nothing is sacred to liberals.

Even at the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery — for centuries a place of honor and reverence for our nation’s heroes — nothing is sacred to liberals.

The Arlington cemetery is not two or more centuries old...Do rightist always speak so diligently daft of knowledge?
Considering that we have no idea why he is kneeling since their is no interview with the guy kneeling I assume that it is a fake story..

Although still unverified, the picture seems to show a slap in the face to America’s honor
Most American voters feel that kneeling during the national anthem is a disgraceful and inappropriate way to protest — but it has nothing on this latest, most outrageous liberal protest.

Outrage! Protester kneels at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

That's what makes this country great. The guys the tomb honor..died so they could do that.

BTW: It isn't's the left. Big difference.
in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

and NOT against the flag or Anthem.

It is Trump that is telling you it was against our Flag, our Anthem and our Nation...but he's lying, as usual, to cover his ass.

even the two players that did the kneeling before this past week, was not against the Flag, or Anthem, but against injustices that they believe are happening in their country.

you've got to be a potato head to not know that.... :lol:
It's outrageous what some on the Right find outrageous. Kneeling respectfully is now "OUTRAGEOUS"! Nothing is denigrated, nothing is soiled, nothing is destroyed and no disturbances are made.

Watch and listen as these same righteous right wingers claim others are whiners, snowflakes, pussies should any of the behavior of the Right offend others.

And what are these kneelers protesting? Police brutality. As for myself, I find police brutality to be actually outrageous. I am more offended by policemen acting with impunity than anyone quietly kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom. But does the righteous right understand the irony? Kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom while little justice is meted out. Being outraged by someone excerising their constitutionally protected rights. Do those righteous right wingers understand that?

I doubt it. Those right wingers are more concerned with imagery than practice. Why else would they support a huckster like Trump? They certainly could not expect results from such a charlatan, such a neophyte, such an egotist. Nope! Winning. That's what they thought they'd get.

Well, in reality, what they got was a demagogue, a flamethrower. Someone more adept at driving cultural wedge issues than uniting a badly divided nation. So long as wedge issues do what they are so aptly named as, we are screwed. We will have to pay attention to the silliness of the faux outrage while the rest of the world burns to the ground.

Watch for other wedges to be driven as Trump's corrupt administration augers into the ground. Watch for more divisiveness as we lerch toward the midterm elections no next year. Failing any real legislative accomplishments both Trump and the radical right wingers in congress will grasp at any slender reed to hang an argument from.
It's outrageous what some on the Right find outrageous. Kneeling respectfully is now "OUTRAGEOUS"! Nothing is denigrated, nothing is soiled, nothing is destroyed and no disturbances are made.

Watch and listen as these same righteous right wingers claim others are whiners, snowflakes, pussies should any of the behavior of the Right offend others.

And what are these kneelers protesting? Police brutality. As for myself, I find police brutality to be actually outrageous. I am more offended by policemen acting with impunity than anyone quietly kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom. But does the righteous right understand the irony? Kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom while little justice is meted out. Being outraged by someone excerising their constitutionally protected rights. Do those righteous right wingers understand that?

I doubt it. Those right wingers are more concerned with imagery than practice. Why else would they support a huckster like Trump? They certainly could not expect results from such a charlatan, such a neophyte, such an egotist. Nope! Winning. That's what they thought they'd get.

Well, in reality, what they got was a demagogue, a flamethrower. Someone more adept at driving cultural wedge issues than uniting a badly divided nation. So long as wedge issues do what they are so aptly named as, we are screwed. We will have to pay attention to the silliness of the faux outrage while the rest of the world burns to the ground.

Watch for other wedges to be driven as Trump's corrupt administration augers into the ground. Watch for more divisiveness as we lerch toward the midterm elections no next year. Failing any real legislative accomplishments both Trump and the radical right wingers in congress will grasp at any slender reed to hang an argument from.
I agree with everything you said with one exception...

It's the owner's prerogative to make the rules for their players, and if the owner's decided to make the kneeling against their NFL rules then the player would have to follow or their contracts would be broken or there would be punishment like having to sit out a far, they are sticking with allowing players.

President Trump's INTRUSION in to the matter, as our government head, was what brought about comments on first amendment rights, because Trump IS GOVERNMENT, and government is not allowed to stop anyone from their constitutional right to speak, to protest peacefully....and the Don used his bully pulpit, as President, to squash their constitutional right of the first amendment by his comments and his fueling the fire of divisiveness, saying any player should be fired, and his intentionally trying to HARM the NFL, the NFL that he feels rejected him and his football league many moons ago....he's a vindictive and vengeful man. SAD
in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

and NOT against the flag or Anthem.

It is Trump that is telling you it was against our Flag, our Anthem and our Nation...but he's lying, as usual, to cover his ass.

even the two players that did the kneeling before this past week, was not against the Flag, or Anthem, but against injustices that they believe are happening in their country.

you've got to be a potato head to not know that.... :lol:
Then why do they kneel DURING the National Anthem?
in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

and NOT against the flag or Anthem.

It is Trump that is telling you it was against our Flag, our Anthem and our Nation...but he's lying, as usual, to cover his ass.

even the two players that did the kneeling before this past week, was not against the Flag, or Anthem, but against injustices that they believe are happening in their country.

you've got to be a potato head to not know that.... :lol:
Then why do they kneel DURING the National Anthem?
can you not read? :)

in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

prior to that, the two NFL players that kneeled, were hoping someone would notice and ask them why they did they could say what their cause was....bring attention to it.

Kneeling is showing respect and reverence, it's the MOST reverent thing a person can do!

They did not turn around and put their backs and butts towards the flag....that would be disrespectful.... though probably still allowed.... but they kneeled, a respectful gesture...we kneel before God, we kneel in respect for a King, we kneel before the cross, we kneel in church, we kneel in is not disrespectful to kneel before the flag.....but it is DIFFERENT, and not the usual protocol, and this is why they did it, to bring attention to them and later in interview, their protest cause.
in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

and NOT against the flag or Anthem.

It is Trump that is telling you it was against our Flag, our Anthem and our Nation...but he's lying, as usual, to cover his ass.

even the two players that did the kneeling before this past week, was not against the Flag, or Anthem, but against injustices that they believe are happening in their country.

you've got to be a potato head to not know that.... :lol:
Then why do they kneel DURING the National Anthem?
can you not read? :)

in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....b

prior to that, the two NFL players that kneeled, were hoping someone would notice and ask them why they did they could say what their cause was....bring attention to it.

Kneeling is showing respect and reverence, it's the MOST reverent thing a person can do!

They did not turn around and put their backs and butts towards the flag....that would be disrespectful.... though probably still allowed.... but they kneeled, a respectful gesture...we kneel before God, we kneel in respect for a King, we kneel before the cross, we kneel in church, we kneel in is not disrespectful to kneel before the flag.....but it is DIFFERENT, and not the usual protocol, and this is why they did it, to bring attention to them and later in interview, their protest cause.

They know not what they are protesting. They are being told a lie. Idiots.
It's outrageous what some on the Right find outrageous. Kneeling respectfully is now "OUTRAGEOUS"! Nothing is denigrated, nothing is soiled, nothing is destroyed and no disturbances are made.

Watch and listen as these same righteous right wingers claim others are whiners, snowflakes, pussies should any of the behavior of the Right offend others.

And what are these kneelers protesting? Police brutality. As for myself, I find police brutality to be actually outrageous. I am more offended by policemen acting with impunity than anyone quietly kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom. But does the righteous right understand the irony? Kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom while little justice is meted out. Being outraged by someone excerising their constitutionally protected rights. Do those righteous right wingers understand that?

I doubt it. Those right wingers are more concerned with imagery than practice. Why else would they support a huckster like Trump? They certainly could not expect results from such a charlatan, such a neophyte, such an egotist. Nope! Winning. That's what they thought they'd get.

Well, in reality, what they got was a demagogue, a flamethrower. Someone more adept at driving cultural wedge issues than uniting a badly divided nation. So long as wedge issues do what they are so aptly named as, we are screwed. We will have to pay attention to the silliness of the faux outrage while the rest of the world burns to the ground.

Watch for other wedges to be driven as Trump's corrupt administration augers into the ground. Watch for more divisiveness as we lerch toward the midterm elections no next year. Failing any real legislative accomplishments both Trump and the radical right wingers in congress will grasp at any slender reed to hang an argument from.
I agree with everything you said with one exception...

It's the owner's prerogative to make the rules for their players, and if the owner's decided to make the kneeling against their NFL rules then the player would have to follow or their contracts would be broken or there would be punishment like having to sit out a far, they are sticking with allowing players.

President Trump's INTRUSION in to the matter, as our government head, was what brought about comments on first amendment rights, because Trump IS GOVERNMENT, and government is not allowed to stop anyone from their constitutional right to speak, to protest peacefully....and the Don used his bully pulpit, as President, to squash their constitutional right of the first amendment by his comments and his fueling the fire of divisiveness, saying any player should be fired, and his intentionally trying to HARM the NFL, the NFL that he feels rejected him and his football league many moons ago....he's a vindictive and vengeful man. SAD

President Trump offered his POV and there is no law prohibiting that nor, is there a law prohibiting those dunder heads from shitting on our flag by taking a knee. There is, however, going to be CONSEQUENCES from free citizens that are totally sickened by their stupid gesture.
It's outrageous what some on the Right find outrageous. Kneeling respectfully is now "OUTRAGEOUS"! Nothing is denigrated, nothing is soiled, nothing is destroyed and no disturbances are made.

Watch and listen as these same righteous right wingers claim others are whiners, snowflakes, pussies should any of the behavior of the Right offend others.

And what are these kneelers protesting? Police brutality. As for myself, I find police brutality to be actually outrageous. I am more offended by policemen acting with impunity than anyone quietly kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom. But does the righteous right understand the irony? Kneeling before a symbol of justice and freedom while little justice is meted out. Being outraged by someone excerising their constitutionally protected rights. Do those righteous right wingers understand that?

I doubt it. Those right wingers are more concerned with imagery than practice. Why else would they support a huckster like Trump? They certainly could not expect results from such a charlatan, such a neophyte, such an egotist. Nope! Winning. That's what they thought they'd get.

Well, in reality, what they got was a demagogue, a flamethrower. Someone more adept at driving cultural wedge issues than uniting a badly divided nation. So long as wedge issues do what they are so aptly named as, we are screwed. We will have to pay attention to the silliness of the faux outrage while the rest of the world burns to the ground.

Watch for other wedges to be driven as Trump's corrupt administration augers into the ground. Watch for more divisiveness as we lerch toward the midterm elections no next year. Failing any real legislative accomplishments both Trump and the radical right wingers in congress will grasp at any slender reed to hang an argument from.
I agree with everything you said with one exception...

It's the owner's prerogative to make the rules for their players, and if the owner's decided to make the kneeling against their NFL rules then the player would have to follow or their contracts would be broken or there would be punishment like having to sit out a far, they are sticking with allowing players.

President Trump's INTRUSION in to the matter, as our government head, was what brought about comments on first amendment rights, because Trump IS GOVERNMENT, and government is not allowed to stop anyone from their constitutional right to speak, to protest peacefully....and the Don used his bully pulpit, as President, to squash their constitutional right of the first amendment by his comments and his fueling the fire of divisiveness, saying any player should be fired, and his intentionally trying to HARM the NFL, the NFL that he feels rejected him and his football league many moons ago....he's a vindictive and vengeful man. SAD

President Trump offered his POV and there is no law prohibiting that nor, is there a law prohibiting those dunder heads from shitting on our flag by taking a knee. There is, however, going to be CONSEQUENCES from free citizens that are totally sickened by their stupid gesture.
by the president of the USA jumping in to it with his speeches and tweets he used his bully pulpit as president... he riled the troops, to go out and hurt a private business enterprise, so that the private business would succumb to the heat and do what the head of our govt insisted they do... that's an ABUSE of power, by our president, against private citizens and private businesses.
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in this past Sunday and Monday games, they kneeled to show protest AGAINST TRUMP and what he said about the issue like calling the mothers of those player's bitches and saying they should be fired....

and NOT against the flag or Anthem.

It is Trump that is telling you it was against our Flag, our Anthem and our Nation...but he's lying, as usual, to cover his ass.

even the two players that did the kneeling before this past week, was not against the Flag, or Anthem, but against injustices that they believe are happening in their country.

The truth behind kneeling...

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

-- Colin Kaepernick,
former San Francisco 49ers quarterback,
Aug. 26, 2016

Straight from the horses mouth...this protest is all about dishonoring the flag and disrespecting the country. Anyone that told you different is either a liar or completely uninformed.
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