Nothing Is More Pathetic Than An Uninformed Voter


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Jeff Boomhauer​

If you attempt to discuss important issues at work you come across these folks. The glassy eyed stares that you get throws up red-flags for some and cause for hope for others.

These days just about everyone is talking about politics, but at work there are still those few that aren't aware of anything that's going on. These are the folks that go about their lives working every day and go home at night and watch "Pawn Stars" religiously.

If you ask these people who the majority leader currently is in the House they haven't a clue, but they know what's going on with Honey Boo Boo or the X Factor. They don't know the latest on Bengahzi but they know the point totals for the top 3 leaders in NASCAR.

We have one guy in my shop that's a Catholic and he doesn't want to discuss politics....yet he doesn't know he's currently under attack from the left. My guess is he intentionally wants to stay ill-informed because he's a Democrat and is resistant to change.

There's another that the minute we start talking politics he starts talking over everyone and he talks about the latest broke-dick air-conditioner he's working on. He's got to be one of the stupidest individuals in our shop, not because he's not able to comprehend but he refuses to. This guy tried to get through Air Borne school and Air Assault school while in the Army and said he was bounced out of both. Could it be because he doesn't like to pay attention?

Just to not appear like a total dick I have to say that the guy I discussed in the prior paragraph is one of my best friends. He and I are in the same PT program and we regularly work out together. I have to drag him along sometimes but I don't mind. I wish I could get him to do some sprints but I figure if I can get him to walk 2 or 3 miles I'm happy.

We have another guy in the shop from South Carolina who sounds like Boomhauer from "King of the Hill". He says he's not voting. I just told him it doesn't matter if he votes because Tennessee is going for Romney anyway. If we were living in Ohio I told him I would flex-cuff his ass and drag him to the polls.

This country is full of these idiots. People who are willfully ignorant or people with terrible attitudes. Bad leaders count on this morons to get elected. They fill the airwaves with nonsensical vitriol hoping that these folks will get so turned off to politics that they won't even bother. Most of the time it works. In 2010 it didn't. Let's hope it doesn't this year.

Personally I think that in order for you to vote you need to pass an basic competency examination. If you can't get at least a 60% on a 10 question test you don't have the mental capacity to vote. They could be simple questions like what state is the Vice President from. All the test would indicate is that you're at least slightly engaged. From what I've seen a misinformed electorate can be a dangerous thing. The last 4 years proved that.
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Right Mudwhisle.

They would have to be those still, as of this day, the undecideds....:lmao:
Well, I think if anyone doesn't know at this point who they are going to vote for, they have no clue what is going on with this country and they are better off not voting.

I always say that everyone should vote but people that couldn't even tell you who the VP is right now, they really shouldn't.

You don't have to live your life doing nothing but paying attention to politics. But you need to at least have a basic understanding of things that really effect this country and the future of this country-which affects all of us.

I'll give an example. The ACA. Whether you are for it or against it, it will be having a major effect on the healthcare system of this country.

So do some basic research and find out what it is all about and how it effects you.

How hard is that?

Spend one less hour watching Jersey Shore or Honey Boo Boo and just do some basic reading on this stuff.

Our education system needs some major upgrades too. Interviewing high school kids and asking them basic political questions is embarrassing to watch. I saw a show where they did this once. It was sad.
[ame=]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]TEA PARTY CONVENTION - Sarah Palin, Orly Taitz, Interviews with Participants - YouTube[/ame]
A couple of weeks ago one of the other USMB members said he was watching news about the criminal negligence of the Obama administration on Benghazi.

He was watching it with a bunch of H.S. girls. They hadn't been told anything about what was going on. They watched in horror as the story unfolded and their eyes were riveted to the screen.

One of them finally said during a commercial; "And we thought free birth control was important".
[ame=]Glenn Beck Teabagger Rally - Hostile reactions to questions put to Teabaggers - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck supporters at Tea Party rally don't quite know why they support Beck - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Alternate Reality of the Tea Party Express - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Unedited Tea Party Protestor in Cleveland, Ohio. - YouTube[/ame]
A couple of weeks ago one of the other USMB members said he was watching news about the criminal negligence of the Obama administration on Benghazi.

He was watching it with a bunch of H.S. girls. They hadn't been told anything about what was going on. They watched in horror as the story unfolded and their eyes were riveted to the screen.

One of them finally said during a commercial; "And we thought free birth control was important".
Lol, something of an epiphany!
[ame=]Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits - YouTube[/ame]
Hazel nut, do you really want to go there? I mean there are hundreds of video's of ignorant liberals. Obama phone for a start. Remember ignorance started in your party, that's how liberals win elections. Lol, your a hoot.

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