Now I understand Trump and his Bots!

Thanks for your service...

Now let's get back to it's an American thing, and you wouldn't understand......
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
I wasn't in the navy, I was a real MAN who looked his enemy in the eye. I was in the Army just like a real life RAMBO.

Rambo was make believe.
Yawnnnn! Yeah, duhhh! That is why I said Iwas like a REAL life Rambo not a REEL Rfambo...ya dig???
So you were a Green Beret, or are you just stealing valor?
Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing,

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T

Oh please! Obama had a very high ego and talked down to those who didn't share in his ideological views.
Aww, you just perceived Obama that way because you aren't used to seeing Black men with that kind of power. He was the damn BOSS and carried himself as such. Did you expect him to hang his head and shuffle when addressing White people or to avoid looking them in the eye when spoken to? I suppose his firm handshake was taken as a sign of aggression or uppityness too. You Bahs-turds are impossible to live with sometimes!

Do I care that he's black? Was that reflective in my response? I know that may be the biggest issue you have chosen to look to in your predecessor over the issues, so much so that liberals have used it as a tool to push issues others may not agree on. When you can't convince your opponent or sway them to your side of the issue, refer to his skin color. Isn't that what you liberals have revealed about yourselves over the past 8 years?

No I was just referring to how he talked down to the voters who shot down his policies during the Congressional mid term. Yet that was very telling into the glimpse of his character and how he feels concerning those who don't share in the acceptance of his political platform.

Be more specific and give me an example of Obama talking down to voters who shot down his policies.
I don't recall hearing him do that! I do recall racist rhetoric from your side of the aisle that attaked Obama and his wife as well.
If you never served, don't talk to me about being an American. BTW are you suggesting Trump's Narcism is an American thing that I wouldn't understand? Hmmm, so you shamelessly validated my commentary,,, the part where the Narcissist vests his power:

"One of the ways tyrannical narcissists isolate their captives is by telling them that they must keep secret what goes on inside or face dreadful punishment, because they're so special that no one outside the group is capable of understanding them"
I served And I can tell you that not every military member is a great American. You're one of those shit birds that everyone hated in the Navy.
I wasn't in the navy, I was a real MAN who looked his enemy in the eye. I was in the Army just like a real life RAMBO.

Rambo was make believe.
Yawnnnn! Yeah, duhhh! That is why I said Iwas like a REAL life Rambo not a REEL Rfambo...ya dig???
So you were a Green Beret, or are you just stealing valor?
You don't have a need to know!
LOL President Trump lives rent free in your head OP. I can see why you would be intimidated by a man who built a multi billion dollar empire and swatted Hillary and the Dem's like a bug the first time he ran for office.
You're damn right Trump is living in my head. He is the friggin' president and there is something weird about that freak. He's one of those touchy feely guys with small clammy hands and a childish demeanor. But most frightening of all, he has the nuclear codes... ("shiver-shake") Let's just hope he doesn't "wish" us all into a fuggin nuclear holocaust.
Ultimately though, Anthony is more closely reflected in the alt-left. They believe that California and New York should determine who the American president is every cycle, no other opinion is valid, that is their "democracy", when it doesn't go as planned they are allowed to skip exams and take time out to pet puppies and work out their rage with play-doh. All of the adults working hard to please the Snowflakes just in case they do somethign crazy like...cry, or riot.

I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

The alt-left, or Anthony if you will, believe its socialism or nothing,

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

Anthony will claim you are a racist, a bigot, deplorable and disgusting for voting for Trump, how dare you disagree with how great things are! Little Anthony will embrace Clinton and socialist ideals. He shuns capitalism and wishes individual liberty and American patriotism to a cornfield somewhere...replaced with a new global order in which China calls the shots, for Americans too as it were.

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T

Oh please! Obama had a very high ego and talked down to those who didn't share in his ideological views.
Aww, you just perceived Obama that way because you aren't used to seeing Black men with that kind of power. He was the damn BOSS and carried himself as such. Did you expect him to hang his head and shuffle when addressing White people or to avoid looking them in the eye when spoken to? I suppose his firm handshake was taken as a sign of aggression or uppityness too. You Bahs-turds are impossible to live with sometimes!

Do I care that he's black? Was that reflective in my response? I know that may be the biggest issue you have chosen to look to in your predecessor over the issues, so much so that liberals have used it as a tool to push issues others may not agree on. When you can't convince your opponent or sway them to your side of the issue, refer to his skin color. Isn't that what you liberals have revealed about yourselves over the past 8 years?

No I was just referring to how he talked down to the voters who shot down his policies during the Congressional mid term. Yet that was very telling into the glimpse of his character and how he feels concerning those who don't share in the acceptance of his political platform.

Be more specific and give me an example of Obama talking down to voters who shot down his policies.
I don't recall hearing him do that! I do recall racist rhetoric from your side of the aisle that attaked Obama and his wife as well.

"Obviously, Republicans had a good night. And they deserve credit for running good campaigns. Beyond that, I’ll leave it to all of you and the professional pundits to pick through yesterday’s results.

What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now.

Still, as president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too."
President Obama
after the Congressional mid term victory.

His ego belief still stood against, and showed an unwillingness to accept what the voters had done in making a clear choice to see a new direction in Congress through a republican majority. He truly believed the results was not against HIS chosen policies under his administration, with that same unwillingness to heed those voters being reflected within this chosen rhetoric from this speech. One that expressed a more condescending tone to the American people.. rather than humbled individual with a silliness to accept an outcome he didn't like..

With regard to this ""racial rhetoric" you insist on bringing up. Are you so sure you can tell ... and clearly provide, the difference between racial slurs or racial tones, with one that merely expresses a disagreement in ideological policy?
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Playing the service card does not mean your opinions are any more valid than anyone else's. Stop acting like you are special. I don't give a fuck who you killed in the military. Plenty of soldiers have turned into whiny little bitches that harbor grudges and anti-American views. Based on your posts, it is easy to see where you fall.

My personal feelings aren't the issue. Laws giving veterans preference in some areas were enacted to compensate them for the sacrifice and time they spent in defending the interests of this country. A pussy like you wouldn't know anything about spending hours or days in a foxhole with bullets flying everywhere and bomb blasts rattling your teeth. How about wondering if you will ever see your family again when the commander tells you to advance under fire? Would your legs turn to jelly when you see friends blown apart ten feet away form you? And even those patriots who served but saw no conflict are braver than you. It is just by the grace of God that they were blessed to serve in peaceful areas...all the while knowing that the orders to combat duty could come at any time.
Damn dude! That sounds like a scary video game. Turn it off and go treat yourself to some hot chocolate.
LOL President Trump lives rent free in your head OP. I can see why you would be intimidated by a man who built a multi billion dollar empire and swatted Hillary and the Dem's like a bug the first time he ran for office.
You're damn right Trump is living in my head. He is the friggin' president and there is something weird about that freak. He's one of those touchy feely guys with small clammy hands and a childish demeanor. But most frightening of all, he has the nuclear codes... ("shiver-shake") Let's just hope he doesn't "wish" us all into a fuggin nuclear holocaust.

Ah...yeah ^^^ :cuckoo:
I've chosen an individual comparison between Trump and the Anthony character in "Its a Good Life." You are trying to project the character as an eponym for a political ideology you dislike. You fail just for that reaso alone . The Anthony character uncannily reflects the nature of Trump by any clinical measure.

[l]1. Anthony is childish, so is Trump.

2. Anthony seeks to destroy his does Trump.

3. Anthony is vindictive...Trump is renown for retribution.

4. Anthony has little compassion if any.... Trump is just as ruthless and cold.[/l]

The list could go on much longer but I think you get the picture.

Anthony is a monarch, just as Trump thinks he is. Socialism has no benefit to monarchs or dictators. Absolute power is their goal!

You are not making any sense here. Anthony was a six year old with power over adults. Trump is mentally a six year old with power over adults. The mind of a six year old, especially a narcissist, is centered on himself, not the political leanings of others. Nothing is more important than he is! That fits yer boy Trump to a T

Oh please! Obama had a very high ego and talked down to those who didn't share in his ideological views.
Aww, you just perceived Obama that way because you aren't used to seeing Black men with that kind of power. He was the damn BOSS and carried himself as such. Did you expect him to hang his head and shuffle when addressing White people or to avoid looking them in the eye when spoken to? I suppose his firm handshake was taken as a sign of aggression or uppityness too. You Bahs-turds are impossible to live with sometimes!

Do I care that he's black? Was that reflective in my response? I know that may be the biggest issue you have chosen to look to in your predecessor over the issues, so much so that liberals have used it as a tool to push issues others may not agree on. When you can't convince your opponent or sway them to your side of the issue, refer to his skin color. Isn't that what you liberals have revealed about yourselves over the past 8 years?

No I was just referring to how he talked down to the voters who shot down his policies during the Congressional mid term. Yet that was very telling into the glimpse of his character and how he feels concerning those who don't share in the acceptance of his political platform.

Be more specific and give me an example of Obama talking down to voters who shot down his policies.
I don't recall hearing him do that! I do recall racist rhetoric from your side of the aisle that attaked Obama and his wife as well.

"Obviously, Republicans had a good night. And they deserve credit for running good campaigns. Beyond that, I’ll leave it to all of you and the professional pundits to pick through yesterday’s results.

What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now.

Still, as president, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work. So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you. To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too."
President Obama
after the Congressional mid term victory.

His ego belief still stood against, and showed an unwillingness to accept what the voters had done in making a clear choice to see a new direction in Congress through a republican majority. He truly believed the results was not against HIS chosen policies under his administration, with that same unwillingness to heed those voters being reflected within this chosen rhetoric from this speech. One that expressed a more condescending tone to the American people.. rather than humbled individual with a silliness to accept an outcome he didn't like..

With regard to this ""racial rhetoric" you insist on bringing up. Are you so sure you can tell ... and clearly provide, the difference between racial slurs or racial tones, with one that merely expresses a disagreement in ideological policy?
The republicans took over congress because the damn democrats didn't come out and vote. That is what he meant by saying: To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too." When read in proper context your spurious indictment takes on a whole new meaning.
There was no real mandate when a majority of voters just didn't bother to vote. The democrat voters threw Obama under the bus and left him virtually stranded when his congressional support was lost due to democrat voter apathy. Obama's fans kept him in office for two terms but there was a disconnect between them and the democrats who condoned Bush's in starting the Gulf wars and his near economic destruction of this nation with tax cuts for the rich at the same time.
LOL President Trump lives rent free in your head OP. I can see why you would be intimidated by a man who built a multi billion dollar empire and swatted Hillary and the Dem's like a bug the first time he ran for office.
You're damn right Trump is living in my head. He is the friggin' president and there is something weird about that freak. He's one of those touchy feely guys with small clammy hands and a childish demeanor. But most frightening of all, he has the nuclear codes... ("shiver-shake") Let's just hope he doesn't "wish" us all into a fuggin nuclear holocaust.

Ah...yeah ^^^ :cuckoo:
Ah...yeah :fu::fu::fu:
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Playing the service card does not mean your opinions are any more valid than anyone else's. Stop acting like you are special. I don't give a fuck who you killed in the military. Plenty of soldiers have turned into whiny little bitches that harbor grudges and anti-American views. Based on your posts, it is easy to see where you fall.

My personal feelings aren't the issue. Laws giving veterans preference in some areas were enacted to compensate them for the sacrifice and time they spent in defending the interests of this country. A pussy like you wouldn't know anything about spending hours or days in a foxhole with bullets flying everywhere and bomb blasts rattling your teeth. How about wondering if you will ever see your family again when the commander tells you to advance under fire? Would your legs turn to jelly when you see friends blown apart ten feet away form you? And even those patriots who served but saw no conflict are braver than you. It is just by the grace of God that they were blessed to serve in peaceful areas...all the while knowing that the orders to combat duty could come at any time.
Whatever, keyboard commando. Don't pretend to know me or what I have accomplished in my lifetime. I do know any real combat vet would not act like a fool online, bragging about their supposed valor. That is typical behavior of REMF's. Again, you are just one person and your opinion is no more special than anyone else's.
LOL President Trump lives rent free in your head OP. I can see why you would be intimidated by a man who built a multi billion dollar empire and swatted Hillary and the Dem's like a bug the first time he ran for office.
You're damn right Trump is living in my head. He is the friggin' president and there is something weird about that freak. He's one of those touchy feely guys with small clammy hands and a childish demeanor. But most frightening of all, he has the nuclear codes... ("shiver-shake") Let's just hope he doesn't "wish" us all into a fuggin nuclear holocaust.

Ah...yeah ^^^ :cuckoo:
Ah...yeah :fu::fu::fu:

The internet has its share of weirdos and looney tunes, do you have a nuclear fallout shelter dug in your back yard? :laugh:
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Playing the service card does not mean your opinions are any more valid than anyone else's. Stop acting like you are special. I don't give a fuck who you killed in the military. Plenty of soldiers have turned into whiny little bitches that harbor grudges and anti-American views. Based on your posts, it is easy to see where you fall.

My personal feelings aren't the issue. Laws giving veterans preference in some areas were enacted to compensate them for the sacrifice and time they spent in defending the interests of this country. A pussy like you wouldn't know anything about spending hours or days in a foxhole with bullets flying everywhere and bomb blasts rattling your teeth. How about wondering if you will ever see your family again when the commander tells you to advance under fire? Would your legs turn to jelly when you see friends blown apart ten feet away form you? And even those patriots who served but saw no conflict are braver than you. It is just by the grace of God that they were blessed to serve in peaceful areas...all the while knowing that the orders to combat duty could come at any time.
Damn dude! That sounds like a scary video game. Turn it off and go treat yourself to some hot chocolate.
I wish it were a video game but you don't smell blood, gunpowder and napalm in video games....Damn it...lets talk about something else.... I'm done with that topic!
It's an American wouldn't understand....
If you haven't SERVED, STFU.
Playing the service card does not mean your opinions are any more valid than anyone else's. Stop acting like you are special. I don't give a fuck who you killed in the military. Plenty of soldiers have turned into whiny little bitches that harbor grudges and anti-American views. Based on your posts, it is easy to see where you fall.

My personal feelings aren't the issue. Laws giving veterans preference in some areas were enacted to compensate them for the sacrifice and time they spent in defending the interests of this country. A pussy like you wouldn't know anything about spending hours or days in a foxhole with bullets flying everywhere and bomb blasts rattling your teeth. How about wondering if you will ever see your family again when the commander tells you to advance under fire? Would your legs turn to jelly when you see friends blown apart ten feet away form you? And even those patriots who served but saw no conflict are braver than you. It is just by the grace of God that they were blessed to serve in peaceful areas...all the while knowing that the orders to combat duty could come at any time.
Whatever, keyboard commando. Don't pretend to know me or what I have accomplished in my lifetime. I do know any real combat vet would not act like a fool online, bragging about their supposed valor. That is typical behavior of REMF's. Again, you are just one person and your opinion is no more special than anyone else's.
Bragging? I wasn't bragging, bitch !And I don't care about you think.If you don't accept what I said, just forget it and move on. I am in no mood to discuss my service . Just know that I served...that is enough.

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