Now Barr may refuse to testify before the House Judiciary Committee???

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Do you ever get tired of Trump spanking your ass daily?

Democracy needs to be DEFENDED from a fucked up orange clown, on a daily basis..

You just keep drinking that kool-aid and kissing Trump's ass.............LOL
Lol, Trump has done nothing wrong. He is the only Republican that doesn't let y'all tell lies about him. You can't stand that.
Mueller's job was to determine Trump Guilty or Not Guilty.

NO, fuckhead.....THAT was NOT Mueller's job......That what Hannity told you to believe....

Mueller was working under the DOJ clear policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted......

What Mueller did is lay out TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice.....Incidents that could and will have Trump indicted once he leaves office........READ THE FUCKING REPORT, moron.
You are so angry

Barr and trump are going to make this a long tortuous process....
/——-/ Ahhhh Trump isn’t going to roll over and play dead for you. Poooor baby
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.

He has a right to input on the format.
The Dems have cobbled together a waterboarding session that he is under no obligation to cooperate with. If they go back to a normal format he will no found cooperate. Five minutes a piece
For initial followed by 30 minutes a piece on cross? Fuuuuuuuuuck them! That's not a hearing it's a red Chinese indoctrination session ... All political theatre.

----/ "TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice..."
So where are the indictments?

Fucking moron........According to DOJ policy, Mueller CANNOT indict the orange moron.......

/----/ Where are the indictments from whoever can indict the guy who kicked Hildabeast to the curb?

BTW: Special prosecutor
In the United States, a special prosecutor is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority. Other jurisdictions have similar systems. Wikipedia
that's simply not true, when it comes to a sitting president.

NO PROSECUTOR can indict a sitting president... not the AG, not an independent counselor, nor a special counsel....

THAT is the Justice Department's rules on it.

They can be impeached, and/or impeached and removed and then indicted, but they can NOT be charged/indicted, by anyone, while sitting in office.

Those are the rules....

Mueller explains this, in the Mueller report.
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.
Democrats were elected to serve in the House, NOT THEIR AIDES.

Barr agreed to come before the House to testify and answer questions posed by the ELECTED DEMOCRATS, NOT their AIDES.

If the Democrats are not qualified enough / are not smart enough - if their AIDES are more so than the elected Democrats then perhaps the Democrats should step down / resign as a final / total admission of their ignorance / incompetence.

Their AIDES have no Constitutional / legal power or authority to question the US AG , & the US AG is under no obligation to submit himself to questioing by Democrat 'coffee bitches / research toadies'.
time to impeach...

Even if he is not convicted in the Senate....

and even if Democrats lose their asses in 2020....

We are suppose to be a Nation of Laws, and NOT of men....

This president SPITS on that and the constitution and in Faithfully executing the Law of this land derived from it.

Turning a blind eye to lawlessness is not an option, imho.
Your parroted opinion is not proof.
Congress is a co-equal branch of government. That’s not opinion, that’s in the constitution. For people to not show up to Congress once they’re called means they could be subpoenaed and if they refuse the subpoena they could be jailed and even fined $25,000.........a day.
That’s not opinion. That’s the way it works. So before you make yourself look even more ridiculous, do a little research and find out the truth.

Co-equal does not mean "I say you do."
It's called oversight, dope.

In the case of the current Democrats, it's called overstep.
Sounds like Watergate all over again...but Nixon was a lot smarter than the Liar in Chief. He resigned....trump will blame everyone else before he leaves.
Democrats better get busy with some legislation on infrastructure instead of spending all their time trying to damage Trump or They'll be back in the minority in the House.

The Dems will win back the Senate in 2020. If trump does happen to win...then the shoes will begin to fall...Nixon was smart. he resigned. trump....not so much.
Barr is a poisonous snake to American democracy.

Barr auditioned for his job and
Rosenstein was given an ultimatum by trump. You "land the plan" or your retirement is gone....this is what we get when a Mafia Boss is elected.....
Democrats were elected to serve in the House, NOT THEIR AIDES.

Barr agreed to come before the House to testify and answer questions posed by the ELECTED DEMOCRATS, NOT their AIDES.

If the Democrats are not qualified enough / are not smart enough - if their AIDES are more so than the elected Democrats then perhaps the Democrats should step down / resign as a final / total admission of their ignorance / incompetence.

Their AIDES have no Constitutional / legal power or authority to question the US AG , & the US AG is under no obligation to submit himself to questioing by Democrat 'coffee bitches / research toadies'.

Oh, hell, the above MORON is now blaming "AIDES"????.....................It is so fucking laughable that ONLY another idiot like him would actually "thank" him for his "brilliance."......................

BARR is a fat, stooge for Trump and a COWARD.............He won't last this year as "AG" for Trump and his cult.
In the case of the current Democrats, it's called overstep.

Instead of being an eternal moron....Look up ARTICLE I of the Constitution.......

How many hours did Hillary have to testify over Benghazi.......nd this fat fuck is too much of a COWARD to show up???
"The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.
that's not true though....

In Nixon and Clinton's investigations, the special prosecutor DID NOT recommend charges for these sitting presidents, they delivered the facts from the investigations and left it up to the congress to decide on impeachment.

In BOTH of those cases....

so Barr, is bull shitting you.... and in less than 48 hours, made that decision..... that's just bull crud imo.

Even with regular people and not Presidents, Prosecutors NEVER tell the targets, that they will never prosecute them for a crime they could not establish.... they simply do not prosecute them at that time, and hope and pray they will acquire the evidence in the future to establish the facts and prosecute them, then if they come up with enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt they are guilty at a later time, they will charge them....

The president could NOT be prosecuted, period.... even if he were 100% guilty and we all could see it. this is why it was left up to congress and why Mueller left it up to congress, just like Jaworsky did and just like Kenneth Starr did....

the AG's did not come in and make the decision for those two prosecutors.... it was for Congress to decide.

Barr was WRONG in doing what he did.... imo.

ahhhhhh well.

Sort of like Comey, an investigator, was wrong in making the decision not to prosecute Hillary?


time to impeach...

Even if he is not convicted in the Senate....

and even if Democrats lose their asses in 2020....

We are suppose to be a Nation of Laws, and NOT of men....

This president SPITS on that and the constitution and in Faithfully executing the Law of this land derived from it.

Turning a blind eye to lawlessness is not an option, imho.

Please do. Please, please, please, please do.

I shit you not.

The thing is, you keep calling for it, knowing it will never happen because, even someone as stupid as you (and that's pretty fucking stupid) knows it would destroy the dimocrap scum party.

You're in the back of the room talking shit. The perfect dimocrap. Two working parts and a surgeon's dream. Problem with you is, you don't know which is making the noise half the time.

Pleas Impeach Trump. I implore you. Please
It might destroy them temporarily, but it will save this Nation, from untethered lawlessness.
You are insane.
In the case of the current Democrats, it's called overstep.

Instead of being an eternal moron....Look up ARTICLE I of the Constitution.......

How many hours did Hillary have to testify over Benghazi.......nd this fat fuck is too much of a COWARD to show up???

Judging by your childlike posts, I was studying the Constitution when you were reading "The Pokey Little Puppy".
Oh, hell, the above MORON is now blaming "AIDES"????..
The 'moron' is pointing out that you are a dumbass who, as usual, doesn't have a clue what you are talking about.

Barr agreed to aappear before the House and answer questions....then the Democrats insisted their aides be allowed to question Barr, too. THAT is when Barr told them to go F* themselves.

You always leave out important things like that when spreading fake news and attempting to demonize the President and others....because you are a lying Trump-hating, ignorant POS...
SIMPLE fact as to why Barr is a scumbag.......

Barr wrote a 4 page "summary" stating that Trump was FULLY exonerated.......

But here is what Mueller actually wrote.......

".............did not conclude President Donald Trump committed a crime but also did not exonerate him....."

If you have a fucking brain.....YOU judge......LOL
The report exonerated Trump. End of story. Nothing in the report constituted obstruction of justice.
Barr is not the ONLY coward..........Trump REFUSED to testify.......(and like his promises to release his tax returns, this is what the orange moron stated......So, Trump is either STUPID.......a LIAR......or a COWARD........You

Trump says he's 'looking forward' to talking to special counsel Robert ...

Trump 'Looking Forward' to Mueller Interview

Trump 'looking forward' to being questioned under oath - AP News
The witch hunt is over. Get used to it.
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