Now calling the Celebrity-in-Chief "cool" is racist


The action of declaring something to be untrue: "she shook her head in denial".
The refusal of something requested or desired.

The action of declaring something to be untrue: "she shook her head in denial".
The refusal of something requested or desired.
Don't deny your marginalization of real racism.

Anyone who suffers from it should permanently gag you, for their own good.

You must be proud.
Liberals are relentless in their effort to brand ANY criticism of Obama as "racist". I do not waste one ounce of energy of worrying about what liberals think of my opinions regarding Barack Hussein Obama and his America-hating wife.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

You're relentless in denying any racism exists. Simple question Mr. Honesty. Is this racist:

When you finish dancing around saying "I dont know, I'm not sure, and that doesnt mean..." everyone will see the denial

no its HUMOR, get some
racism is hating a person just because of race and not giving them a chance. It's not that hard of a concept. Making a joke about race is NOT racism.
Like this : "what did Abe Lincoln say after his 3 day drinking binge?"
"OMG, I freed who?????"
It's funny, just because I posted it doesnt mean I'm a member of the Klan.
Y'all remember the "post turtle"?

Remember how it was humorous in 2001 and 2004 when the joke was about Bush but racist in 2008 when an Obama-headed turtle was up there on the post?
From the linkL:
"I think that a lot of what the president has experienced is because he's black. You know, whether it's questioning his intellect or whether or not he's Ivy League. It's always either he's not educated enough or he's too educated; or he's too black or he's not black enough; he's too Christian or not Christian enough. There are all these things where he has to walk this very fine line to even be successful."

The OP wants everyone to know this is not and has not happened. They dislike Obamas policies thats why when he was sworn in as POTUS everyone said he put his hand on the Koran...because they dislike his policies. See?

Wow, no sense of humor! I'm racist because I'd love a white democrat with his policies, yeah I'm all over that, except I voted against Gore and Kerry as well.hmmmmmmmmm

you made a good decision .
some people made any thing and everything racist they have to keep it alive its all they have until they get a life .
So to review, Repubs claim that there is no racism against Obama despite a number of instances that suggest otherwise.

No racism, got it
This political correct b/s is making the country a joke

in the nfl draft
q/b andrew luck( white ) was picked 1st
q/b robert griffin (black ) was picked 2nd

OJ simpson (black ) was found not quilty of murder
casey anthony (white ) found not quily of murder

You CAN fault president george bush (white ) policies
you CANT fault presidnt husien obama (black ) policies

You can if you* wish* find racism in anything
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So to review, Repubs claim that there is no racism against Obama despite a number of instances that suggest otherwise.

No racism, got it

No, you got us, Closed. You figured us out. We're all racists ... except for tjvh of course. Now sleep tight.
yeah Closed, anything said against Obama is because he's black, all these critcisms would never happen if the libtard was white.Like I never make fun of Gore or Kerry, NEVER, I swears it.
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So to review, Repubs claim that there is no racism against Obama despite a number of instances that suggest otherwise.

No racism, got it

No, you got us, Closed. You figured us out. We're all racists ... except for tjvh of course. Now sleep tight.

I know, when you go the sarcasm route you expose yourself. The right can't admit that some people are racist so they deny racism is even a factor. Unless we're talking about blacks being racist against whites. Then suddenly they see racism everywhere.
yeah Closed, anything said against Obama is because he's black, all these critcisms would never happen if the libtard was white.Like I never make fun of Gore or Kerry, NEVER, I swears it.

The excess calls of racism are nothing more than partisan-opportunism.

It's like how I was repeatedly accused of not hating the troops because I was always against the invasion of Iraq.

It's a mountain made from a molehill.
Now making fun of Obama's cheesy appearances on shows like Kimmel and Ellen and the View is racist. lol

CBC staff: Opposition to Obama is racist | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner



People throw that word around way too easily, which is surprising when you consider how easy it is to truly identify it.

I try to ignore blatant mislabeling of this nature, it doesn't deserve a response.

Yeah, and the low-to-no grade setting on my Give-a-Shit-o-Meter is broken.
So to review, Repubs claim that there is no racism against Obama despite a number of instances that suggest otherwise.

No racism, got it

No, you got us, Closed. You figured us out. We're all racists ... except for tjvh of course. Now sleep tight.

I know, when you go the sarcasm route you expose yourself. The right can't admit that some people are racist so they deny racism is even a factor. Unless we're talking about blacks being racist against whites. Then suddenly they see racism everywhere.
Who is denying that?

Oh, it's you....again, arguing with yourself.

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