Nov 6, 1860 Abe Lincoln Was Elected


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States, five months before the beginning of the Civil War.

Nearing the end of the bloody Civil War, Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865—quoting from the Gospels and Psalm 19: “But let us judge not that we be not judged. . . . The Almighty has his own purposes. Fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continue . . . and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another . . . so still it must be said, 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated April 14, 1865—one month before the war Civil War ended.
It feels somewhat unfair that FDR gathers all this praise from Democrats and Lincoln seems top be barely mentioned by Republicans. If true, I wonder what the Republican problem might be? Did Lincoln do something wrong as president?
Most RWNJ can't stand Lincoln which is why they are RWNJs.
Lincoln was a railroad lawyer and his polices all favored the railroads with massive subsidies and giveaways, and he started a war that killed many American to get the railroads their welfare programs. Democrats only pretend they care about him because they like bashing the South for going Republican while they radicalized their own Party and destroyed it and still can't get over the fact they keep losing to the GOP because of their own racism and violence. They now rely on traitors and assorted deviants and degenerates and dope addled morons for a base.
Lincoln was a railroad lawyer and his polices all favored the railroads with massive subsidies and giveaways, and he started a war that killed many American to get the railroads their welfare programs. Democrats only pretend they care about him because they like bashing the South for going Republican while they radicalized their own Party and destroyed it and still can't get over the fact they keep losing to the GOP because of their own racism and violence. They now rely on traitors and assorted deviants and degenerates and dope addled morons for a base.
Railroads turned America into the greatest nation on earth. So another praise for Lincoln.
Lincoln was a railroad lawyer and his polices all favored the railroads with massive subsidies and giveaways, and he started a war that killed many American to get the railroads their welfare programs. Democrats only pretend they care about him because they like bashing the South for going Republican while they radicalized their own Party and destroyed it and still can't get over the fact they keep losing to the GOP because of their own racism and violence. They now rely on traitors and assorted deviants and degenerates and dope addled morons for a base.
Railroads turned America into the greatest nation on earth. So another praise for Lincoln.

Actually they stole the country blind, and diverted a lot of cash away from legitimate investments and businesses, and plundered a lot of European money too, and retarded our economic development by decades, and of course helped take the country into a highly destructive civil war that murdered over a million Americans. The Union Pacific debacle alone cost over 700% to 1,000% more than it should have, and stole many billions worth of mineral rights and land on top of that. Add in all the other railroads doing the same thing, and we have billions in capital evaporating into bankrupt roads with so much debt piled on them they collapsed routinely, with few exceptions, like the family run New York Central and the Camden and Amboy, the latter being 20% state owned and always profitable from the very beginning. The railroads controlled entire state govts., and didn't stop there. The 'Homestead Act' was another major scam. We relied on English and European money for capital for over a hundred years, long after it shouldn't have been necessary.
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On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States, five months before the beginning of the Civil War.

Nearing the end of the bloody Civil War, Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865—quoting from the Gospels and Psalm 19: “But let us judge not that we be not judged. . . . The Almighty has his own purposes. Fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continue . . . and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another . . . so still it must be said, 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.’”

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated April 14, 1865—one month before the war Civil War ended.
One of the saddest days in all of human history was the election of Dishonest Abe. Few humans ever lived that exceeded his blood lust.
Inauguration day was in March so it was four months until he took office. That's a long time when the country was on the verge of Civil War.
Lincoln was a railroad lawyer and his polices all favored the railroads with massive subsidies and giveaways, and he started a war that killed many American to get the railroads their welfare programs. Democrats only pretend they care about him because they like bashing the South for going Republican while they radicalized their own Party and destroyed it and still can't get over the fact they keep losing to the GOP because of their own racism and violence. They now rely on traitors and assorted deviants and degenerates and dope addled morons for a base.
The Union was voluntary before Lincoln came along.
Sad the closest to a slave you can have is a Mexican Illegal, huh?
The problem with that is Lincoln did not invade the South to free the slaves. He didn't give a shit about the slaves and was an ardent racist even for his time. He even offered to ensconce slavery into the Constitution, if the South would stay in the Union. He planned to deport all blacks during his second term. Thankfully John Wilkes Booth saved the nation for that further disgraceful action by Dishonest Abe.
Still haven't seen a valid argument as to why Republicans dislike Lincoln.
Still haven't seen a valid argument as to why Republicans dislike Lincoln.
I have yet to see a valid argument as to why ANYONE likes Dishonest Abe. Well, other than ignorance of course.
The Union was voluntary before Lincoln came along.
Sad the closest to a slave you can have is a Mexican Illegal, huh?
The problem with that is Lincoln did not invade the South to free the slaves. He didn't give a shit about the slaves and was an ardent racist even for his time. He even offered to ensconce slavery into the Constitution, if the South would stay in the Union. He planned to deport all blacks during his second term. Thankfully John Wilkes Booth saved the nation for that further disgraceful action by Dishonest Abe.
You had to go to a university to learn to be that stupid.
The Union was voluntary before Lincoln came along.
Sad the closest to a slave you can have is a Mexican Illegal, huh?
The problem with that is Lincoln did not invade the South to free the slaves. He didn't give a shit about the slaves and was an ardent racist even for his time. He even offered to ensconce slavery into the Constitution, if the South would stay in the Union. He planned to deport all blacks during his second term. Thankfully John Wilkes Booth saved the nation for that further disgraceful action by Dishonest Abe.

He had most 'freed' slaves shoved into 'Contraband Camps' and let many of them starve to death or die of diseases rather than let them fell north. Some estimates run from 300,000 dead to 700,000 dead. They controlled the rivers and railroads, and were producing bumper crops and exporting food all during the war, so there was no reason for it at all. We know what Licoln's plan for the South was, by his actions in Arkansas and Louisianan; the 'lucky freed slave' got to work on plantations, and couldn't leave without written permission from their owners, all Republican appointees of course, but hey, because they were like 'free n stuff', the Great Emancipator ordered them to be paid wages, which he set at $3 a month ... he wanted that cotton to subsidize his big corporate welfare programs for the northern states, the whole point of the war.
Inauguration day was in March so it was four months until he took office. That's a long time when the country was on the verge of Civil War.

The pattern was Carolina seceded in early Dec. with the introduction of the Morill Tariff Acts and the Homestead Acts and Railroad Acts following into Congress, not all of which passed right away, as there was still a lot of battles over how graft and how it was to be divided going on, then Buchanan sent forces to supply Sumter in January the next year, which provoked some 5 states to secede, and Lincoln on April 4 or thereabouts did the same thing, knowing exactly what would happen, and the rest seceded immediately due to that act of war.It didn't have squat to do with slavery, most abolitionists of the day were 'ship them back to Africa' types, far more cruel and racist than southerners were, and in any case many white southerners in the mountains and not living in the Cotton Kingdom weren't fans of slavery themselves. Liconln's own state had Black Codes that made almost impossible for blacks to make a legal living, and they used those Codes to arrest black people and then sell their labor to 'contractors', a common practice for sheriffs and city govts all over the country, a form of slavery worse than merely being a slave in the south, especially when one is aware of how 'free' white laborers were treated by farmers and factory owners in the east and midwest in those days. they could die off in large numbers and nobody cared since there was a fresh supply arriving in the ports every day.

We also know it was blatantly illegal, because Madison and others specifically rejected granting the Federal govt. the power to use force against a state at the Constitutional Convention. Of course with so much money to be stolen northern bankers and pols decided to just toss the Constitution out the window.
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Inauguration day was in March so it was four months until he took office. That's a long time when the country was on the verge of Civil War.

The pattern was Carolina seceded in early Dec. with the introduction of the Morill Tariff Acts and the Homestead Acts and Railroad Acts following into Congress, not all of which passed right away, as there was still a lot of battles over how graft and how it was to be divided going on, then Buchanan sent forces to supply Sumter in January the next year, which provoked some 5 states to secede, and Lincoln on April 4 or thereabouts did the same thing, knowing exactly what would happen, and the rest seceded immediately due to that act of war.It didn't have squat to do with slavery, most abolitionists of the day were 'ship them back to Africa' types, far more cruel and racist than southerners were, and in any case many white southerners in the mountains and not living in the Cotton Kingdom weren't fans of slavery themselves.

We also know it was blatantly illegal, because Madison and others specifically rejected granting the Federal govt. the power to use force against a state at the Constitutional Convention. Of course with so much money to be stolen northern bankers and pols decided to just toss the Constitution out the window.
So true.

Throughout all of American history, there is no greater traitor than Dishonest Abe. He committed TREASON resulting in the deaths of 850,000 Americans and destruction of half the nation. For this he is admired. WTF!

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

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