November 12, 2014 Democratic Party Favorable Rating Falls to Record Low


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Democratic Party Favorable Rating Falls to Record Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After the midterm elections that saw the Democratic Party suffer significant losses in Congress, a record-low 36% of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of the party, down six percentage points from before the elections. The Republican Party's favorable rating, at 42%, is essentially unchanged from 40%. This marks the first time since September 2011 that the Republican Party has had a higher favorability rating than the Democratic Party.


These results come from a Nov. 6-9 Gallup poll, conducted after Republicans enjoyed a breathtaking sweep of important contests throughout the country in this year's midterms. The party gained control of the Senate and will likely capture its largest House majority in nearly a century. Additionally, the GOP now controls 31 governorships and two-thirds of state legislative chambers.

The descent in Democrats' ratings caps a wild political ride for both parties over the past two years. After President Barack Obama's re-election in 2012, the Democratic Party's favorable rating spiked to 51%, the first time either party had enjoyed majority support since 2009. However, after the post-election glow wore off, the party's image settled back down near the 45% average for the Obama presidency. Meanwhile, Americans' favorable ratings of the Republican Party collapsed to 28% during the fall 2013 federal government shutdown, the lowest such rating for either party since Gallup first asked the question in 1992.


Because of congressional Republicans' apparent political miscalculation in allowing the shutdown, some raised the possibility of a Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2014 midterms. But the speculation was short lived. While Republicans agreed to a compromise that ended the shutdown, the Obama administration made a number of political blunders, including the botched rollout of the federal government's healthcare website; a series of international crises in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria; the Veterans Affairs hospitals scandal; and a criticized response to the first appearance of the Ebola virus on U.S. soil. Whatever momentum the Democrats gained during the government shutdown was lost. The Democratic Party's image stagnated as Republicans' slowly improved, putting the parties at rough parity heading into the midterms.

The GOP currently has an image advantage over the Democratic Party; still, neither party is held in particularly high regard. This is yet another sign of Americans' dissatisfaction with their political system.

Democrats Now Less Likely to Have Positive Image of Own Party

Across party groups, the Republican Party's image held steady from Gallup's last update in September. But support for the Democratic Party dropped among independents and among Democrats themselves. Currently, 81% of self-identified Democrats have a favorable view of their party, down from 88% in September and 95% shortly after the 2012 election. Independents' ratings of the Democratic Party, at 25%, are down 10 points from September.

Suck it libtards,

Wouldn't things be better if both major parties had about an 80% rating?

Don't worry. As soon as Americans realize what GOP policies actually are, the party's ratings will drop down to match their leader's ratings in congress.
Don't worry. As soon as Americans realize what GOP policies actually are, the party's ratings will drop down to match their leader's ratings in congress.
That's pretty much what happened the Democrats, right?
Don't worry. As soon as Americans realize what GOP policies actually are, the party's ratings will drop down to match their leader's ratings in congress.
That's pretty much what happened the Democrats, right?
Not sure. Republicans terrorized Americans with Ebola, Isis and scarred refugee 7 year olds. Seems they forgot about all that the next day. How does that work exactly?
Dems can thank that idiot social engineer Gruber for one. LMAO

Dayyumm, I have not been this ecstatic for 6 watching Libs get their comeuppance. Just keeps getting better and better.....

Not sure. Republicans terrorized Americans with Ebola, Isis and scarred refugee 7 year olds. Seems they forgot about all that the next day. How does that work exactly?
I'm sure. It was predictable for many that an affirmative-action, community organizing pajama boy became president would not serve to protect the country much beyond rhetoric and platitudes.

That is one of his greatest failures. There are many more, but they would be for another thread.
I saw Mika on Morning Joe give the Dems shit about this Gruber comment.
One of her points was.
What if the Republicans did this...

You know it's bad when Mika who is best buds with Valerie Jarrett gives the Dems shit about it.
I saw Mika on Morning Joe give the Dems shit about this Gruber comment.
One of her points was.
What if the Republicans did this...

You know it's bad when Mika who is best buds with Valerie Jarrett gives the Dems shit about it.

Yes indeeeedie. I saw it too and had the same thought.
That link is akin to "JFC, thank God I've got the Clap and not Ebola" LOL
People don't trust Dems. We know they're Marxists but they won't admit it.

A public admission of their embrace of and belief in Marxism as a superior political and economic system would go a long way to closing the Dems Credibility Gap
I saw Mika on Morning Joe give the Dems shit about this Gruber comment.
One of her points was.
What if the Republicans did this...

You know it's bad when Mika who is best buds with Valerie Jarrett gives the Dems shit about it.

If a Republican said it 99% of the RWnuts on this board would be defending him.
I will be impressed the day one or both parties have an approval rating at or above 50 percent. I will probably be dead before that ever happens.
I saw Mika on Morning Joe give the Dems shit about this Gruber comment.
One of her points was.
What if the Republicans did this...

You know it's bad when Mika who is best buds with Valerie Jarrett gives the Dems shit about it.

If a Republican said it 99% of the RWnuts on this board would be defending him.
No, actually if a republican called me stupid. I would tell him where to go. Gruber calls you stupid and you support him. You see, everyone that supports Obama care. He is saying your stupid, and you prove his point well.
I saw Mika on Morning Joe give the Dems shit about this Gruber comment.
One of her points was.
What if the Republicans did this...

You know it's bad when Mika who is best buds with Valerie Jarrett gives the Dems shit about it.

If a Republican said it 99% of the RWnuts on this board would be defending him.
Doesn't it piss you off that your fellow democrats called you stupid?

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