Now do the Dems own the economy?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

New Jersey hasn't had a Republican Senator for 40 years. It is the most expensive State to live in.
Have you called them yet...................

We need that 0% loan to pay off the National debt................

We'll even let them get the brokerage fee. But, so sorry the interest on the debt will be gone.

Federal interest on the debt is at extremely low levels, even as Obama boosts the debt to record ($17 trillion+) levels.

Get your house in order and reduce spending, 'cause higher rates are coming. :muahaha:

No shit sherlock.....................

As soon as the influx of Fiat Money ends, the shits gonna hit the fan..........................

When will they pull the cards out from the bottom Todd. Are you out yet, or waiting.


The fascist will claim that they had "good intentions"

and will blame the full moon, the "capitalists" and the Tea Partyers for the downfall.

They will not accept that parasitism and government supremacy cause misery.


Since 1790 the United States has had 17 banking system failures.

Canada has had 0.


Corporate campaign contributions are illegal in Canada.

Are they smarter than us? Yes.
Since 1790 the United States has had 17 banking system failures.

Canada has had 0.


Corporate campaign contributions are illegal in Canada.

Are they smarter than us? Yes.

Financial crisis of 2008

During the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, the Bank of Canada, along with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the US Federal Reserve provided up to $114 billion of liquidity support to Canadian banks. Of this amount, $69 billion was part of the CMHC mortgage insurance program, a facility set up in 1954 to handle such situations.[7][8]

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

Democrats will own the economy when Republicans stop trying to "bring it down"
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

Democrats will own the economy when Republicans stop trying to "bring it down"

How can one bring down what has unarguably hit rock bottom because of SOCIALISM which is like an anchor on society?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

Democrats will own the economy when Republicans stop trying to "bring it down"

You passed ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the Failed Stimulus, Unemployment as Stimulus yet you still refuse to take ownership of your own failed ideas, completely validating my premise.

Thank you, Deany
nope .... not until the republicans let us dems pass 1.3 trillion dollar stimulus... then we own it... you republicans ran up this debt ... you broke it you own it ... all we dem/liberals were able to do so far is stop some of the major hemorrhaging that you republicans created ...
nope .... not until the republicans let us dems pass 1.3 trillion dollar stimulus... then we own it... you republicans ran up this debt ... you broke it you own it ... all we dem/liberals were able to do so far is stop some of the major hemorrhaging that you republicans created ...

Obama bin Potus for the past 5 years! This is like saying it wasn't Reagan's economy in 1985

Again, that you for validating the OP which stated that Progressives don't own anything, especially their failed ideas
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

Democrats will own the economy when Republicans stop trying to "bring it down"

You passed ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the Failed Stimulus, Unemployment as Stimulus yet you still refuse to take ownership of your own failed ideas, completely validating my premise.

Thank you, Deany

its funny here are bills that haven become law yet and these retarded republie-tards tell us the debt is becasue of these bills ... lets look at what they claim...

1)Obama care not in affect and according toi the CBO it will have no affect on the debt... but again its no law yet but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

2)DODD-Frank a good law but not enough regulation on the banks in my opinion and that too doesn't become law until 2014 ... but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

3) now we have the stimulus bill we needed to boost our economy ... according to the majority of economist we need a 1'3 trillion dollar Stimulus to make it work ... republicans refused that one right off the top... what we did pass was a stimulus that had 300 billion dollars of tax right offs for corporations ... 599 billion dollars for states to start rebuilding the roads water woprks what ever public service they needed ... under bush his stimulus a trillion dollars ... under reagan and bush 1 a 1.5 trillion dollars stimulus.... when it comes to republicans they have no problem spending tax payers money on their watch ... when it comes to dems, they all of a sudden have a problem spending money of any kind ... did it fail under obama ???? most ecomomist say it help but not enought money to turn things around right away...
Democrats will own the economy when Republicans stop trying to "bring it down"

You passed ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the Failed Stimulus, Unemployment as Stimulus yet you still refuse to take ownership of your own failed ideas, completely validating my premise.

Thank you, Deany

its funny here are bills that haven become law yet and these retarded republie-tards tell us the debt is becasue of these bills ... lets look at what they claim...

1)Obama care not in affect and according toi the CBO it will have no affect on the debt... but again its no law yet but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

2)DODD-Frank a good law but not enough regulation on the banks in my opinion and that too doesn't become law until 2014 ... but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

3) now we have the stimulus bill we needed to boost our economy ... according to the majority of economist we need a 1'3 trillion dollar Stimulus to make it work ... republicans refused that one right off the top... what we did pass was a stimulus that had 300 billion dollars of tax right offs for corporations ... 599 billion dollars for states to start rebuilding the roads water woprks what ever public service they needed ... under bush his stimulus a trillion dollars ... under reagan and bush 1 a 1.5 trillion dollars stimulus.... when it comes to republicans they have no problem spending tax payers money on their watch ... when it comes to dems, they all of a sudden have a problem spending money of any kind ... did it fail under obama ???? most ecomomist say it help but not enought money to turn things around right away...

Dodd-Frank isn't law today?


See they don't own their failed ideas
You passed ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, the Failed Stimulus, Unemployment as Stimulus yet you still refuse to take ownership of your own failed ideas, completely validating my premise.

Thank you, Deany

its funny here are bills that haven become law yet and these retarded republie-tards tell us the debt is becasue of these bills ... lets look at what they claim...

1)Obama care not in affect and according toi the CBO it will have no affect on the debt... but again its no law yet but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

2)DODD-Frank a good law but not enough regulation on the banks in my opinion and that too doesn't become law until 2014 ... but it casue this 17 trillion dollar debt we have ... Right!!!!

3) now we have the stimulus bill we needed to boost our economy ... according to the majority of economist we need a 1'3 trillion dollar Stimulus to make it work ... republicans refused that one right off the top... what we did pass was a stimulus that had 300 billion dollars of tax right offs for corporations ... 599 billion dollars for states to start rebuilding the roads water woprks what ever public service they needed ... under bush his stimulus a trillion dollars ... under reagan and bush 1 a 1.5 trillion dollars stimulus.... when it comes to republicans they have no problem spending tax payers money on their watch ... when it comes to dems, they all of a sudden have a problem spending money of any kind ... did it fail under obama ???? most ecomomist say it help but not enought money to turn things around right away...

Dodd-Frank isn't law today?


See they don't own their failed ideas

Part of Frank's "signature" line: Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

Every time I see that signature line I want to comment on it. I started a thread years ago about the dangers of moving the ability to make computer chips to China and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed and laughed. They believe "military chips" are "different". When I said the Military created a super computer from "game chips", they posted comment after comment mocking the idea. Even when it was reported all over the world, they didn't believe it. It couldn't be true.

Air Force Unveils Fastest Defense Supercomputer, Made of 1,760 PlayStation 3s | Popular Science

And poor Frank clings to that today. Doncha just love it?
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

Could it because the Plunge Protection Team is more active during democratic administrations

The New York Post recently ran a piece on Washington’s tight-lipped Plunge Protection Team, or, the "Working Group," as it is formally known. Essentially, the role of this group is to prevent another 1987 "Black Monday" in the stock market. It was put into law in 1988, as Executive Order 12631, essentially allows the government to intervene in the stock market — should a crash or foreseeable dip appear to be on the horizon — via legislative law, administrative fiat, or the manipulation of private bodies via coercive tactics on the part of the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, or the executive office

It is a tradition in the United States that Republicans take office, lower taxes, and create conditions for a recession/depression. The nation then elects Democrats to solve the economic recession/depression and once solved, they elect Republicans again. It's an economic cycle that most Americans forget or with new generations it doesn't seem to matter.
It is a tradition in the United States that Republicans take office, lower taxes, and create conditions for a recession/depression. The nation then elects Democrats to solve the economic recession/depression and once solved, they elect Republicans again. It's an economic cycle that most Americans forget or with new generations it doesn't seem to matter.

One problem with that theory Chief, this time around The Dems are killing the economy

nope .... not until the republicans let us dems pass 1.3 trillion dollar stimulus... then we own it... you republicans ran up this debt ... you broke it you own it ... all we dem/liberals were able to do so far is stop some of the major hemorrhaging that you republicans created ...

$6 trillion in deficit spending, so far, isn't enough for Obummer, he needs another $1.3 trillion in pork?
No thanks!
Hoover preached rugged individualism, have you ever read any of Hoover's speeches, or anything of his presidency or even the Great Depression?
Do you have any idea what caused the Great Depression?
Hoover's RFC was trickle-down, give to business and it will trickle down to the masses.
FDR used the RFC but added a number of new programs called the New Deal.
Things got better before the war ever started, if they hadn't the people would have dumped FDR just as they had dumped Hoover and the Republicans.
We still have some New Deal policies in operation.
The war increased the spending evidence that FDR simply didn't spend enough.

You're such an ignorant douche-bag.
Libertarian economist Murray Rothbard argues that Hoover was actually the initiator of what came to be the New Deal. Hoover engaged in many unprecedented public works programs, including an increase in the Federal Buildings program of over $400 million and the establishment of the Division of Public Construction to spur public works planning. Hoover himself granted more subsidies to ship construction through the Federal Shipping Board and asked for a further $175 million appropriation for public works; this was followed in July 1930 with the expenditure of a giant $915 million public works program, including a Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.[106][107] In the spring of 1930, Hoover acquired from Congress an added $100 million to continue the Federal Farm Board lending and purchasing policies. At the end of 1929, the FFB established a national wool cooperative-the National Wool Marketing Corporation (NWMC) made up of 30 state associations. The Board also established an allied National Wool Credit Corporation to handle finances. A total of $31.5 million in loans for wool were made by the FFB, of which $12.5 million were permanently lost; these massive agricultural subsidies were a precedent for the later Agricultural Adjustment Act.[108][109] Hoover also advocated strong labor regulation law, including the enactment of the Bacon-Davis Act, requiring a maximum eight-hour day on construction of public buildings and the payment of at least the "prevailing wage" in the locality. In the Banking sector, Hoover passed The Federal Home Loan Bank Act on July, 1932, establishing 12 district banks ruled by a Federal Home Loan Bank Board in a manner similar to the Federal Reserve System. $125 million capital was subscribed by the Treasury and this was subsequently shifted to the RFC. Hoover was also instrumental in passing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, allowing for prime rediscounting at the Federal Reserve, allowing further inflation of credit and bank reserves.[110]

Lee Ohanian, from UCLA takes a controversial stance, arguing that Hoover adopted pro-labor policies after the 1929 stock market crash that "accounted for close to two-thirds of the drop in the nation's gross domestic product over the two years that followed, causing what might otherwise have been a bad recession to slip into the Great Depression".[111] This argument is at odds with the more Keynesian view of the causes of the Depression, and has been challenged as revisionist by many economists including J. Bradford DeLong of U.C. Berkeley.[112]

The truth is Hoover pursued policies like Obama's: raising the cost of hiring so unemployment stayed high, just like now. The unemployment problem was solved by drafting a good part of the workforce for the war. I'd hardly call that a success. Maybe Obama should lie us into yet another big war and start a draft, like Charlie Rangel keeps demanding.

So why didn't Hoover's policies work, and FDR's did?

WWII is the reason we came out of the depression.
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It is a tradition in the United States that Republicans take office, lower taxes, and create conditions for a recession/depression. The nation then elects Democrats to solve the economic recession/depression and once solved, they elect Republicans again. It's an economic cycle that most Americans forget or with new generations it doesn't seem to matter.

How does letting people keep more money create recession? Never mind. I'll let Jack Kennedy, that notorious Republican right winger tell you.
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Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

more republican nonsense ... you said Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy ... that I question ... why you say??? we would have to have total control of the house and senate ... we don't ... until that happens, we aren't in control of the economy ... until the republicans are out of the mix ... they own it... they broke it

The Democrats do control the Senate and the Executive branch of government. That is 50% of the legislative branch and 100% of the policy making branches of government. I say they have the majority control of the economy.

The Democrats controlled the House when the economy went south in 2008. Do you agree they broke it?
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The link is for whoever wrote that Obama is the biggest spender.

BUT, to the op -

Nothing much has changed. The Rs will go right on wasting money on such stupidity as "repeal/defund" ObamaCare and you can bet they will not suddenly start working to create jobs or improve the economy.

Its only a few months until the Rs' next manufactured disaster.

Figures don't lie, but liars can figure.

Rick Ungar, Contributor

I write from the left on politics and policy.

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