Now I understand Trump and his Bots!


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
I’ve seem the Narcissistic behavior exhibited so frequently by our new president before; but,for the longest time, I just could not remember where. Then, last evening, after winning a series of chess matches against online opponents, one told me he wanted to “wish me away to a cornfield.”

Immediately, I remembered the source of that phrase:

It came from an old 1961 Twilight zone episode, “Its A Good Life.”


Anthony Fremont is a six-year-old with extraordinary powers to control the little town where he lives by simply wishing away people and things that anger or bore him. He has isolated the town by banishing electricity and cars. Other than his powerful wishing, Anthony has the mind and imagination of a typical little boy. He amuses himself with his special ability by giving a gopher three heads and then wishing the animal dead when the game becomes boring. The people in Peaksville have to smile all the time, think happy thoughts, and say happy things, because that's what Anthony commands and, if they disobey, he can wish them into a cornfield or change them into grotesque versions of themselves. Anthony dislikes singing and punished Aunt Amy for thoughtlessly singing in his presence. Anthony asks his father why no children come to play with him. Mr. Fremont reminds Anthony that when the Fredericks boy came over, Anthony had wished the other boy away into the cornfield after they'd finished playing. He wishes a dog into the cornfield for barking.


Comment: ( paraphrased) Substitute a Donald Trump for the arbitrarily vindictive vengeful little boy and this story also gives a general idea of how groups, including families, work when they are dominated by narcissists. But bear in mind that there's a necessary requirement for such a reign of terror to continue: the isolation of a captive audience. One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them —

After reviewing this film, I began to understood Trump and his Trump-bots a whole lot better. Beware….

It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
Your narcissism is not an American thing....see, you're starting to understand what I am saying.....
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American.
Clinton didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Biden didn't serve
I’ve seem the Narcissistic behavior exhibited so frequently by our new president before; but,for the longest time, I just could not remember where. Then, last evening, after winning a series of chess matches against online opponents, one told me he wanted to “wish me away to a cornfield.”

Immediately, I remembered the source of that phrase:

It came from an old 1961 Twilight zone episode, “Its A Good Life.”


Anthony Fremont is a six-year-old with extraordinary powers to control the little town where he lives by simply wishing away people and things that anger or bore him. He has isolated the town by banishing electricity and cars. Other than his powerful wishing, Anthony has the mind and imagination of a typical little boy. He amuses himself with his special ability by giving a gopher three heads and then wishing the animal dead when the game becomes boring. The people in Peaksville have to smile all the time, think happy thoughts, and say happy things, because that's what Anthony commands and, if they disobey, he can wish them into a cornfield or change them into grotesque versions of themselves. Anthony dislikes singing and punished Aunt Amy for thoughtlessly singing in his presence. Anthony asks his father why no children come to play with him. Mr. Fremont reminds Anthony that when the Fredericks boy came over, Anthony had wished the other boy away into the cornfield after they'd finished playing. He wishes a dog into the cornfield for barking.

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Comment: ( paraphrased) Substitute a Donald Trump for the arbitrarily vindictive vengeful little boy and this story also gives a general idea of how groups, including families, work when they are dominated by narcissists. But bear in mind that there's a necessary requirement for such a reign of terror to continue: the isolation of a captive audience. One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them —

After reviewing this film, I began to understood Trump and his Trump-bots a whole lot better. Beware….

Ok, well the old Twilight Zone was one of my favourite shows ever, it's before my time, but I used to watch reruns with my dad when I was a kid. I have literally watched every episode, and I remember this episode well. The adults all wanting to please this little kid who can cause them such harm. So for this reason, I give you a laugh shout out.

Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing, if you disagree Anthony will attack you physically as some Trump supporters have experienced, or, Anthony and his followers will threaten to leave for Canada (ooooo, as I said before hand, I DARE them to come to Canada, LOL, they would be back in America within 48 hours), they will generate skits on late night talk shows and so-called comedy shows to illustrate just how wrong you are. Anthony will mock you and insult you for his own amusement while trying to derail the will of the people (Anthony fortunately isn't as all powerful in real life as he is in the show, but he can derail, delay and wreak havok with the agenda).

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.
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It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American.
Clinton didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Biden didn't serve
None of them are questionng MY Americanism!
Last edited:
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
I wasn't in the navy, I was a real MAN who looked his enemy in the eye. I was in the Army just like a real life RAMBO.
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
Your narcissism is not an American thing....see, you're starting to understand what I am saying.....
That doesn't make any sense at all... you're just stupid!
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
I wasn't in the navy, I was a real MAN who looked his enemy in the eye. I was in the Army just like a real life RAMBO.
So now YOU are the one talking shit about service members. What a hypocrite. Must be a lefty.
Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing,

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
I wasn't in the navy, I was a real MAN who looked his enemy in the eye. I was in the Army just like a real life RAMBO.
So now YOU are the one talking shit about service members. What a hypocrite. Must be a lefty.
Military people of different branches are known for talking shit about each other and even coming to fisticuffs over it. You would know that if you ever served at all.... hypocrite!
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American.
Clinton didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Biden didn't serve
None of them are questionng MY Americanism!
they want/wanted your vote
Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing,

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T

Nice thing about your rant, you can exchange the name Clinton for Trump and be just as right
Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing,

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T

Oh please! Obama had a very high ego and talked down to those who didn't share in his ideological views.
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Playing the service card does not mean your opinions are any more valid than anyone else's. Stop acting like you are special. I don't give a fuck who you killed in the military. Plenty of soldiers have turned into whiny little bitches that harbor grudges and anti-American views. Based on your posts, it is easy to see where you fall.
You understand nothing or you wouldn't have taken so much time to write so much drivel and take up so much space. Sucks to be you, and not only have a small brain, but a small z%$#@!

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