Now I get why the steel tariffs came so soon.....

Pennsylvania District Prepares To Vote In Special Election
n a special election, voters in Pennsylvania's 18th district will go to the polls next week to vote for their next representative in Congress.

Trump throws a bone to the poorly educated, steel tariffs.....lets hope they're all full of shit and won't need a bone to vote common sense politics

You are so right. The only Republicans for the tariffs are from PA.

Pennsylvania Republican backs Trump's tariff move as special election approaches - CNNPolitics

"If other countries aren't playing by the rules and tariffs are needed to protect steel and aluminum jobs in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Rick would support those measures," Saccone spokesman Patrick McCann said in an email.
His comment underscored how Trump's announcement could help Republicans hold onto a House seat in western Pennsylvania, the heart of the American steel industry.
The special election pitting Saccone against Democrat Conor Lamb is set for March 13, with Trump planning to make another trip to the district, which he won by 20 percentage points in 2016, ahead of the contest.

And one more time, for those whose English is bad, he came out for tariffs well over a year ago. Your sniveling makes this 'talking point' look ridiculous. lol
And one more time for the twitler right.

If you don't win this seat in this district full of steel and Republicans, the GOP is in trouble.
LOL! Hilarious!

What's hilarious? Trump is the hardest working president we've ever had. He is constantly working.

Not like that lazy negro who came before him.
I'm curious....other than keeping his family and the rich permanently in the black, exactly what the fuck as this white bitch done that's got your dick hard 24/7?

Dude. Get your sarcasm meter fixed.
I stand correct.....still waiting on your answer, blow hard

I've got a question. How stupid are you?
And one more time for the twitler right.

If you don't win this seat in this district full of steel and Republicans, the GOP is in trouble.

lol and one more time, Goldman still has the most seats, and most of them are Democrats, and establishment shills like yourself, something everybody already knows. We also know a fewer seats will change hands this mid-term than in any other in history, and Democrats have more seats at risk than the GOP, too. You're losing the black vote, the womens' vote, and latino vote, the legal ones, and the 'millineals' will stay home.. You could only beat Moore with $10's of mlllions and a lot of crooks on the ground stuffing ballot boxes, and you're going to be dead broke by 2020.

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