never vicious Muslims, and other failed and hateful policies.

These Democrats agree with Hillary that one quarter of the nation – the one quarter, of course, who do most of the real work – are "deplorable" and agree with Pelosi that desperate folks on unemployment can "write books" and such.

Things for Democrats are about to get worse – much worse. Bernie Sanders, the dolt who seems to hate Christianity that defeats Israel more than Islam that calls for Christianity's death, and his weird acolytes, when they are not trying to murder Republican House leaders, are taking over state Democratic Party organizations one by one.

What this means is that by 2020 and perhaps by 2018, many state Democrat organizations will be run by folks who think the demise of the Soviet Union was a tragedy and that what our country really needs is more atheism and more socialism and more statism.


Read more: Articles: Note to Democrats: Losing Is Not Winning
Remember, Stalin, Mao and Hitler were winners of power in their country...Winning doesn't mean good.

Becoming like Saudi Arabia with a religious fascist government is very bad...
The left’s endgame isn’t winning elections. It’s eliminating them.
June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Democrats have lost the White House and Congress. Their statewide losses are catastrophic. But the institutional strength of the left has only grown stronger. Each Democrat defeat hollows out the party but increases the power and influence of the left to move the party in an undemocratic direction.

The defeats have elevated the roles of the left’s unelected power bases from the judiciary to the media to academia to the bureaucracy and the non-profit sector. These are the core of the “Resistance”. The mission of the “Resistance” is not to plan for a future democratic victory, but an undemocratic coup.

The Democrats had been radicalized into alienating their traditional working class constituencies. They had been seduced into believing that they could lose the heartland and still win elections. After pushing the party into a politically untenable extremism, the Democrats were convinced to abandon democracy.

Democratic elections had been the left’s greatest obstacle in its plot to take over the Democrat Party.


The left has led the donkey party to this poisonous swamp. The question is will the donkey drink?

The Left’s Un-Democratic Seduction of the Democrats


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