Notice to GOP Senators


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Whelp, just keep driving away the moderates and independent thinkers from the Republican Party and you'll hasten it's destruction faster than any Democrat (or groups of) could ever think of doing. But don't fret. Murkowski's signaled that she too will cave on witnesses (like Lamar did) and it'll all be over soon. :)

Then comes the fun part. We get to watch Trump and his supporters bloviate for the next two or three weeks. Meanwhile, the rest of us will go back to our daily lives....and will remember come November.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.
I understand where you're coming from, but Schumer is already making the grunting noises that he will bring doom to the Republican Party if they fail to allow witnesses in this sham of an impeachment brought on by the brainiacs in the deep state. I'll never forget the pictures I saw of Schumer ushering Hillary Clinton around NYC when she began her campaign for Senate in the great state of New York. He was grinning like the granddaddy of evil. I was horrified and am today reminded of one evil ushering in another.

Like Maxine Waters, Schumer seems to be around when something he plans bad against conservatives is to be done, and this time, he's all but failed to undo the voters who spoke loud and clear at the last Presidential election. Big state bigwigs think there's nobody in the country but themselves. This one lies, ushers in lies (he was around cheering liar Christine Blasey-Ford at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings too, and he was egging the little liar on). Chuck Schumer smiles like he's a nice guy while he is eating the nation's innocence with his Ipana teeth.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Throw Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins out of the party.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

What sort of retribution do you have in mind for such wayward Republicans? Replacing them with Democrats ?
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Throw Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins out of the party.

What you got against Olympia Snowe? She's actually got a pretty level head on her shoulders.
Olympia Snowe | Bipartisan Policy Center
More of what the Republican Party could use.

And in case you're confused, Angus King is the other currently serving Senator from Maine.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Whelp, just keep driving away the moderates and independent thinkers from the Republican Party and you'll hasten it's destruction faster than any Democrat (or groups of) could ever think of doing. But don't fret. Murkowski's signaled that she too will cave on witnesses (like Lamar did) and it'll all be over soon. :)

Then comes the fun part. We get to watch Trump and his supporters bloviate for the next two or three weeks. Meanwhile, the rest of us will go back to our daily lives....and will remember come November.
realize none are needed. And she's spot on.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Whelp, just keep driving away the moderates and independent thinkers from the Republican Party and you'll hasten it's destruction faster than any Democrat (or groups of) could ever think of doing. But don't fret. Murkowski's signaled that she too will cave on witnesses (like Lamar did) and it'll all be over soon. :)

Then comes the fun part. We get to watch Trump and his supporters bloviate for the next two or three weeks. Meanwhile, the rest of us will go back to our daily lives....and will remember come November.
Butt hurt much?
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Throw Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins out of the party.

Better yet deport you and your ilk.

*awaits nasty comments*

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They are surely quaking in their Gucci’s
No, we're not.

America has paid through the nose for 7 past Democrat "inquiries," all of which brought forth the same information: President Trump did NOTHING wrong, President Trump did the right thing in each and every instance of false allegations made against him for three stinking years of Democrat mischief, abuse of power, lying, and nefarious insistence by Maxine Waters to harass members of President Trump's staff, with her minions going after school children who belonged to members of the Senate and members of the House who are Republicans.

Earlier, one Democrat operative took matters into his own hands and tried to murder House majority leader Rep. Scalise with his killer bullets and rifle at the practice that Republican representatives were attending. Scalise, by a miracle of God, was immediately taken to a hospital where gifted surgeons operated on his life-threatening wounds, and his defender at the practice took out Democrat operative James T. Hodgkinson of Illinois who asked people standing around if he was at the Republican ball practice. When confirmed, he went back to his vehicle to procure his guns and ammo sufficient to take out Steve Scalise, House Majority Leader.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Throw Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins out of the party.

Better yet deport you and your ilk.

*awaits nasty comments*

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She's Canadian.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Throw Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins out of the party.

Better yet deport you and your ilk.

*awaits nasty comments*

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She's Canadian.

Why does she list herself in California?


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You know Republicans aren’t worried when they’re threatening members of a jury for Trump.
They are surely quaking in their Gucci’s
No, we're not.

America has paid through the nose for 7 past Democrat "inquiries," all of which brought forth the same information: President Trump did NOTHING wrong, President Trump did the right thing in each and every instance of false allegations made against him for three stinking years of Democrat mischief, abuse of power, lying, and nefarious insistence by Maxine Waters to harass members of President Trump's staff, with her minions going after school children who belonged to members of the Senate and members of the House who are Republicans.

Earlier, one Democrat operative took matters into his own hands and tried to murder House majority leader Rep. Scalise with his killer bullets and rifle at the practice that Republican representatives were attending. Scalise, by a miracle of God, was immediately taken to a hospital where gifted surgeons operated on his life-threatening wounds, and his defender at the practice took out Democrat operative James T. Hodgkinson of Illinois who asked people standing around if he was at the Republican ball practice. When confirmed, he went back to his vehicle to procure his guns and ammo sufficient to take out Steve Scalise, House Majority Leader.

Democrats have proven their case...Trump did it.. best to just stick with "yeah, so what defense".....unlike the multiple separate wastes of taxpayer money that Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy gifted upon us. Or the multiple BS conspiracy theories that right wingers tried to toss against the wall when Obama was President.

"A Democratic operative"???..Really? I must have missed the part in the media that said he got his marching orders from the DNC.
So you give an example of a crazy that mentioned his support for a Democrat, while conveniently ignoring shooters like Dylan Roof (and several others) that identify with the absolute worst that your side has to offer...or let's put it this way, the worst that your side has given a safe home to.

Maybe, just maybe, a crazy is a crazy. And they do terrible things. No matter what their political affiliation is.
They are surely quaking in their Gucci’s
No, we're not.

America has paid through the nose for 7 past Democrat "inquiries," all of which brought forth the same information: President Trump did NOTHING wrong, President Trump did the right thing in each and every instance of false allegations made against him for three stinking years of Democrat mischief, abuse of power, lying, and nefarious insistence by Maxine Waters to harass members of President Trump's staff, with her minions going after school children who belonged to members of the Senate and members of the House who are Republicans.

Earlier, one Democrat operative took matters into his own hands and tried to murder House majority leader Rep. Scalise with his killer bullets and rifle at the practice that Republican representatives were attending. Scalise, by a miracle of God, was immediately taken to a hospital where gifted surgeons operated on his life-threatening wounds, and his defender at the practice took out Democrat operative James T. Hodgkinson of Illinois who asked people standing around if he was at the Republican ball practice. When confirmed, he went back to his vehicle to procure his guns and ammo sufficient to take out Steve Scalise, House Majority Leader.

Democrats have proven their case...Trump did it.. best to just stick with "yeah, so what defense".....unlike the multiple separate wastes of taxpayer money that Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy gifted upon us. Or the multiple BS conspiracy theories that right wingers tried to toss against the wall when Obama was President.

"A Democratic operative"???..Really? I must have missed the part in the media that said he got his marching orders from the DNC.
So you give an example of a crazy that mentioned his support for a Democrat, while conveniently ignoring shooters like Dylan Roof (and several others) that identify with the absolute worst that your side has to offer...or let's put it this way, the worst that your side has given a safe home to.

Maybe, just maybe, a crazy is a crazy. And they do terrible things. No matter what their political affiliation is.

That's pooey. 7 inquiries into whether Trump did anything at all wrong produced Trump's innocence which brings to mind all the Russian-benefitting Democrats--sudden multimillionnaire Barack Obama and megamillionnaire Secretary of State Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia, and President Trump never did as President or a presidential candidate when he announced that he was running on the Republican ticket, won that, and against baggage-laden Hillary who used high office for insidious crimes against taxpayers such as giving away 20% of America's high-grade uranium reserves to Russia and of course, Obama giving away Alaskan territories in the Aleutian islands to Russia that contain trillions in oil and gas reserves without once bothering himself to ask the State of Alaska if it would mind giving away their property to the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Jimmy Carter set a precedent for unilateral foreign giveaways. Instead of fighting to keep the Panama Canal overseeing to the United States, he gave it back to to drug runner Manuel Noriega's Panama in a jaw-dropping move that angered every one of us whose grandparent or grandpa-in-law helped excavate it in the early 1900s. My husband's grandfather drank quinine water every day of his life after having Yellow Fever which he was infected while working on the Panama Canal, yet survived the highest temperature ever recorded for a survivor of that heinous disease. He returned to Chicago when the canal was complete. What a trooper! He got married and had 5 kids, one of whom became my mother-in-law in 1971 when I married her son, also a Chicago native.

Now Jimmy Carter's giveaway is the property of China, and Russia can haul all the missiles in the world to Cuba if they've a mind to worry us. Idiots! Obama was compelled to give away property that belonged to a state he hates because they didn't vote him for President, and he was an evildoer revenge seeker for every state who didn't kiss his ass and back his vicious future as the President who hated America the most with a wife whose attitude toward America's emblem was recorded as sounding like "It's just a ***Damn flag!" So if we think of Obummer as hateful, it was his attitude to get even with America by giving communists Alaskan property in a unilateral way to his pal Putin.
Or did you forget this:

The Panama Canal Building American casualties:
"27,000 Americans died building the canal per year and about 500 Americans per week"
Found on bing search engine. under title "wiki readers."
That pretty much sounds like Grandpa Manford Myers' sayings. He's the one who survived malaria by
some gift of God. Many Americans did not fare so well. He made it back home when the job was done. Unfortunately, there are others with statistics that ignored all but on-the-job accidents which seem to show fewer deaths.
"The Panama Canal Zone was acquired by the U.S. for ten million dollars on FEBRUARY 23, 1904.

Proposed by Spain as early as 1534 so as to not have to sail around the Strait of Magellan, France began building a sea-level canal in 1880, led by Ferdinand de Lesseps, builder of the Suez Canal, but landslides from tropical rains and tropical diseases of malaria and yellow fever caused the effort to be abandoned.

Dr. Walter Reed of the U.S. Army, had researched in Cuba in 1899 after the Spanish-American War, and confirmed the discovery of Dr. Carlos Finlay that mosquitoes were the carriers of malaria and yellow fever, resulting in improved public sanitation measures which allowed construction in Panama to be feasible. In 1903, the United States helped Panama gain its independence from Columbia.

Planned by President William McKinley, construction on the Panama Canal began under President Theodore Roosevelt, who decided on a canal system using a lake with three tiers of locks instead of a sea-level canal. Inventions such as railroads, steam shovels, steam-powered cranes, hydraulic rock crushers, cement mixers, dredges, pneumatic power drills and electric motors, technology largely developed and built in the United States, were used to create the largest dam and the largest man-made lake (Gatun Lake) in the world at that time.

On December 6, 1912, President William Taft addressed Congress: "Our defense of the Panama Canal, together with our enormous world trade and our missionary outposts on the frontiers of civilization, require us to recognize our position as one of the foremost in the family of nations, and to clothe ourselves with sufficient naval power to give force to our reasonable demands, and to give weight to our influence in those directions of progress that a powerful Christian nation should advocate."

On October 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson stated in his Thanksgiving Proclamation: "We have seen the practical completion of a great work at the Isthmus of Panama which not only exemplifies the nation's abundant capacity of its public servants but also promises the beginning of a new age of co-operation and peace. 'Righteousness exalteth a nation' and 'peace on earth, good will towards men' furnish the only foundation upon which can be built the lasting achievements of the human spirit."The Panama Canal was opened August 15, 1914, the same year World War I began. The largest American engineering project to that date, it had cost the United States $375,000,000 (roughly $10 billion today) and 5,600 American lives.

On March 31, 1976, California Governor Ronald Reagan stated: "Well, the Canal Zone is not a colonial possession. It is not a long-term lease. It is sovereign United States Territory every bit the same as Alaska and all the states that were carved from the Louisiana Purchase...We bought it, we paid for it, we built it, and we intend to keep it."

President Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal in 1977, and today passage through the ports at either end, Balboa and Cristobal, is effectively controlled by China's Huchinson Whampoa's Panama Ports Company."​

In my opinion, President Carter screwed America, and before the precedent he set, it was illegal for a President to act in such a unilateral way. We paid for the Panama Canal in precious American citizen lives, not to mention unconscionable tapping of American's money before World War I and leading to the destruction of the American Constitution's original decision to never tax the common man. We are still paying taxes today, and when the liberals vote to give money away to say, the Ukraine, they manage to squeeze the players for , in this instance, 1.8 billion of the 3 billion dollars America agreed to give the Ukraine government by Obama's hitting on the United States Treasury because Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal to people who sold it out to our nation's somewhat hostile "friends" in Communist China.

The above information on the Panama Canal likely was taken from William J. Federer's book, American Minute.
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If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Whelp, just keep driving away the moderates and independent thinkers from the Republican Party and you'll hasten it's destruction faster than any Democrat (or groups of) could ever think of doing. But don't fret. Murkowski's signaled that she too will cave on witnesses (like Lamar did) and it'll all be over soon. :)

Then comes the fun part. We get to watch Trump and his supporters bloviate for the next two or three weeks. Meanwhile, the rest of us will go back to our daily lives....and will remember come November.
Yeah, the landslide in November will put you scum where you belong.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

What sort of retribution do you have in mind for such wayward Republicans? Replacing them with Democrats ?
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

Good for you.
If any GOP Senators vote in favor any part of this impeachment show trial, I will contribute to their defeat in primary and general elections for the rest of their (hopefully short) time in office.

And so should you. RINOs need to become extinct.

unless they are from the same state, your stupid ass will be moving around the country -

yes class rw's ARE that f'n dumb.

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