Now do you understand why more and more people don't believe the MSM?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I just did a search on google.
16,100 results for "Comey asked for more resources"...
Tonite's ABC evening news, David Muir in opening teasers "Comey asked for more resources"..
AND when you look into the news piece like I did with one of the below links:
Their headline:

Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry
Yet when you scroll down through the article nearly to the bottom you read this
Still, the White House insists that Mr. Comey’s dismissal had nothing to do with the Russia investigations, and Sarah Isgur Flores, the Justice Department spokeswoman, said that “the idea that he asked for more funding” for the Russia inquiry was “totally false.” She did not elaborate.
Now consider that the whole article AND headline does NOT have one NAMED person contradict Ms. Flores statement! She flat out said it was totally false.
BUT who actually said that Comey asked for more resources?

So here is the closest to a named source:

“I’m told that as soon as Rosenstein arrived, there was a request for additional resources for the investigation, and that a few days afterward, he was sacked,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin, Democrat of Illinois.
WHO told you Durbin? What NOT name the person?

Do you people know understand why MORE and more people are distrusting the MSM and more and more people are trusting Trump?
NOT ONE person was attributed to the statement "Comey asked for more resources"!
NO ONE. But Ms. Flores clearly stated that statement is false!

Why don't you people wake up! The MSM is NOT honest. They present FALSE Headlines..
like this NYTimes article... Who said "come asked for more resources"??? NAME NAMES!
Because Ms. Flores came forward, so why not the person who said "Comey asked for more resources".

"I'm told" Durbin says. What a joke!

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MORE and more logical thinking people are recognizing that the MSM, evening news, etc. are all adversaries of Trump, America, capitalism and only interested
in destroying it all.
This MSM is presenting subjective, biased headlines, TV scrolls, and it takes intelligent people to dig deeper!

Another perfect example: "Trump anti-immigrant"!
124,000 results!
And guess what people?
Trump is married to a "LEGAL" immigrant!
I have a "legal immigrant" for a daughter-in-law and
40+million people are "Legal immigrants" and all of us are NOT anti-immigrant!
We are sick and disgusted to think the MSM, Democrats, the Hollywood ignorant people and all those idiots protesting don't seem to understand the DISTINCTION!
Why are they for criminals? People that are not here legally! Why?
It is a genuine slap in the face of true American "Legal" Immigrants who gave up their homeland citizenship! Who pledge allegiance to American!
For the MSM and you idiots to persist that Trump and the rest of us HATE immigrants is just beyond belief!
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