Nothing has chased more Christians away from this religion then the evangelicals

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LGBTP's have no right to bring the Red Districts on to Main Street and then demand all the other people be passive and accepting of it all. It is no better than nudist claiming that they have a right to expose themselves to other peoples children on Main Street and then try to force them to accept it and like them for it.
Garbage you can do anything the law allows. You higher then high people need a Island to throw your hatred of just about everything back and forth , cause I don't want to hear it in main street, it's way to ugly, way worse then gays and way worse then LGBTs
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me
Become a catholic. That way you get Sacraments, and whatever is now remaining of your soul will be less of a toilet paper for the devil.
LGBTP's have no right to bring the Red Districts on to Main Street and then demand all the other people be passive and accepting of it all. It is no better than nudist claiming that they have a right to expose themselves to other peoples children on Main Street and then try to force them to accept it and like them for it.
Garbage you can do anything the law allows. You higher then high people need a Island to throw your hatred of just about everything back and forth , cause I don't want to hear it in main street, it's way to ugly, way worse then gays and way worse then LGBTs
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

Hysteria's sock is a bad sock
What is all of this weirdness about "red light districts" and people having sex in the street or in alleys? I know that some evangelicals are on this trip that heterosexuals have their sex in cars after closing time, given their "keep your knees together" stuff on USMB. I get it that this is how evangelicals have sex. They are not normal.

Here is a Hysteria rant on Evangelicals and sex:

What is all of this weirdness about "red light districts" and people having sex in the street or in alleys? I know that some evangelicals are on this trip that heterosexuals have their sex in cars after closing time, given their "keep your knees together" stuff on USMB. I get it that this is how evangelicals have sex. They are not normal.

And here is here sockpuppet "jbander". Compare and contrast all of this and see what you come up with:

With your overpowering logic and understanding of this group, you must have many friends from that group. Do you keep your eyes closed when you have sex ,Do you even know what the body of the person you have sex with looks like? Do you even know what the opposite sex looks like without cloths. Do you pray when you have sex. It seems you have a bit of a hangup over sexual things , you can be helped, there's many psychiatrist that can work with you but a good start would be, just for once, open your eyes when you have sex , it will be good for you.
Well when it comes to Violent Muslims they are all conservative. Just like the violence in this country massive majority from the right. The hate bigger then the left.

Muslims are liberals.
Please tell me where, in the United States of America, that people are having sex in the streets.

They usually don't "have sex" in the street, but they do flaunt it and sell it there and most often take it into their cars or restrooms or theaters.

I take it you don't have many pimps, homos or hoes in your circle of acquaintances?

No. I have never known any pimps or "hoes." I have had friends and colleagues who were LGBT; decent people whom I take it you are disparaging as "homos." The only encounters I have had with the "red light district" involved being in a car coming home from our part-time restaurant jobs with my college friends and stopped at a red light at 14th and Q, N.W., Washington, D.C. and viewing various people standing around in scant clothing and one time walking with a roommate (an African American) in downtown DC, when we were shouted at by some white guy who was either a pimp or a john. Where do you live that people are flaunting sex? What circle do you run with?

I'm not being "disparaging" by calling someone a pimp or a hoe or a homo at all. This is what they are, and they traditionally were in their own habitat. Most of this kind of activity is no longer on the streets nowadays and is more "on line".

But these folks just aren't normative. A neighbor of mine in the alley I used to live in was a pimp daddy. Its part of life.

I certainly don't hate someone for this kind of activity, but don't tell me the Godfather is typical or is going to pretend to be devout like "Mayor Pete".
I'm pretty sure many people can read into your brash words about gays. The first time you did it , it was a Freudian slip but now that you came out to yourself you are now hiding from the truth. I've seen many people like you.

The only thing I've criticized about homos is the fact that they are trying to force acceptance of their new institution of Gay Marriage up the caboose of the general public.

If someone chooses the gay orientation, that's certainly their privilege. But the whole question is whether people should be forced to celebrate it.

Or even forced to accept it as normal as heterosexuality. If you don't, the queers and their supporters in the courts will punish you severely. That's why they like to compare their "struggle" with the Civil Rights era of black people. That's also why they claim "you are born gay". Sex is a behavior, not a right by birth. You can't control your skin color, but you can control your sexual behavior; just ask people locked up in prison.
I am currently rethinking the whole concept of Christianity and my identity as a Christian. The evangelicals have so prostituted the teachings and sacredness of this faith that I am considering walking away from it altogether. There are other options available.

You can become part of the Religious Left if you don't like it. The Radical Episcopalianists would take you since you believe that sodomy and abortion should be glorified. Ditto with the Unitarians, or Jim Wallis' radical flock.

If you don't believe in the basic message of the Bible, there are alternatives.

Of course, the problem groups like Radical Episcopalianists have is that people don't have to be a member to go out and take it in the caboose.

There is really little reason to join.

Your use of the term "glorified" shows how out to lunch you really are. The Episcopal denomination and the Sojourners are Christian groups, while the Unitarians just help people along their individual spiritual journeys without laying down dogma, so you are not up on your homework. When I wrote about the availability of alternatives, I was referring to non-Christian ones, like Buddhism, New Age, and Wicca, as well as Jesus' own faith. I do not believe in the inerrancy or infallibility of the bible or any other ancient writings. They were all written by humans, those lucky enough to be literate, trying to make sense of their world.

BTW: your references to taking "it in the caboose" are very strange. You must not be too familiar with human sexuality, but seem obsessed with it. There are folks out there who apparently enjoy this activity, and there seem to be a lot of people out there who enjoy oral sex. BJs seem to be quite popular among some guys, both heterosexual and homosexual, and women seem to enjoy the occasional, well, you know . . .
Gays claimed it was a civil right to have sex in the parks. It would be denying their right to public lands. I used to hear that same crap when we ran people off the rest areas in Idaho and myself or the employees would tell them to got get a room like anyone else would do.

Police presence in Fens draws mixed reaction - The Boston Globe
Article excerpt:
For the last few weeks, police in cars and motorcycles have patrolled the Fens off Boylston Street for about 16 hours a day, a move that has thrilled many of the gardeners, who want to tend their radishes, tomatoes, and dahlias without encountering debris from some of the more unsavory uses of the park. But one person’s vision of a cleaner, safer park is another person’s possible civil rights violation. Some are concerned that the patrols may be targeting gay men, who often use the reeds as cover for their trysts.

“Our experience in the past is that whenever police go into a gay cruising area, civil rights problems result,’’ said Don Gorton, president of the Anti-Violence Project of Massachusetts, a gay-rights advocacy group. “Oftentimes when there are reports or concerns [about crime], the police go in and sweep everyone out. They say ‘leave.’ And that tends to deny gay men access to public land. And that’s discrimination. That’s the danger we’re trying to avoid.’’

In New York
Back to the OP.
The bible is a big book and you can find anything you want in it.
Religious nuts have taken and twisted parts of it to suit their own agendas since the ink dried on it.
Generally with a body count.
These current weirdos are no different.
Remember the US was founded by religious nuts who slaughtered the natives so that they could enjoy freedom to worship.
Back to the OP.
The bible is a big book and you can find anything you want in it.
Religious nuts have taken and twisted parts of it to suit their own agendas since the ink dried on it.
Generally with a body count.
These current weirdos are no different.
Remember the US was founded by religious nuts who slaughtered the natives so that they could enjoy freedom to worship.
Better do some more history checking there. Whites also protected Indians from other whites. Its the same story throughout history, there are decent people and there are evil people. There are people who will defend other people regardless of their color or national origin.

John Brown (abolitionist) - Wikipedia
Garbage you can do anything the law allows. You higher then high people need a Island to throw your hatred of just about everything back and forth , cause I don't want to hear it in main street, it's way to ugly, way worse then gays and way worse then LGBTs
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me

Says a lover of frankie graham.
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me

Says a lover of frankie graham.

I don't love Franklin Graham. But you do have a very bad sock and are absolutely OBSESSED with the sex lives of evangelicals. That's.....strange, dear.
Back to the OP.
The bible is a big book and you can find anything you want in it.
Religious nuts have taken and twisted parts of it to suit their own agendas since the ink dried on it.
Generally with a body count.
These current weirdos are no different.
Remember the US was founded by religious nuts who slaughtered the natives so that they could enjoy freedom to worship.
So you're anti civilization?
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me

Says a lover of frankie graham.
Tell me why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me

Says a lover of frankie graham.

I don't love Franklin Graham. But you do have a very bad sock and are absolutely OBSESSED with the sex lives of evangelicals. That's.....strange, dear.

Other way around. The evangelicals seem to be obsessed with everyone else's sex life. They are constantly saying things like "abstinence," "keep your knees together," "taking it up the caboose," "birth control is bad," "birth control doesn't work," "if a woman can swallow a tiny camera, we can check out her reproductive organs," "gay Teletubbies," "American heterosexuals are not in relationships and only have sex in the back seats of cars after closing time," and they outright lie about issues regarding women, sex, birth control, the human gestational process, and abortion (which apparently has something to do with a tendency toward breast cancer and apparently is more dangerous than a colonoscopy).

Nobody gives a damn about how you evangelicals have sex. That's your personal business. Do anything that you want, with whomever you want, even frankie or pigpence, or your husband and sex master. Enjoy BDSM if you want to. Just stay the hell out of everyone else's personal business and relationships. You people are so sexually obsessed that it is ridiculous.

Take a look at this bitch Huber:
Trump’s Abstinence Queen Has a Tarnished Record

She's a bit obsessive. Try explaining it.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

REally? Cause I find that a lot of people look for moral structure in life, and it seems to me, that it is the mainstream churches embracing liberalism, and liberal morals, that is driving people away.

That is why you see crazy shit like Sinead deciding she is a Muslim.
Personally I don't want to have anything to do with this twisted group. Their Idea of Christianity isn't mine and its rejected more and more by the rest of us everyday. Correlating the idea that you can elect the devil as your leader and still call yourself a Christian , simply is beyond rational thinking. I've heard their responses to this and if it wasn't so important I would simply laugh at their justification to elect and support this evil, cruel , mean, hateful, lying, mental case. No one is less of a Christian then this truly controlling evil person. God will always come way down the list for this guy.

You support Baby killing, sodomizing loving, covetous haters of God, lecture someone else!
The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me

Says a lover of frankie graham.

I don't love Franklin Graham. But you do have a very bad sock and are absolutely OBSESSED with the sex lives of evangelicals. That's.....strange, dear.

Other way around. The evangelicals seem to be obsessed with everyone else's sex life. They are constantly saying things like "abstinence," "keep your knees together," "taking it up the caboose," "birth control is bad," "birth control doesn't work," "if a woman can swallow a tiny camera, we can check out her reproductive organs," "gay Teletubbies," "American heterosexuals are not in relationships and only have sex in the back seats of cars after closing time," and they outright lie about issues regarding women, sex, birth control, the human gestational process, and abortion (which apparently has something to do with a tendency toward breast cancer and apparently is more dangerous than a colonoscopy).

Nobody gives a damn about how you evangelicals have sex. That's your personal business. Do anything that you want, with whomever you want, even frankie or pigpence, or your husband and sex master. Enjoy BDSM if you want to. Just stay the hell out of everyone else's personal business and relationships. You people are so sexually obsessed that it is ridiculous.

Take a look at this bitch Huber:
Trump’s Abstinence Queen Has a Tarnished Record

She's a bit obsessive. Try explaining it.

Hysteria fantasizes about my sex life and then calls ME sex obsessed.

Oh, Hysteria. Where to begin.
The Nazis fanatics hate Jews
The Klan knuttjobs hate Black people
The Democrat Bigots hate the evangelicals
Garbage you can do anything the law allows. You higher then high people need a Island to throw your hatred of just about everything back and forth , cause I don't want to hear it in main street, it's way to ugly, way worse then gays and way worse then LGBTs
Oh yeah, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of good decent people and not the filthy perverts, huh.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with the LGBT business.

The people of Sodom named their town after sodomy, they were clearly big fans of the practice.

Of course it had everything to do with it.

Almighty God agreed to spare Sodom if there 5 normative folks could be found there. So he sent down a couple of his holy angels to check out the situation on the ground. They were staying with God's friend, Lot. The Gay Community of Sodom immediately went over to Lot's domicile in an attempt to recruit the angels into the gay lifestyle.
Not even close,First it was 10 people not five. All the people from many quarters came to the house and wanted to have sex with the angels who were , what sex? was it sex or gay sex . all the people from all quarters is that men and women. And lets get this straight So if we are to believe this story , then we have to some how get around the fact that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by the crowd. So is this a story or a fable. Do you pratice the laws of Leviticus cause if you don't and you don't then all the story's in the old testament are under scrutiny, When your children argued with you did you take them to the gate and have the people kill them for you or were you man enough to kill them yourselves, So is that a true story or a fable . You clowns are a gas, mealy minded self righteous obnoxious, I'm better then you people.

I'm saying this is a Lysistrata sock.

Who's with me
Could be, but Lysistrata at least seems to have a basic grasp of grammar and English usage.
Back to the OP.
The bible is a big book and you can find anything you want in it.
Religious nuts have taken and twisted parts of it to suit their own agendas since the ink dried on it.
Generally with a body count.
These current weirdos are no different.
Remember the US was founded by religious nuts who slaughtered the natives so that they could enjoy freedom to worship.
So you're anti civilization?

I am anti hypocrisy.
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