Now Barr may refuse to testify before the House Judiciary Committee???

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The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.
Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.
Barr Threatens Not to Testify Before House, but Democrats May Subpoena Him

"White House lawyers have already indicated that they planned to tell Donald F. McGahn II, the former White House counsel, and other former officials not to comply with subpoenas for their testimonies.

"The White House also blocked a former official from answering questions about security clearances to officials including Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser.

"And last week, the Treasury Department refused to turn over President Trump’s tax returns before a deadline set by House Democrats."

Trump's corruption long predates his "election" as POTUS; if Republicans had not covered for him during his first two years, he would have been gone long ago.

Now, his base is dug in and ready to rumble.

Or not.

It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pier. :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing changes.

Folks that are attached to their one corrupt party or the other quickly make excuses or forget.
He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.

But, but, but.......Fat Barr hasn't yet finished kissing Trump's ass ...........He has little time for anything else.....LOL
It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pi

Mr. moron.....was Obama facing the same PROBLEMS as your orange buffoon is facing???............Yes or fucking No???
Barr is a poisonous snake to American democracy.

Barr auditioned for his job and
Rosenstein was given an ultimatum by trump. You "land the plan" or your retirement is gone....this is what we get when a Mafia Boss is elected.....

No doubt you have PROOF of this, right?


No? How about circumstantial evidence?

No? Ah, you just fucking made it up, being the lying pile of shit that you are. :thup:
I hope Barr doesn't testify and waste a day there. He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.
Would you support Barr for SCOTUS if Trump made that nomination?
I don't think folks remember that Barr IS a member of the Deep State.


William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

". . . Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:
  • Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.
  • CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.
  • When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
  • Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.
  • Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.
  • Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.
  • In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush
  • Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes
  • Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.. . . "
That's about as dirty and crooked as they come. . . .
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.

Elections have consequences
I hope Barr doesn't testify and waste a day there. He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.

If they don't hurry up and get those Coup leaders, they lose my vote and maybe three other votes. It is all I can do, but maybe others can join me. Call them. Tell them ENOUGH!
I hope Barr doesn't testify and waste a day there. He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.
Would you support Barr for SCOTUS if Trump made that nomination?
No, Barr is too old for the USSC, we want nice young conservatives:
Amy Coney Barrett (47) is penciled in for 86 yr old RBG's seat. Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia
Clarence Thomas (70) deserves a nice young conservative to hold his seat a good long time
Stephen Breyer (80) should have Trump pick a replacement, that would drive the dems crazy
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.
Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.
Barr Threatens Not to Testify Before House, but Democrats May Subpoena Him

"White House lawyers have already indicated that they planned to tell Donald F. McGahn II, the former White House counsel, and other former officials not to comply with subpoenas for their testimonies.

"The White House also blocked a former official from answering questions about security clearances to officials including Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser.

"And last week, the Treasury Department refused to turn over President Trump’s tax returns before a deadline set by House Democrats."

Trump's corruption long predates his "election" as POTUS; if Republicans had not covered for him during his first two years, he would have been gone long ago.

Now, his base is dug in and ready to rumble.

Or not.

It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pier. :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing changes.

Folks that are attached to their one corrupt party or the other quickly make excuses or forget.
It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pier. :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing changes.

Folks that are attached to their one corrupt party or the other quickly make excuses or forget.
It does seem like elite Democrats AND Republicans would rather lose elections than lose any tax/trade benefits. I'm hoping Trump divides Republicans into two or more warring factions and Bernie does something similar with Democrats. If the six million Green and Libertarian voters get involved, maybe some important things will change sooner rather than later?
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.

Bullshit. There are guidelines to these proceedings. They are pissed that they spent 40 + million, used the best legal minds in the country, and came up with nothing! That’s because the dossier was bullshit. The only thing that will eventually happen, is the scumbag source of this farce will be exposed. Dims will keep this shit show going through his whole time in office, moving to something new every few weeks. If you like and follow Nancy, Chuckles, Maxine, AOC, or Omar, you are special needs. You deserve what you get. I’m anxiously anticipating the debates in 2020. More entertainment. Meanwhile, Don is telling you to go fuck yourselves daily!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hope Barr doesn't testify and waste a day there. He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.
Would you support Barr for SCOTUS if Trump made that nomination?
I don't think folks remember that Barr IS a member of the Deep State.


William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

". . . Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:
  • Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.
  • CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.
  • When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
  • Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.
  • Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.
  • Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.
  • In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush
  • Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes
  • Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.. . . "
That's about as dirty and crooked as they come. . . .
don't think folks remember that Barr IS a member of the Deep State
And the Deep State exists to protect tax dodging billionaires.
No doubt you have PROOF of this, right?


No? How about circumstantial evidence?

Here..........Below is CLEAR evidence that Barr is a Trump whore......"Hire me as your AG" Barr states in his memo, "....and I can keep you from ever facing obstruction of jusrice penalties, my dearest orange cult leader"
William Barr's Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice ...

[URL='']Barr authored memo last year ruling out obstruction of justice -
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.
Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.
Barr Threatens Not to Testify Before House, but Democrats May Subpoena Him

"White House lawyers have already indicated that they planned to tell Donald F. McGahn II, the former White House counsel, and other former officials not to comply with subpoenas for their testimonies.

"The White House also blocked a former official from answering questions about security clearances to officials including Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser.

"And last week, the Treasury Department refused to turn over President Trump’s tax returns before a deadline set by House Democrats."

Trump's corruption long predates his "election" as POTUS; if Republicans had not covered for him during his first two years, he would have been gone long ago.

Now, his base is dug in and ready to rumble.

Or not.

It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pier. :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing changes.

Folks that are attached to their one corrupt party or the other quickly make excuses or forget.
It reminds me of when Holder and Lynch told the people's representatives to take a long walk off a short pier. :auiqs.jpg:

Nothing changes.

Folks that are attached to their one corrupt party or the other quickly make excuses or forget.
It does seem like elite Democrats AND Republicans would rather lose elections than lose any tax/trade benefits. I'm hoping Trump divides Republicans into two or more warring factions and Bernie does something similar with Democrats. If the six million Green and Libertarian voters get involved, maybe some important things will change sooner rather than later?
Never happen.

The CFR media is like the ONE RING in Lord of the Rings. They have been pretty scared the last few elections, b/c more folks have been turning to the internet. Now, folks are BEGGING the government to regulate the internet. That has all been part of the plan. The more control they have over the internet, the less chance there is for a wild card in the system.

It determines who the small folks vote for. All the Anglo-American elite, no mater who their party, get together there, and take their marching orders. This determines who the candidates are. The candidates for both the Greens and Libertarians were rigged in the last election.

Council on Foreign Relations Tells Gov't They "Have To" Use Propaganda on Americans

No doubt you have PROOF of this, right?


No? How about circumstantial evidence?

Here..........Below is CLEAR evidence that Barr is a Trump whore......"Hire me as your AG" Barr states in his memo, "....and I can keep you from ever facing obstruction of jusrice penalties, my dearest orange cult leader"
William Barr's Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice ...

Barr authored memo last year ruling out obstruction of justice -

I hope Barr doesn't testify and waste a day there. He needs to get busy prosecuting the Deep State coup plotters.
Would you support Barr for SCOTUS if Trump made that nomination?
I don't think folks remember that Barr IS a member of the Deep State.


William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair
William Barr and the Iran-Contra Scandal – The Millennium Report

". . . Barr, however, is a particularly spectacular and sordid case. As George H.W. Bush’s most notorious insider, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors:
  • Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.
  • CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.
  • When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
  • Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.
  • Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.
  • Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.
  • In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.
  • Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush
  • Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes
  • Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically-connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.. . . "
That's about as dirty and crooked as they come. . . .
don't think folks remember that Barr IS a member of the Deep State
And the Deep State exists to protect tax dodging billionaires.
Don't let your TDS that the liberal TEE VEE hits you with day after day have you believing that he is the only one. . .

They all do anything and everything they can to avoid paying as much as legally possible.
Mueller's job was to determine Trump Guilty or Not Guilty.

NO, fuckhead.....THAT was NOT Mueller's job......That what Hannity told you to believe....

Mueller was working under the DOJ clear policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted......

What Mueller did is lay out TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice.....Incidents that could and will have Trump indicted once he leaves office........READ THE FUCKING REPORT, moron.
/----/ "TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice..."
So where are the indictments?

Read the report, dope.
Soooooo, fuckhead......AIDES scare the shit out of the fat stooge, Barr ???......
No, dumbass. Like Democrats asking Barr to break the law by releasing Grand Jury info, which they know is a crime, the Democrats are proving to be - like you - dumb as hell, and he's not playing their game.

THIS is sadly what Democrats have done with their opportunity to legislate given to them in 2018.

As a result they will lose the House in 2020.
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