November 2nd...Middle East in History


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Two events related to the Middle East.....that took place on this date...November 2nd...
....neither of which took place in the Middle East

On November 2nd, 1917 Balfour Declaration: Sent by Arthur Balfour to Lord
Rothschild, stating that the British government would “view with
favor the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.” The text of the letter
as follows: I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s
government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which
has been submitted to, and approved by, the cabinet.

His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement
of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice
the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Following the defeat of the Ottoman in Palestine, General Allenby led his triumphant troops through the Jaffa Gate into Jerusalem on December 11, 1917.
{Under the UK, the Palestinian mandate was based on the Balfour Declaration; initially Arab leaders were prepared to give Palestine to the Jews if the rest of the Arab lands in the Middle East remained free. This soon changed}

On November 2nd, 2004....
The life of filmmaker Theo van Gogh was taken in a ritual murder by Muslim
murderer Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal, witnesses said. "Cut like a tire," said one. Van Gogh, the Dutch master's great-grand-nephew, was 47 years old.

The murderer was offended by the short movie “Submission,” made by van Gogh, in which verses from the Koran are projected over the bruised bodies of women abused in the name of Islam. At his trial,
Bouyeri told the court “If I had the chance… I would do exactly the same.”
Apart from rock and roll Iand punk and hey even folk I've known many a film artist up here and what kills me is their silence on Theo's death.

They dare not mention it or their funds will dry up. Suppression never needs to be heavy handed. Suppression comes with government funding.
Two events related to the Middle East.....that took place on this date...November 2nd...
....neither of which took place in the Middle East

On November 2nd, 1917 Balfour Declaration: Sent by Arthur Balfour to Lord
Rothschild, stating that the British government would “view with
favor the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.” The text of the letter
as follows: I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s
government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which
has been submitted to, and approved by, the cabinet.

His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement
of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice
the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Following the defeat of the Ottoman in Palestine, General Allenby led his triumphant troops through the Jaffa Gate into Jerusalem on December 11, 1917.
{Under the UK, the Palestinian mandate was based on the Balfour Declaration; initially Arab leaders were prepared to give Palestine to the Jews if the rest of the Arab lands in the Middle East remained free. This soon changed}

On November 2nd, 2004....
The life of filmmaker Theo van Gogh was taken in a ritual murder by Muslim
murderer Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal, witnesses said. "Cut like a tire," said one. Van Gogh, the Dutch master's great-grand-nephew, was 47 years old.

The murderer was offended by the short movie “Submission,” made by van Gogh, in which verses from the Koran are projected over the bruised bodies of women abused in the name of Islam. At his trial,
Bouyeri told the court “If I had the chance… I would do exactly the same.”

What is the the point of your story or post? Oh ok, I reread the first lines.
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Two events related to the Middle East.....that took place on this date...November 2nd...
....neither of which took place in the Middle East

On November 2nd, 1917 Balfour Declaration: Sent by Arthur Balfour to Lord
Rothschild, stating that the British government would “view with
favor the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people.” The text of the letter
as follows: I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s
government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which
has been submitted to, and approved by, the cabinet.

His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement
of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice
the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Following the defeat of the Ottoman in Palestine, General Allenby led his triumphant troops through the Jaffa Gate into Jerusalem on December 11, 1917.
{Under the UK, the Palestinian mandate was based on the Balfour Declaration; initially Arab leaders were prepared to give Palestine to the Jews if the rest of the Arab lands in the Middle East remained free. This soon changed}

On November 2nd, 2004....
The life of filmmaker Theo van Gogh was taken in a ritual murder by Muslim
murderer Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He shot him again, slit van Gogh's throat and stuck a letter to his chest with a knife. He was slaughtered like an animal, witnesses said. "Cut like a tire," said one. Van Gogh, the Dutch master's great-grand-nephew, was 47 years old.

The murderer was offended by the short movie “Submission,” made by van Gogh, in which verses from the Koran are projected over the bruised bodies of women abused in the name of Islam. At his trial,
Bouyeri told the court “If I had the chance… I would do exactly the same.”

What is the the point of your story or post?

I'm a devotee of history, and revel in understanding it's significance.

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
For one thing they had the help of the Jews to finally break into Palestine, and there was only one Arab who made that agreement with became null an void quickly and had items attached to them that the Jews did not follow, so no there is a lot more too it. That letter. was from one Arab who did not have the authority to make such a statement. Remember his name or a link or I may of saved it. but cant look this minute.
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
For one thing they had the help of the Jews to finally break into Palestine, and there was only one Arab who made that agreement with became null an void quickly and had items attached to them that the Jews did not follow, so no there is a lot more too it. That letter. was from one Arab who did not have the authority to make such a statement. Remember his name or a link or I may of saved it. but cant look this minute.

You seem to stubbornly avoid the connection, and provide extraneous material.

I can help.

You see, the Jewish folk were afforded, in an internationally lawful manner, an opportunity to determine their own future, and all of us should applaud what they have created....

....most especially in that they are surrounded by seventh century primitives who slaughter any who they decide don't agree with them.

Isn't that the connection you seem determined to miss?
Ok, two events not happening in ME on this day years apart, that affect the ME, yes
but there is not connection, that I see unless you out to make degrade Muslims in general.
Not really, I think or believe the idea that the Protestant revolution opened the door to Zionism, as many Preachers became interested in the plight of the Jews upon studying the OT. They preached about the end times prophecy of the Jews to return to Palestine and Jesus would return. Many Chrisitans also then felt bad about anti jewism.

Reverend William Hechler was very instrumental in the move to Palestine. You can google him. Christians believing in the end times created Zionism. Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalist.

Zionism would probably have remained simply a religious ideal were it not for the intervention of a handful of influential aristocratic British politicians who came to share the theological convictions of Darby and his colleagues and translated them into political reality. One in particular, Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) became convinced that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine was not only predicted in the Bible,[9] but also coincided with the strategic interests of British foreign policy

The Road to Balfour The History of Christian Zionism by Stephen Sizer The Balfour Project

Did you ascertain the connection between the two items posted?
For one thing they had the help of the Jews to finally break into Palestine, and there was only one Arab who made that agreement with became null an void quickly and had items attached to them that the Jews did not follow, so no there is a lot more too it. That letter. was from one Arab who did not have the authority to make such a statement. Remember his name or a link or I may of saved it. but cant look this minute.

You seem to stubbornly avoid the connection, and provide extraneous material.

I can help.

You see, the Jewish folk were afforded, in an internationally lawful manner, an opportunity to determine their own future, and all of us should applaud what they have created....

....most especially in that they are surrounded by seventh century primitives who slaughter any who they decide don't agree with them.

Isn't that the connection you seem determined to miss?

they did not determine their own future, the Christians wanted them there more than the secular zionist, they would of just assumed go to Argentina, That is the whole of your post is to make Muslims look bad. You have two Muslims here and to be frank

Ms. Ali's party has been spreading Muslim hatred and his blood in on her hands , she is an instigator of hatred. None of use like radical Muslim even moderate Muslims.
Ok, two events not happening in ME on this day years apart, that affect the ME, yes
but there is not connection, that I see unless you out to make degrade Muslims in general.

Who degraded, or Mohammed Bouyeri??

Let's do that again: the Jewish folk made the desert bloom, opened the holy sites up to all, yet are surrounded by bloodthirsty cultists who are determined to build a bridge to the seventh century.

Have you some other construction that links the two items?
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

In ignoring the events pertaining to Mohammed Bouyeri you appear to be a supporter of same.

Is that the case?
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

They didn't make the desert bloom unless you talk about red from bloodshed. The thing that made the desert bloom , which by the way was already blooming was the poor Jews they sent out earlier to build wells and roads to make it more appealing for the wealthier jews who loved the city life. Then they got Rothschild money and starte a winery still there to this day, then they got lots of money from the Jews in American making money off of hard working americans, and along with the Germany money , they were able to hire people to work for peanuts, so lets not get carried overboard of how they made the desert bloom, the only thing in the desert there is their arsenal of nuclear weapons which France helped them with , the Ottomans already had a railroad, newpaper, and their own peaceful area of Arab Mulims, Christians and even Jews all living side by side.
You like history , I gave you some links, read it and learn something.
I thought you were talking about history but no, your taking two instances which has not thing to do with eachother but put Muslims in a bad light.

In ignoring the events pertaining to Mohammed Bouyeri you appear to be a supporter of same.

Is that the case?

Don't put words in my mouth.

Don't run away. Answer the question.

In ignoring the events pertaining to Mohammed Bouyeri you appear to be a supporter of same.

Is that the case?
You like history , I gave you some links, read it and learn something.

Running away from the savagery?

Well....did you support this:

"The 2000 Ramallah lynching was a violent incident in October 2000 at the beginning of theSecond Intifada in which a Palestinianmob killed and mutilated the bodies of two Israel Defense Forcesreservists, Vadim Nurzhitz (sometimes spelled as Norzhich) and Yossi Avrahami (or Yosef Avrahami),[1] who had accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Ramallah in the West Bank and were taken into custody by PA policemen to the local police station.

The Israeli reservists were beaten, stabbed, had their eyes gouged out, and were disemboweled. At this point, a Palestinian (later identified as Aziz Salha), appeared at the police station window, displaying his blood-stained hands to the crowd, which erupted into cheers. The crowd clapped and cheered as one of the soldier's bodies was then thrown out the window and stamped and beaten by the frenzied mob. One of the bodies was set on fire. Soon after, the mob dragged the two mutilated bodies to Al-Manara Square in the city center as the crowd began an impromptu victory celebration. Palestinian policemen did not prevent, and in some cases actually took part in, the lynching."
2000 Ramallah lynching - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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