'Nothingburger': ABC: Comey will NOT testify Trump asked him to Obstruct Investigation

4 attorneys turned Tramp down. He's toxic. Why would anyone want to defend a guy who's so obviously lying? And the weird part is that he's such a bad liar. Not believable at all.
There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News. :funnyface:

Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice
Comey has never been the key

Flynn, Manafort, Rogers, Kushner and Sessions are the key
If they are clean, there is nothing to prosecute
That's funny, yesterday Comey was going to fry Trump.

There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will state that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Then Comey would be guilty of perjury, dufus.

You leftards are dumber than a bag of nails.

Methinks you don't understand what perjury is. Comey is very cautious in his selection of words
Trump, on the other hand lies continually

Lets get Trump to testify and see who we believe
Op is a lie. Nowhere is this being reporting other than the sites scared shitless that Comey will prove Tramp tried to get him to stop the investigation.
Now would an innocent man do that?
One of many questions Trumpies won't answer. They'd rather poison the waters with bogus threads like this.
There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News. :funnyface:

Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice
Comey has never been the key

Flynn, Manafort, Rogers, Kushner and Sessions are the key
If they are clean, there is nothing to prosecute

Dude, who the hell has hacked your account?
Op is a lie. Nowhere is this being reporting other than the sites scared shitless that Comey will prove Tramp tried to get him to stop the investigation.
Now would an innocent man do that?
One of many questions Trumpies won't answer. They'd rather poison the waters with bogus threads like this.
There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News. :funnyface:

Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice
Comey has never been the key

Flynn, Manafort, Rogers, Kushner and Sessions are the key
If they are clean, there is nothing to prosecute
That's funny, yesterday Comey was going to fry Trump.

There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will testify that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: CNN

You need to read this and take it to heart. The left wants it to be obstruction, it just isn't.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction
fail after fail for the snowflakes.........they hang their hat on all of this shit ( the drip drip drivel ) one by one......Flynn.....Comey.......Kishner.....Yates...........with the "GOTCHA" tag.

Being suckers for fake news is ghey :gay::gay:

People are well aware of the long established motto, LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER. It speaks to a very real inability to connect the dots. Psychiatrists refer to it as "thought process disorder". It is not an intellect issue........its a thinking issue. Go look at any DSM V.........there is a profound difference. This is how these people can be buying all the fakery...they cant distinguish the difference between obstruction and suggestion. Its a brain fuck-up.
There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News. :funnyface:

Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice
Comey has never been the key

Flynn, Manafort, Rogers, Kushner and Sessions are the key
If they are clean, there is nothing to prosecute
That's funny, yesterday Comey was going to fry Trump.

There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will testify that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: CNN

You need to read this and take it to heart. The left wants it to be obstruction, it just isn't.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction

Ha. Ha--look I was an employer for many years--and if I told an employee not to do something--& they did it anyway, they got FIRED. We will hear Comey's testimony tomorrow--but right now it's not looking good for this administration, especially after what Clapper just said.

CANBERRA, Australia — A former U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday the Watergate scandal that brought down a president "pales" in comparison with allegations that President Donald Trump's election campaign colluded with Russians.

James Clapper, director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January, told Australia's National Press Club the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election were more concerning, he said.

"I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," Clapper said.

Clapper said Trump firing FBI Director Jim Comey, whom Clapper described as a "personal friend and a personal hero of mine," reflected "complete disregard for the independence and independency and autonomy" of the bureau.

Trump's sharing of classified intelligence with Russian diplomats of the Islamic State group's plotting reflected "either ignorance or disrespect and either is very problematic," Clapper said.

He said the sharing compromised the Israeli source of the intelligence.
Russia allegations are worse than Watergate, James Clapper said

Eventually you Trump supporters are going to have to admit that you made a YUUUUGE mistake. You've been put into a position where you're having to DEFEND Vladimir Putin, Russian intelligence agents, Russian hackers, Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence service, and just leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists how they're caught.) Along with people who were within the Trump circle that may have colluded.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Because this has turned into a Criminal Investigation--meaning this is no longer just a congressiional probe into what happened. They have something, and it's BIG.

Listening to an 8 minute video never killed anyone.
Last edited:
Breaking: Comey won't claim Trump obstructed investigation, ABC reports - Hot Air

"Everyone in Washington and the media awaits James Comey’s testimony on Thursday with bated breath, but they may be in for a deep disappointment. ABC News’ Justin Fishel and Jonathan Karl report that sources close to the former FBI director say he will not claim that Donald Trump attempted to obstruct the investigation into Michael Flynn."

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation."

So Comey will bring no evidence before Congress. Instead, he will be there to talk about his 'feelings' and his 'emotions'.

View attachment 131349

Anyone else note the words are twisted to imply Trump obstructed the investigation, but Comey just won't say so?

It's propaganda.
Comey has never been the key

Flynn, Manafort, Rogers, Kushner and Sessions are the key
If they are clean, there is nothing to prosecute
That's funny, yesterday Comey was going to fry Trump.

There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will testify that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: CNN

You need to read this and take it to heart. The left wants it to be obstruction, it just isn't.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction

Ha. Ha--look I was an employer for many years--and if I told an employee not to do something--& they did it anyway, they got FIRED. We will hear Comey's testimony tomorrow--but right now it's not looking good for this administration, especially after what Clapper just said.

CANBERRA, Australia — A former U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday the Watergate scandal that brought down a president "pales" in comparison with allegations that President Donald Trump's election campaign colluded with Russians.

James Clapper, director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January, told Australia's National Press Club the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election were more concerning, he said.

"I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," Clapper said.

Clapper said Trump firing FBI Director Jim Comey, whom Clapper described as a "personal friend and a personal hero of mine," reflected "complete disregard for the independence and independency and autonomy" of the bureau.

Trump's sharing of classified intelligence with Russian diplomats of the Islamic State group's plotting reflected "either ignorance or disrespect and either is very problematic," Clapper said.

He said the sharing compromised the Israeli source of the intelligence.
Russia allegations are worse than Watergate, James Clapper said

Eventually you Trump supporters are going to have to admit that you made a YUUUUGE mistake. You've been put into a position where you're having to DEFEND Vladimir Putin, Russian intelligence agents, Russian hackers, Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence service, and just leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists how they're caught.) Along with people who were within the Trump circle that may have colluded. Because this has turned into a Criminal Investigation--meaning this is no longer just a congressiional probe into what happened. They have something, and it's BIG.

Listening to an 8 minute video never killed anyone.

Clapper. LOL There's a guy who always tells the truth and never changes his story. Yep, good old reliable and trustworthy Clapper. Hang your hat on that.
That's funny, yesterday Comey was going to fry Trump.

There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will testify that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: CNN

You need to read this and take it to heart. The left wants it to be obstruction, it just isn't.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction

Ha. Ha--look I was an employer for many years--and if I told an employee not to do something--& they did it anyway, they got FIRED. We will hear Comey's testimony tomorrow--but right now it's not looking good for this administration, especially after what Clapper just said.

CANBERRA, Australia — A former U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday the Watergate scandal that brought down a president "pales" in comparison with allegations that President Donald Trump's election campaign colluded with Russians.

James Clapper, director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January, told Australia's National Press Club the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election were more concerning, he said.

"I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," Clapper said.

Clapper said Trump firing FBI Director Jim Comey, whom Clapper described as a "personal friend and a personal hero of mine," reflected "complete disregard for the independence and independency and autonomy" of the bureau.

Trump's sharing of classified intelligence with Russian diplomats of the Islamic State group's plotting reflected "either ignorance or disrespect and either is very problematic," Clapper said.

He said the sharing compromised the Israeli source of the intelligence.
Russia allegations are worse than Watergate, James Clapper said

Eventually you Trump supporters are going to have to admit that you made a YUUUUGE mistake. You've been put into a position where you're having to DEFEND Vladimir Putin, Russian intelligence agents, Russian hackers, Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence service, and just leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists how they're caught.) Along with people who were within the Trump circle that may have colluded. Because this has turned into a Criminal Investigation--meaning this is no longer just a congressiional probe into what happened. They have something, and it's BIG.

Listening to an 8 minute video never killed anyone.

Clapper. LOL There's a guy who always tells the truth and never changes his story. Yep, good old reliable and trustworthy Clapper. Hang your hat on that.

Clapper has worked in his role for 50 years under many different administrations, and is well respected by both parties. I also noted you did not listen to the video--because you didn't want to hear it. Very typical of a Trump supporter.

You know it's one thing to be ignorant about something--it's quite a different circumstance when you insist on remaining ignorant.

You might want to try it again. 8 minutes of your time.
There needs to be a smoking gun
Drop the investigation or you are fired

Ain't gunna happen. Comey will testify Trump was impatient the investigation was taking so long......not obstruction

Nope Comey will testify that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Michael Flynn.
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: CNN

You need to read this and take it to heart. The left wants it to be obstruction, it just isn't.

‘Pressure’ Is Not Obstruction

Ha. Ha--look I was an employer for many years--and if I told an employee not to do something--& they did it anyway, they got FIRED. We will hear Comey's testimony tomorrow--but right now it's not looking good for this administration, especially after what Clapper just said.

CANBERRA, Australia — A former U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday the Watergate scandal that brought down a president "pales" in comparison with allegations that President Donald Trump's election campaign colluded with Russians.

James Clapper, director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January, told Australia's National Press Club the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election were more concerning, he said.

"I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now," Clapper said.

Clapper said Trump firing FBI Director Jim Comey, whom Clapper described as a "personal friend and a personal hero of mine," reflected "complete disregard for the independence and independency and autonomy" of the bureau.

Trump's sharing of classified intelligence with Russian diplomats of the Islamic State group's plotting reflected "either ignorance or disrespect and either is very problematic," Clapper said.

He said the sharing compromised the Israeli source of the intelligence.
Russia allegations are worse than Watergate, James Clapper said

Eventually you Trump supporters are going to have to admit that you made a YUUUUGE mistake. You've been put into a position where you're having to DEFEND Vladimir Putin, Russian intelligence agents, Russian hackers, Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence service, and just leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents informing terrorists how they're caught.) Along with people who were within the Trump circle that may have colluded. Because this has turned into a Criminal Investigation--meaning this is no longer just a congressiional probe into what happened. They have something, and it's BIG.

Listening to an 8 minute video never killed anyone.

Clapper. LOL There's a guy who always tells the truth and never changes his story. Yep, good old reliable and trustworthy Clapper. Hang your hat on that.

Clapper has worked in his role for 50 years under many different administrations, and is well respected by both parties. I also noted you did not listen to the video--because you didn't want to hear it. Very typical of a Trump supporter.

You know it's one thing to be ignorant about something--it's quite a different circumstance when you insist on remaining ignorant.

You might want to try it again. 8 minutes of your time.

Clapper's the same guy that "Under Oath" said the communications of Americans were not being collected. A real believable source.

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