Now do the Dems own the economy?

Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Why is it massive unemployment and income disparity follow conservative administrations?

Is that what you guys call a "good economy"?

After Coolidge/Hoover - Depression then New Deal.
After Nixon/Ford - Stagflation - Necessitated a deliberate Recession.
After Reagan - Massive bailouts of the financial sector and tax increases on the middle class.
After George W. Bush - TARP, Auto industry bailout, stimulus.

But heck..executive compensation is about 400x s everyone elses, and 1% of the population control 40% of America's wealth.

Is that "Mission Accomplished?" :eusa_shifty:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

Well certainly Obama himself will never admit to being responsible for anything negative. He's great at pointing fingers, but refuses to accept responsibility.
Of course when a seal team takes a terrorist out, he'll trip over himself running to the nearest camera and microphone. But as far as the economy, nah, ain't his problem.
Responsible for what?

Responsible for saving the US economy from total collapse? Yeah..he's responsible for that.

Hmmm Guess we'll just wait and see what happens when the Fed stops pumping millions of unbacked dollars into the economy.

We'll also see how much more the Clowns can spend now that the debt ceiling has been raised.

Guess we'll also see exactly how much the ACA is gonna cost the taxpayers of America. We still have those 21 tax increased in that sucker.

One of em will be in 2015 when whatever you pay towards you HC premiums will be considered income and taxable. Oh and I'm sure when folks who sign up the the ACA and get a load of their deductables they won't be happy either. Nope. The only winners will be those the taxpayers are forced to subsidize.

Yep. He saved the economy all right.
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Why is it massive unemployment and income disparity follow conservative administrations?

Is that what you guys call a "good economy"?

After Coolidge/Hoover - Depression then New Deal.
After Nixon/Ford - Stagflation - Necessitated a deliberate Recession.
After Reagan - Massive bailouts of the financial sector and tax increases on the middle class.
After George W. Bush - TARP, Auto industry bailout, stimulus.

But heck..executive compensation is about 400x s everyone elses, and 1% of the population control 40% of America's wealth.

Is that "Mission Accomplished?" :eusa_shifty:

You hit your head again this morning, didn't you? YOu really should just wear a helmet. I'd even suggest one for the "office".
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Then let them fail and face the consequences

Republicans demanding job growth at the same time they demand fiscal restraint is counterproductive. Sequestration is a drain on the economy.

Republicans drove the economy into a ditch and then try to block every effort to get out as they giggle and say.......Look how slow your recovery is
Whee........................... You can really tell that our local fruitloops are feeling the ass kicking that the Teabaggers just recieved. This is going to echo for years.
Correction: Tea party members. Please refrain from using taboo terms on people you talk to online.
Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Why is it massive unemployment and income disparity follow conservative administrations?

Is that what you guys call a "good economy"?

After Coolidge/Hoover - Depression then New Deal.
After Nixon/Ford - Stagflation - Necessitated a deliberate Recession.
After Reagan - Massive bailouts of the financial sector and tax increases on the middle class.
After George W. Bush - TARP, Auto industry bailout, stimulus.

But heck..executive compensation is about 400x s everyone elses, and 1% of the population control 40% of America's wealth.

Is that "Mission Accomplished?" :eusa_shifty:

You hit your head again this morning, didn't you? YOu really should just wear a helmet. I'd even suggest one for the "office".

I would do the same, but you are basically to far gone.

But even with that? ObamaCare might actually help you.

That's the thing about Liberal policies, they are actually geared to lift up all boats.
You're so full of shit, SHallow, it's actually comical.

You blame republicans for everything. YOu're mental, dude. And Shallow and slow.
Liberals never do wrong, are responsible for good, never responsible for bad? What a crock and bunch of lies! Liberals are just plain wrong, irresponsible, and dishonest!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said they did. Obama and Reid have full control of the economy. So the answer to "do the Dems own the economy?" is obvious.

No! They don't. They never will.

Their policies have given us the worst economy since the FDR Depression but it's Bush and Boehners fault, maybe Reagan's fault too.

Dems are against private ownership of anything even their own failed ideas

That's why they are communist

The walmart-EBT debacle is just a snap-shot of what an Obama supported agenda has done to America. The minute something for nothing is available and ripe for abuse, out come the cockroaches to the polling booth.

They want their walmart cart on a National scale


How they are communists? With links.

Both sides own the economy.

Sorry, how do Republicans "own" ObamaCare and the economy? They just went full Appomattox and got NOTHING in return.

Tell me what they own
Works for, if only the Republicans would get out of the way

Right. Until of course, the inevitable failure comes home regarding LOLberal fiscal policies. Then you'll have to find someone else to blame. The rich?

Or maybe just blame rrepublicans anyway?

Or maybe it was the American people's fault?

I know! Conservatives?

YOu guys are a bunch of tweenagers. Not a single adult amongst you.

Then let them fail and face the consequences
But they won't accept the consequences. They and their bootlickers will blame someone else.

You know you will.
The debt was 10 trillion when the kenyan Barry Soetoro illegally took office, now it's a mind numbing seventeen trillion. The republican congress has put forth a budget every year to trim spending, only to have it illegally ignored and back roomed by the kenyan's bastard butt boy, Dingy Harry.


HOW MUCH IS SEVENTEEN TRILLION? Well take a look, and it ought to scare the living helll otta ya...

[ame=]$1 Trillion & US Debt 2013 in Physical $100 bills - YouTube[/ame]
FDR Depression?

You should sue your High School -- they screwed you out of an education.

It's unfair for some states to unleash people this stupid on the rest of us.

FDR depression was 20% average unemployment for 7 straight years

And it was the handiwork of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.

Oh! Wrong answer!

Coolidge crushed unemployment from 18% down to 4 in under 2 years. When he left office unemployment was virtually 0.

Hoover was FDR-Lite and pursued the Progressive agenda. In any event NONE of them were President from 1933-1940.

You should try to throw in an occasional fact in with your posts
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Democrats are like Communists, Socialist and Progressives through history, the failure is not the fault of their 100% Guaranteed Fail Ideology. No Sir. It's Emmanuel Goldstein; it's the capitalists, its the opposition to their 100% Guaranteed Fail Ideology that causes the Fail

Dems don't own anything, not even their own failed ideas

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