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Now ABC, CBS, & NBC refuse to run Trump campaign ad blasting them as fake news

If these networks do that, they can't run any campaign ads by anyone.

This is fake news.
CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC all refuse to run fake news Trump ad | Daily Mail Online

This is pretty hilarious. From the link:

>> Presidential daughter-in-law Lara Trump, a consultant to the campaign organization, said in a statement that '[a]pparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views.'

'Faced with an ad that doesn't fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen.'

.... The Rump camp didn't shy from CNN's pushback – blasting it out in a press release to its base of supporters and contributors.

'It is absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President Rump is trying to share with the country. It's clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn't fit their narrative,' said Michael Glassner, the campaign's executive director.

.... This is censorship pure and simple,' he says in the email. 'By rejecting our ad, CNN has proven that it supports censorship is biased and fears an opposing point of view. President Rump’s loyal supporters know the truth: The mainstream media mislead, misguide, deceive, and distract.'

Glassner concludes: 'CNN epitomizes the meaning of fake news and has proven it by rejecting our paid campaign ad.' <<


These asshats actually seem to believe they're ENTITLED to automatic contracts. "Blocking". "Censorship". "First Amendment". Absolutely clueless.

This is the direct result of the entitlement mentality oozed by a spoiled asshole who's had everything handed to him all his life. Then he goes to whiny little bitch mode when he finds out the world doesn't work that way.

. . . or, by not airing the ad, they prove his point, they are in fact "fake news," adhering to a political agenda.

If they had aired the ad, then certainly he would look all the more foolish, b/c the networks would show they have no bias.

All of them are in the pockets of the CFR, he is just calling them out. If he were really standup, he'd be calling out Fox as well.

You can't prove a point by NOT doing something.

Only if you accept that a TV station MUST sell its air time to anybody who asks for it, which is bullshit. Nobody believes that except the entitled orange asshole who's not used to hearing "No". Sadly, he can't just grab 'em by the pussy because he feels a whim.. Time for the Entitled Orange Asshole to man up and grow a pair of big boy pants.
I really don't know why you are so emotional about him, or why you are so personal about him. Why do you think he is such an asshole?

You remind me of all the racists who personally hated Obama and his family simple b/c they were black. You hate, simply b/c Trump is white and rich. I see no other reason.

I have seen the media's portrayal of him, and honestly, if you do a little in depth research, most of the things that have been portrayed about him are simply untrue, or have been widely distorted. Is it just his political stances? I can clearly understand why folks would dislike him, but to get so deeply personal, is just not very mature.

To your point, I think his organization is just calling out the corporate media's bias. They have every right to tell their allies and the nation what is going on. It isn't "crying" or "whining" it is telling the nation the truth about the corporate socialist Keynesians that are in charge of social engineering the nation for their own agenda. If their supporters want to know why this administration boycotted the correspondents dinner after they threatened to do the same, they have every right to get their messaging out there.

And here we are, talking about it. And here you are, getting all emotional over it. It really isn't worth it, they all suck. I won't let them brain wash me about who this Trump guy is, why would you? I know they are a bunch of slimy pieces of shit, just as he is. I hate them as much or more than Trump, why don't you? If they are the ones that control who looks like they are lying and who looks like they are telling the truth, can't you figure out that your perception of this guy Donald might not be entirely accurate? Do you wonder why Trump says what he says?

Frankly, I don't give a shit. The CFR boys are a bunch of NWO police state fucks that want to create a dystopian hell on earth. Trump's pansies are a bunch of gangsters that want a piece of the action and are being used as unwitting pawns b/c the whole financial system is insolvent. The real rulers need just need an out. Whether it is a war, or a financial collapse, something will give, and it will be pinned on Trump. But it won't be his fault, nor Obama's, it's been building since before 9/11. 9/11 was used to help cover a lot of the corruption up. They will try to make "it" happen during Trump's administration though, take that to the bank.

It's isn't worth getting your panties in a bunch though.
Another side of Trump you won't her from CNN, ABC NBC, MSNBC...

Some of Trumps accomplishments to date:

1. Last year, candidate Trump promised to nominate justices in the mold of Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the greatest justices of all time.

2. He is using a record number of executive orders to shrink government power over the economy and unleash free enterprise.

3. Trump has approved permits for the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, stopped his predecessor’s “Clean Power Plan” that was significantly harming America’s energy industries.

4. He has created an Office of American Innovation to streamline government with business ideas.

5. So far in 2017, the House has used the long-dormant Congressional Review Act (CRA) over a dozen times to repeal last-minute Obama administration regulations, most of which would be detrimental to the economy.

6. These include a “stream protection” rule that threatened one-third of the nation’s coal mining jobs.

7. Created an oil and gas rule hamstringing development of domestic energy

8. And a Securities and Exchange Commission rule that advantaged foreign competitors over U.S. energy companies.

9. Consumer confidence is at a 10-year high.

10. The stock market is up 10 percent since his election.

11. Major manufacturing companies are responding by choosing to invest at home rather than abroad.

12. The issue of health care has been — and always will be — a complicated one, given that health care covers one-sixth of the U.S. economy. But when it comes to Obamacare specifically, Trump’s campaign promise was a simple one: He would “repeal and replace” it.

13. He is starting to halt federal funding to “sanctuary cities” (which are in violation of federal law).

14. Increased the number of immigration enforcement personnel.

15. His budget includes much-needed money for a southern border wall. Since Trump took office, illegal border crossings have fallen to a 17-year low.

16. Trump and his team are showing more U.S. assertiveness globally, accelerating bombings against ISIS in Afghanistan so we can end that conflict sooner.

17. Working with directly with China to contain the monstrous regime in North Korea. This is in sharp contrast to the “lead from behind” philosophy of Obama.
They used the 5 second fake news reference at the end of the end as their excuse to denying the ad. What they can't stand is all of the 100% accurate, positive statements about Trump's first 100 days. You know, all of the information that the media has been suppressing as they desperately pursue their impeachment campaign against President Trump.
Lying for 5 seconds is lying for 5 seconds. Maybe if the campaign wasn't flat out lying and trying to spread moronic propaganda, the media would take their money and run.
So, you are calling the ad "lying for five seconds is lying." So just what did he ssay in the ad that was false? You cannot aqnswer that because it hasn't been aired. See how you prove yourself to be nothing but a Sheep? You have no proof to point to just as all of the Trump haters.
Don't call me a sheep, young man. I am basing it on the OP, which says the ad called them "fake news." Well they are not FAKE NEWS! If the OP didn't know what was in the supposed ad, yell at her, not me.
I quoted you because of your quote about lying. How do you even know that when no one knows what is in the ad? You are blowing shit at nothing because you haven't seen the ad, just going along with the rest of the sheep who claim everything Trump says or does is harmful.
Jackson, will you please take a look at the first post in this thread, otherwise known as the "OP?" It says, among other things:
The ad shows hosts from all four networks under a banner that reads ‘FAKE NEWS.’
This came from someone on your side. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt it's true, though perhaps I shouldn't.
Is the ad itself shown? I haven't seen it.
IOW, Trump is acting like an Alt Right dictator.

He will fail.
I have to give you some credit there. That's exactly what I thought of Obama and his Executive Orders. It can't be a dictator move for one president and not the other. There I believe we have a tie.

Trump is fighting on multiple sides. One side, it the liberal Democrats, another, the extreme elite from the Republican party and on the other, main stream liberals in the electorate.
IOW, Trump is acting like an Alt Right dictator.

He will fail.
I have to give you some credit there. That's exactly what I thought of Obama and his Executive Orders. It can't be a dictator move for one president and not the other. There I believe we have a tie.

Trump is fighting on multiple sides. One side, it the liberal Democrats, another, the extreme elite from the Republican party and on the other, main stream liberals in the electorate.
Now the mainstream GOP will start hamstringing him.

The federal judiciary will weaken his EOs signficantly.
If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the American media act as presstitutes for rich and powerful Americans.

But it turns out that the American media will turn “tricks” for foreign johns as well …

Specifically, three time Emmy award winning reporter Amber Lyon was until very recently a respected CNN reporter:


Lyon was fired from CNN after she refused to stop reporting on her first-hand experience of the systematic torture and murder of peaceful protesters by the government of Bahrain.

Lyon’s special report on Bahrain was scheduled to run on both CNN’s U.S. and international networks, but was pulled after only a limited showing due to pressure from the Bahrainis and their lobbyists.

At the same time that Lyon was risking her life to do on-the-ground reporting in Bahrain, another CNN journalist was filming a paid propaganda piece on how the Bahraini leaders are a bunch of friendly pro-democracy reformers.

That’s right … the Bahraini government paid CNN to do what was literally an infomercial for that brutal regime and pretend it was real journalism.

Lyon says that China and many other foreign, authoritarian regimes also pay CNN and other mainstream networks to run flattering propaganda pieces.

We are grateful for Ms. Lyon’s exposé of this revolting practice … especially because real reporting is treated as terrorism by the American government.

CNN Journalist: Mainstream Media Takes Money from FOREIGN Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda

STILL completely fails to make the case that a commercial entity MUST sell an ad to whoever wants to buy it.

Wassamatta? Is the question inconvenient? Hm?

Btw you're gonna make zero legitimate points quoting Alex Freaking Jones, whatever your deflection is.

Great excuse and typical left sided numbed up brain excuse. gubbermint taught you well and others just like you deny, deny, deny, and fight back with " Using the source" when links are included to lead to the site that is the biggest , lamest excuse to use as an argument"
Lying for 5 seconds is lying for 5 seconds. Maybe if the campaign wasn't flat out lying and trying to spread moronic propaganda, the media would take their money and run.
So, you are calling the ad "lying for five seconds is lying." So just what did he ssay in the ad that was false? You cannot aqnswer that because it hasn't been aired. See how you prove yourself to be nothing but a Sheep? You have no proof to point to just as all of the Trump haters.
Don't call me a sheep, young man. I am basing it on the OP, which says the ad called them "fake news." Well they are not FAKE NEWS! If the OP didn't know what was in the supposed ad, yell at her, not me.
I quoted you because of your quote about lying. How do you even know that when no one knows what is in the ad? You are blowing shit at nothing because you haven't seen the ad, just going along with the rest of the sheep who claim everything Trump says or does is harmful.
Jackson, will you please take a look at the first post in this thread, otherwise known as the "OP?" It says, among other things:
The ad shows hosts from all four networks under a banner that reads ‘FAKE NEWS.’
This came from someone on your side. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt it's true, though perhaps I shouldn't.
Is the ad itself shown? I haven't seen it.
If you go to the link in the OP, the ad is in that.
And when these loser sites get caught, they put a new spin on it that one of their writers did it, or they'll create some bs sex assault was done by this one or that one fire them, and then begin to sink the news network if they don't play the CONTROLLED liberal game plans. Hence FOX NEWS to some agenda, Kelly whats her name who accused one of the FOX CEO's I believe that he sexually assaulted her which as usual turned out to be pure bs.

--- which of course you have some link to....................... somewhere.............

How in the fuck does this make the case that a commercial entity MUST sell its air time?
Who ever said anything about a commercial entity MUST sell its air time. Why are you getting hung up on that.

I have went over the articles, I have went over the posts, it appears to me you have introduced a strawman.

No one is saying that they must sell airtime.

The only thing that is being pointed out, is that this is proof of the fact they they are fake, utterly biased in their management and POV.

Their only goal is to condition the minds of their viewers. They are not open to alternative points of view.

This is how all of MSM think. When the president agree with them, there is no problem, when there is disagreement, then the Deep State is in conflict.

If these networks do that, they can't run any campaign ads by anyone.

This is fake news.
CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC all refuse to run fake news Trump ad | Daily Mail Online

This is pretty hilarious. From the link:

>> Presidential daughter-in-law Lara Trump, a consultant to the campaign organization, said in a statement that '[a]pparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views.'

'Faced with an ad that doesn't fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen.'

.... The Rump camp didn't shy from CNN's pushback – blasting it out in a press release to its base of supporters and contributors.

'It is absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President Rump is trying to share with the country. It's clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn't fit their narrative,' said Michael Glassner, the campaign's executive director.

.... This is censorship pure and simple,' he says in the email. 'By rejecting our ad, CNN has proven that it supports censorship is biased and fears an opposing point of view. President Rump’s loyal supporters know the truth: The mainstream media mislead, misguide, deceive, and distract.'

Glassner concludes: 'CNN epitomizes the meaning of fake news and has proven it by rejecting our paid campaign ad.' <<


These asshats actually seem to believe they're ENTITLED to automatic contracts. "Blocking". "Censorship". "First Amendment". Absolutely clueless.

This is the direct result of the entitlement mentality oozed by a spoiled asshole who's had everything handed to him all his life. Then he goes to whiny little bitch mode when he finds out the world doesn't work that way.

. . . or, by not airing the ad, they prove his point, they are in fact "fake news," adhering to a political agenda.

If they had aired the ad, then certainly he would look all the more foolish, b/c the networks would show they have no bias.

All of them are in the pockets of the CFR, he is just calling them out. If he were really standup, he'd be calling out Fox as well.

You can't prove a point by NOT doing something.

Only if you accept that a TV station MUST sell its air time to anybody who asks for it, which is bullshit. Nobody believes that except the entitled orange asshole who's not used to hearing "No". Sadly, he can't just grab 'em by the pussy because he feels a whim.. Time for the Entitled Orange Asshole to man up and grow a pair of big boy pants.
I really don't know why you are so emotional about him, or why you are so personal about him. Why do you think he is such an asshole?

You remind me of all the racists who personally hated Obama and his family simple b/c they were black. You hate, simply b/c Trump is white and rich. I see no other reason.

I have seen the media's portrayal of him, and honestly, if you do a little in depth research, most of the things that have been portrayed about him are simply untrue, or have been widely distorted. Is it just his political stances? I can clearly understand why folks would dislike him, but to get so deeply personal, is just not very mature.

To your point, I think his organization is just calling out the corporate media's bias. They have every right to tell their allies and the nation what is going on. It isn't "crying" or "whining" it is telling the nation the truth about the corporate socialist Keynesians that are in charge of social engineering the nation for their own agenda. If their supporters want to know why this administration boycotted the correspondents dinner after they threatened to do the same, they have every right to get their messaging out there.

And here we are, talking about it. And here you are, getting all emotional over it. It really isn't worth it, they all suck. I won't let them brain wash me about who this Trump guy is, why would you? I know they are a bunch of slimy pieces of shit, just as he is. I hate them as much or more than Trump, why don't you? If they are the ones that control who looks like they are lying and who looks like they are telling the truth, can't you figure out that your perception of this guy Donald might not be entirely accurate? Do you wonder why Trump says what he says?

Frankly, I don't give a shit. The CFR boys are a bunch of NWO police state fucks that want to create a dystopian hell on earth. Trump's pansies are a bunch of gangsters that want a piece of the action and are being used as unwitting pawns b/c the whole financial system is insolvent. The real rulers need just need an out. Whether it is a war, or a financial collapse, something will give, and it will be pinned on Trump. But it won't be his fault, nor Obama's, it's been building since before 9/11. 9/11 was used to help cover a lot of the corruption up. They will try to make "it" happen during Trump's administration though, take that to the bank.

It's isn't worth getting your panties in a bunch though.
The reason why democrats are this emotional is because they honestly thought that they had reached the point where there would never again be a republican president. That's why hillary went on such a tear over stressing how important it was for republicans to accept the outcome of the election. Trump winning after democrats were so sure the win was in the bag was enough to be the end of the world.

That's why they are so emotional.

This is pretty hilarious. From the link:

>> Presidential daughter-in-law Lara Trump, a consultant to the campaign organization, said in a statement that '[a]pparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views.'

'Faced with an ad that doesn't fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen.'

.... The Rump camp didn't shy from CNN's pushback – blasting it out in a press release to its base of supporters and contributors.

'It is absolutely shameful to see the media blocking the positive message that President Rump is trying to share with the country. It's clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn't fit their narrative,' said Michael Glassner, the campaign's executive director.

.... This is censorship pure and simple,' he says in the email. 'By rejecting our ad, CNN has proven that it supports censorship is biased and fears an opposing point of view. President Rump’s loyal supporters know the truth: The mainstream media mislead, misguide, deceive, and distract.'

Glassner concludes: 'CNN epitomizes the meaning of fake news and has proven it by rejecting our paid campaign ad.' <<


These asshats actually seem to believe they're ENTITLED to automatic contracts. "Blocking". "Censorship". "First Amendment". Absolutely clueless.

This is the direct result of the entitlement mentality oozed by a spoiled asshole who's had everything handed to him all his life. Then he goes to whiny little bitch mode when he finds out the world doesn't work that way.

. . . or, by not airing the ad, they prove his point, they are in fact "fake news," adhering to a political agenda.

If they had aired the ad, then certainly he would look all the more foolish, b/c the networks would show they have no bias.

All of them are in the pockets of the CFR, he is just calling them out. If he were really standup, he'd be calling out Fox as well.

You can't prove a point by NOT doing something.

Only if you accept that a TV station MUST sell its air time to anybody who asks for it, which is bullshit. Nobody believes that except the entitled orange asshole who's not used to hearing "No". Sadly, he can't just grab 'em by the pussy because he feels a whim.. Time for the Entitled Orange Asshole to man up and grow a pair of big boy pants.
I really don't know why you are so emotional about him, or why you are so personal about him. Why do you think he is such an asshole?

You remind me of all the racists who personally hated Obama and his family simple b/c they were black. You hate, simply b/c Trump is white and rich. I see no other reason.

I have seen the media's portrayal of him, and honestly, if you do a little in depth research, most of the things that have been portrayed about him are simply untrue, or have been widely distorted. Is it just his political stances? I can clearly understand why folks would dislike him, but to get so deeply personal, is just not very mature.

To your point, I think his organization is just calling out the corporate media's bias. They have every right to tell their allies and the nation what is going on. It isn't "crying" or "whining" it is telling the nation the truth about the corporate socialist Keynesians that are in charge of social engineering the nation for their own agenda. If their supporters want to know why this administration boycotted the correspondents dinner after they threatened to do the same, they have every right to get their messaging out there.

And here we are, talking about it. And here you are, getting all emotional over it. It really isn't worth it, they all suck. I won't let them brain wash me about who this Trump guy is, why would you? I know they are a bunch of slimy pieces of shit, just as he is. I hate them as much or more than Trump, why don't you? If they are the ones that control who looks like they are lying and who looks like they are telling the truth, can't you figure out that your perception of this guy Donald might not be entirely accurate? Do you wonder why Trump says what he says?

Frankly, I don't give a shit. The CFR boys are a bunch of NWO police state fucks that want to create a dystopian hell on earth. Trump's pansies are a bunch of gangsters that want a piece of the action and are being used as unwitting pawns b/c the whole financial system is insolvent. The real rulers need just need an out. Whether it is a war, or a financial collapse, something will give, and it will be pinned on Trump. But it won't be his fault, nor Obama's, it's been building since before 9/11. 9/11 was used to help cover a lot of the corruption up. They will try to make "it" happen during Trump's administration though, take that to the bank.

It's isn't worth getting your panties in a bunch though.
The reason why democrats are this emotional is because they honestly thought that they had reached the point where there would never again be a republican president. That's why hillary went on such a tear over stressing how important it was for republicans to accept the outcome of the election. Trump winning after democrats were so sure the win was in the bag was enough to be the end of the world.

That's why they are so emotional.

Not to mention how much her and Obama made it a point to mention who the fake news sources were. They knew millions would hear it . They did that to create that bs university fake news site list knowing dam well the sheep would take it and run, then it filtered out to make them feel all better when Gov. controlled GOOGLE stepped up and said they were going to filter fake news LMFAO..... these idiots can't connect anything.
Now ABC, CBS and NBC Refuse to Run Trump Campaign Ad Blasting them as ‘Fake News’
Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with TV networks not named ‘Fox News’ has clicked into a new gear as ABC, CBS and NBC have all joined CNN in refusing to run an ad from the president’s re-election campaign committee.

The ad shows hosts from all four networks under a banner that reads ‘FAKE NEWS.’

Campaign planned to put $1.5 million behind the 30-second ad

This shouldn't be all that surprising. Like we keep saying to the sheeple the media dictates what you think, they control what you think by not providing you with real information. or it remains one sided which is totally unfair to everyone when it comes down to ti. This is what helps create groups like ANTIFA their stupidity doesn't' see both sides of the fence as the Bill Ayers brainwashing already set into the weak minds of those who can't see reality.

Q. From which source(s) do you listen to or read which informs you

IOW, Trump is acting like an Alt Right dictator.

He will fail.
I have to give you some credit there. That's exactly what I thought of Obama and his Executive Orders. It can't be a dictator move for one president and not the other. There I believe we have a tie.

Trump is fighting on multiple sides. One side, it the liberal Democrats, another, the extreme elite from the Republican party and on the other, main stream liberals in the electorate.
Now the mainstream GOP will start hamstringing him.

The federal judiciary will weaken his EOs signficantly.
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for all of us. I am impressed that he is trying incredibly hard to do what he promised to do. Gitmo still open? Good. It should have never been a promise from Obama to close it.
Now ABC, CBS and NBC Refuse to Run Trump Campaign Ad Blasting them as ‘Fake News’
Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with TV networks not named ‘Fox News’ has clicked into a new gear as ABC, CBS and NBC have all joined CNN in refusing to run an ad from the president’s re-election campaign committee.

The ad shows hosts from all four networks under a banner that reads ‘FAKE NEWS.’

Campaign planned to put $1.5 million behind the 30-second ad

This shouldn't be all that surprising. Like we keep saying to the sheeple the media dictates what you think, they control what you think by not providing you with real information. or it remains one sided which is totally unfair to everyone when it comes down to ti. This is what helps create groups like ANTIFA their stupidity doesn't' see both sides of the fence as the Bill Ayers brainwashing already set into the weak minds of those who can't see reality.

It is a lie to say they are reporting fake news. They are the fake news. This truly is Orwellian and I'm glad ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have tried to hold the line. Speech can be free speech, but even America has laws about truth in advertising.
This guy is becoming utterly frightening.

Yikes! Makes me wonder if the sitting president is planning a coup d'état. His party controls both Houses of Congress; he has millions of crazed Trumpbots at his disposal
and he has put ex generals in key positions that would reduce military backlash should he declare marital law...look for Martial law to be implemented in a locale near you in the near future.

If that's what it would take to cleanse the liberal filth from the nation so be it.

The resistance is already forming.
Who ever said anything about a commercial entity MUST sell its air time. Why are you getting hung up on that.

Because it's the fallacy upon which this entire thread is based. And which the OP continually runs away from because she knows she's been exposed.

Without that false premise ------------------------------ there is no point here.

I have went over the articles, I have went over the posts, it appears to me you have introduced a strawman.

No one is saying that they must sell airtime.

No one can, because that isn't the case and never was. Therefore there's no story here. PERIOD.
It's literally as simple as that.

I'm STILL waiting for the OP to explain how a commercial entity is forced to sell its airtime, what that previous klown thinks the "Fairness Doctrine" means, what the fucking FCC has to do with anything, what the fucking First Amendment has to do with anything, where "censorship" is involved, how "blocking" is involved, and how a nonevent makes a point.

And by "waiting" I mean rhetorically --- we all know none of those have answers. What I'm really waiting for is the proponent of those various turds of bullshit to try to squirm out of them.
Last edited:
So, you are calling the ad "lying for five seconds is lying." So just what did he ssay in the ad that was false? You cannot aqnswer that because it hasn't been aired. See how you prove yourself to be nothing but a Sheep? You have no proof to point to just as all of the Trump haters.
Don't call me a sheep, young man. I am basing it on the OP, which says the ad called them "fake news." Well they are not FAKE NEWS! If the OP didn't know what was in the supposed ad, yell at her, not me.
I quoted you because of your quote about lying. How do you even know that when no one knows what is in the ad? You are blowing shit at nothing because you haven't seen the ad, just going along with the rest of the sheep who claim everything Trump says or does is harmful.
Jackson, will you please take a look at the first post in this thread, otherwise known as the "OP?" It says, among other things:
The ad shows hosts from all four networks under a banner that reads ‘FAKE NEWS.’
This came from someone on your side. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt it's true, though perhaps I shouldn't.
Is the ad itself shown? I haven't seen it.
If you go to the link in the OP, the ad is in that.
I apologize Old Lady! I just saw it because of you. So, what did he lie about? Catch me up. Again, sorry to tell you, you didn't see it!
And when these loser sites get caught, they put a new spin on it that one of their writers did it, or they'll create some bs sex assault was done by this one or that one fire them, and then begin to sink the news network if they don't play the CONTROLLED liberal game plans. Hence FOX NEWS to some agenda, Kelly whats her name who accused one of the FOX CEO's I believe that he sexually assaulted her which as usual turned out to be pure bs.

--- which of course you have some link to....................... somewhere.............

How in the fuck does this make the case that a commercial entity MUST sell its air time?
Who ever said anything about a commercial entity MUST sell its air time. Why are you getting hung up on that.

I have went over the articles, I have went over the posts, it appears to me you have introduced a strawman.

No one is saying that they must sell airtime.

The only thing that is being pointed out, is that this is proof of the fact they they are fake, utterly biased in their management and POV.

Their only goal is to condition the minds of their viewers. They are not open to alternative points of view.

This is how all of MSM think. When the president agree with them, there is no problem, when there is disagreement, then the Deep State is in conflict.

Yes they must sell the air time. Political speech is not commercial speech.

Statutes and Rules on Candidate Appearances & Advertising
And when these loser sites get caught, they put a new spin on it that one of their writers did it, or they'll create some bs sex assault was done by this one or that one fire them, and then begin to sink the news network if they don't play the CONTROLLED liberal game plans. Hence FOX NEWS to some agenda, Kelly whats her name who accused one of the FOX CEO's I believe that he sexually assaulted her which as usual turned out to be pure bs.

--- which of course you have some link to....................... somewhere.............

How in the fuck does this make the case that a commercial entity MUST sell its air time?
Who ever said anything about a commercial entity MUST sell its air time. Why are you getting hung up on that.

I have went over the articles, I have went over the posts, it appears to me you have introduced a strawman.

No one is saying that they must sell airtime.

The only thing that is being pointed out, is that this is proof of the fact they they are fake, utterly biased in their management and POV.

Their only goal is to condition the minds of their viewers. They are not open to alternative points of view.

This is how all of MSM think. When the president agree with them, there is no problem, when there is disagreement, then the Deep State is in conflict.

Yes they must sell the air time. Political speech is not commercial speech.

Statutes and Rules on Candidate Appearances & Advertising

Read your own link ---- 'a legally qualified candidate for Federal elective office on behalf of his candidacy'.

This is 2017. There's no federal election for three and a half years. There are no candidates.
So, If a have an ad made that says "Fox News are a asshole".

You're saying Fox would run it?

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