Nothing like giving yourself up..

Do you not know how to link an specific viddy?
I am glad he linked to the page, kind of an anthology of the traitorous dumb ass, there for the viewing.
You are partially correct. As a hard core Democrat I don't just hate Trump for what he's done to our country, I despise and loath his sorry ass, and more so now for his treasonous attempt to engineer a takeover of America through the use of criminal thugs. As to revenge, I want Trump's reputation, for what he's done, to be forever stained and tarnished, and I want him impeached and convicted as a stain on his reputation and a guarantee that he will forever remain under a rock and not be able to run for office again. And, that stain should extend to his sorry enabling family, hamstringing them forever in any political arena. Bigly!!!
You are partially correct. As a hard core Democrat I don't just hate Trump for what he's done to our country, I despise and loath his sorry ass, and more so now for his treasonous attempt to engineer a takeover of America through the use of criminal thugs. As to revenge, I want Trump's reputation, for what he's done, to be forever stained and tarnished, and I want him impeached and convicted as a stain on his reputation and a guarantee that he will forever remain under a rock and not be able to run for office again. And, that stain should extend to his sorry enabling family, hamstringing them forever in any political arena. Bigly!!!
They trespassed and protested---something libs do all the time in the same building and yet you act like they are evil. Pathetic.
Do you not know how to link an specific viddy?
I am glad he linked to the page, kind of an anthology of the traitorous dumb ass, there for the viewing.
I don't need to see it i live with people like this all around me...The only ones who are not is the minorities and a couple of kewl people who are not Trumpites.
Just out of curiosity, are they obnoxious about it as they are on here on this board?
They trespassed and protested---something libs do all the time in the same building and yet you act like they are evil. Pathetic.
The difference is that libs don't break down doors and windows, force their way in, and trash the offices.
is "a" better for you now or do you need more of a crutch?
It's better if you want to hide the fact that you're a poorly educated moron. It'll be tough for you to put that toothpaste back in the tube, though. Good luck!

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