Now Barr may refuse to testify before the House Judiciary Committee???

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Every person that does not deliver the libbies their emotional, non fact based victory, must be investigated with hearings held.
spitting on the congressmen, is spitting on us, on we the people....

Our ONLY VOICE in our government, is through our elected Representatives.

The President having his people spit on us and deny us our representation is also an impeachable offense.

What will do something tangible and actually have some very positive results, is to VOTE.

It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get as many people you know to vote as possible. Get them to get people to vote. Fill your car all day long with people taking them to the polls to vote. Help people get registered to vote. Help them get the required ID to be able to register and vote. Start a campaign to get people to vote.

We need a democratic White House, House of Reps and Senate. We need more than just a majority in the Senate now. We need to have at least 60 seats to get any legislation passed.

Tell people to ignore all the russian and right wing propaganda they will see in the next 18 months. It's all designed to get people to NOT vote. Which is what they did in 2016 and it worked for them.

Personally, I don't understand why anyone would vote for any candidate or political party that russia and putin want to win. That's the best way to get russia and other nations to stop interfering with our elections. Don't vote for any politician or party that the russians and putin want to win. That means don't vote for trump or any republican.

Impeaching is just a waste of time. The next election will happen before impeachment is completed and this senate isn't going to vote to convict so it's nothing but a waste of time. Time better spent investigating and exposing all the countless crimes and conspiracies of trump, his campaign and the republicans.

Yes I agree this man should be impeached and if by some miracle he's in our White House in 2021, I will want him impeached. It seems that those republican politicians who should be impeached weren't or aren't but a democratic president who did far less than this was impeached.

The priorities of our nation are really messed up.

Not voting got us into this mess. Voting will get us out.
----/ "TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice..."
So where are the indictments?

Fucking moron........According to DOJ policy, Mueller CANNOT indict the orange moron.......

/----/ Where are the indictments from whoever can indict the guy who kicked Hildabeast to the curb?

BTW: Special prosecutor
In the United States, a special prosecutor is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority. Other jurisdictions have similar systems. Wikipedia
Only five pages so far, but look at all the great arguments the OP has brought! Truly a master debater - or something that sounds a lot like that...
Barr has become a cheap whore
typical moronic response by a Trump ass kisser
COWARD and Trump lap dog
slime trail
Laxatives not working for you?
are you really THAT fucking stupid?
orange hairpiece
fucking DISapproval ratings
Try an enema
you fucking ass kisser
If you have a fucking brain
Barr is a fat WHORE
Trump ass kisser
can't fucking READ
fucked up orange clown
kissing Trump's ass
Fucking moron
The game is over and the score is not tied so there is no overtime. Man, shuffling off to school in pajamas and slippers with competition eliminated has really scrambled the brains of 15-40 year olds.
if the game was over, then Mueller would have said so... and he didn't.... he gave 2 pathways on how to handle the lawlessness...

1) it is up to congress to impeach him

2) Once removed from office or a resignation or his time expires, he can be charged with his obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official investigation.
Mueller did say so. He delivered his report. You don’t like the report so you need someone else to deliver a more soothing verdict for you.
The game is over and the score is not tied so there is no overtime. Man, shuffling off to school in pajamas and slippers with competition eliminated has really scrambled the brains of 15-40 year olds.
if the game was over, then Mueller would have said so... and he didn't.... he gave 2 pathways on how to handle the lawlessness...

1) it is up to congress to impeach him

2) Once removed from office or a resignation or his time expires, he can be charged with his obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official investigation.
/----/ Based on what - Trump beating Hillary when it was her turn? You mean that impeachable offense?
Hillary and alien baby.jpg

Above ...the typical moronic response by a Trump ass kisser and proud member of the Trump cult.

No wonder trump stated that he "loves the poorly educated".......and above clear PROOF of that Trump statement.........LMAO

Rumor combined with your own dumb ass opinion is proof of nothing. Barr, as Attorney General, will return this country to the rule of law.
Only five pages so far, but look at all the great arguments the OP has brought! Truly a master debater - or something that sounds a lot like that...
Barr has become a cheap whore
typical moronic response by a Trump ass kisser
COWARD and Trump lap dog
slime trail
Laxatives not working for you?
are you really THAT fucking stupid?
orange hairpiece
fucking DISapproval ratings
Try an enema
you fucking ass kisser
If you have a fucking brain
Barr is a fat WHORE
Trump ass kisser
can't fucking READ
fucked up orange clown
kissing Trump's ass
Fucking moron
Vulgarity is from those who have no means of expressing themself nor can articulate a point
The game is over and the score is not tied so there is no overtime. Man, shuffling off to school in pajamas and slippers with competition eliminated has really scrambled the brains of 15-40 year olds.
if the game was over, then Mueller would have said so... and he didn't.... he gave 2 pathways on how to handle the lawlessness...

1) it is up to congress to impeach him

2) Once removed from office or a resignation or his time expires, he can be charged with his obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official investigation.

The left wingers in the House can impeach Trump, and then the Senators will fail to convict him. A useless exercise in political theater. Smoke and noise is all Democrats have left in their political arsenal.

Btw, lefties, a federal crime does not exist unless all elements associated with that crime can be proved in court. Talking to Russians, on any subject, is not now, or ever has been, a federal crime.
spitting on the congressmen, is spitting on us, on we the people....

Our ONLY VOICE in our government, is through our elected Representatives.

The President having his people spit on us and deny us our representation is also an impeachable offense.

What will do something tangible and actually have some very positive results, is to VOTE.

It's not enough for you to vote anymore. You have to get as many people you know to vote as possible. Get them to get people to vote. Fill your car all day long with people taking them to the polls to vote. Help people get registered to vote. Help them get the required ID to be able to register and vote. Start a campaign to get people to vote.

We need a democratic White House, House of Reps and Senate. We need more than just a majority in the Senate now. We need to have at least 60 seats to get any legislation passed.

Tell people to ignore all the russian and right wing propaganda they will see in the next 18 months. It's all designed to get people to NOT vote. Which is what they did in 2016 and it worked for them.

Personally, I don't understand why anyone would vote for any candidate or political party that russia and putin want to win. That's the best way to get russia and other nations to stop interfering with our elections. Don't vote for any politician or party that the russians and putin want to win. That means don't vote for trump or any republican.

Impeaching is just a waste of time. The next election will happen before impeachment is completed and this senate isn't going to vote to convict so it's nothing but a waste of time. Time better spent investigating and exposing all the countless crimes and conspiracies of trump, his campaign and the republicans.

Yes I agree this man should be impeached and if by some miracle he's in our White House in 2021, I will want him impeached. It seems that those republican politicians who should be impeached weren't or aren't but a democratic president who did far less than this was impeached.

The priorities of our nation are really messed up.

Not voting got us into this mess. Voting will get us out.
Why? He’s the greatest president America has ever had
The latest rumor is that Barr will show up to face the Republican majority in the Senate hearings this Wednesday, but may REFUSE to testify before the Democrat majority in the House hearings this upcoming Thursday.

Can anyone argue that Barr is NOT a Trump stooge whose ONLY role as AG is to cover-up for Trump?

Barr is AG for ONLY the 35% of the Trump cult and is AFRAID to be questioned by democrats as they would compare the WRITTEN statements by Mueller versus the partisan "summary" that Barr gave in his blatant attempt to "exonerate" his new-found hero........Trump.

My contention is that Barr......who clearly "auditioned" Trump to get the AG now ALSO auditioning for a SCOTUS slot if and when it opens up during the next 18 months.

Basically, Barr has become a cheap whore to Trump for his own selfish ambitions.....readily willing to give up his once decent reputation for a life-time position in the Supreme Court.

Shameful, corrupt and anti-democratic behavior.

Now, let's see. What would trump say if her were the one being ignored. I know!

"I wonder what Barr is hiding?"

I must admit, I thought it would take a little longer for Barr to start showing his real know....usually prosecutes don't immediately come out for their Pimps. But Barr is tricking for trump like the whore that he is!
Mueller's job was to determine Trump Guilty or Not Guilty.

NO, fuckhead.....THAT was NOT Mueller's job......That what Hannity told you to believe....

Mueller was working under the DOJ clear policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted......

What Mueller did is lay out TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice.....Incidents that could and will have Trump indicted once he leaves office........READ THE FUCKING REPORT, moron.
You are so angry
Sounds like Watergate all over again...but Nixon was a lot smarter than the Liar in Chief. He resigned....trump will blame everyone else before he leaves.
Mueller's job was to determine Trump Guilty or Not Guilty.

NO, fuckhead.....THAT was NOT Mueller's job......That what Hannity told you to believe....

Mueller was working under the DOJ clear policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted......

What Mueller did is lay out TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice.....Incidents that could and will have Trump indicted once he leaves office........READ THE FUCKING REPORT, moron.
You are so angry

Barr and trump are going to make this a long tortuous process....
Sounds like Watergate all over again...but Nixon was a lot smarter than the Liar in Chief. He resigned....trump will blame everyone else before he leaves.
Democrats better get busy with some legislation on infrastructure instead of spending all their time trying to damage Trump or They'll be back in the minority in the House.
Mueller's job was to determine Trump Guilty or Not Guilty.

NO, fuckhead.....THAT was NOT Mueller's job......That what Hannity told you to believe....

Mueller was working under the DOJ clear policy that a sitting president CANNOT be indicted......

What Mueller did is lay out TEN incidents where Trump OBSTRUCTED justice.....Incidents that could and will have Trump indicted once he leaves office........READ THE FUCKING REPORT, moron.
You are so angry

Barr and trump are going to make this a long tortuous process....
Yea for you lol
"The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.
that's not true though....

In Nixon and Clinton's investigations, the special prosecutor DID NOT recommend charges for these sitting presidents, they delivered the facts from the investigations and left it up to the congress to decide on impeachment.

In BOTH of those cases....

so Barr, is bull shitting you.... and in less than 48 hours, made that decision..... that's just bull crud imo.

Even with regular people and not Presidents, Prosecutors NEVER tell the targets, that they will never prosecute them for a crime they could not establish.... they simply do not prosecute them at that time, and hope and pray they will acquire the evidence in the future to establish the facts and prosecute them, then if they come up with enough evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt they are guilty at a later time, they will charge them....

The president could NOT be prosecuted, period.... even if he were 100% guilty and we all could see it. this is why it was left up to congress and why Mueller left it up to congress, just like Jaworsky did and just like Kenneth Starr did....

the AG's did not come in and make the decision for those two prosecutors.... it was for Congress to decide.

Barr was WRONG in doing what he did.... imo.
Lol, you thought for sure you had him with the grabbing pussy commit. Still feel relevant? Lol
That must make you so proud, that Teflon Don skirted those comments and abuses! :rolleyes:
I guess you felt the same about Clinton abusing women. Actually that's a trait I don't like about him, but it was liberals. That taught me a man's sex life is nobody's business but his own.
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