Now I'll Have to Discuss this

Yes, you turned it into one. And most of us know it.
Do you really believe the US is a third world shit hole? What a childishly stupid thing to say. You should pack your shit and find someplace that you like better.
I like people who don't think the US is a third world shit hole.

No, you want it to be a Marxist shit hole. Like Venezuela or Communist Russia. Hence, the Stalinist Kangaroo Courts we are now seeing. We all understand it. God is dead. Patriotism dead, the nuclear family dead, and personal freedom is dead. That is where the Dim Party is right now.

I know the doctrine says never publicly admit it, that is a given. But everyone understands. Trust me. :D

Your weak denials mean nothing.
Do you really believe the US is a third world shit hole? What a childishly stupid thing to say. You should pack your shit and find someplace that you like better.

Yes now it is.

You all HOPE we'll leave, so what? the entire nation can turn into Portland, Seattle and Baltimore--where your favorite policies reign?
No, you want it to be a Marxist shit hole. Like Venezuela or Communist Russia. Hence, the Stalinist Kangaroo Courts we are now seeing. We all understand it. God is dead. Patriotism dead, the nuclear family dead, and personal freedom is dead. That is where the Dim Party is right now.

I know the doctrine says never publicly admit it, that is a given. But everyone understands. Trust me. :D

Your weak denials mean nothing.
Are you a member of a hunting club that concentrates on straw men, or is that just something you do on your own for entertainment?
Yes now it is.

You all HOPE we'll leave, so what? the entire nation can turn into Portland, Seattle and Baltimore--where your favorite policies reign?
I hope you are wearing a life jacket, cause you just jumped off into the deep end.
I won't leave America.

But I want YOU to move to Portland. What's the problem? Isn't that your utopia?
Where do you get all your information, especially about me personally? Are the voices in your head back again?
Why not? Seattle, Portland--that's what you vote for.
I'm in Texas, you dumb ass. HTF am I gonna vote for anything in Seattle or Portland? Can't you see that you are brainwashed at least a little?
I'm in Texas, you dumb ass. HTF am I gonna vote for anything in Seattle or Portland? Can't you see that you are brainwashed at least a little?

Austin tried the policies you love and had to backtrack on all of it. You might THINK you all would learn but then, you're liberals
Austin tried the policies you love and had to backtrack on all of it. You might THINK you all would learn but then, you're liberals
I'm pretty sure Austin is the most jerrymandered part of the state. Nothing there is based on what is good for the people over what repubs want.
I'm pretty sure Austin is the most jerrymandered part of the state. Nothing there is based on what is good for the people over what repubs want.

You are like a liberal family member of mine who's in TX too. He complains about Republicans all the time but also complains about every single policy Democrats put in place. Then when I point this out, he cries about Greg Abbott.

It's a mind disease with you folks, we just have to overcome you and then ignore you.
You are like a liberal family member of mine who's in TX too. He complains about Republicans all the time but also complains about every single policy Democrats put in place. Then when I point this out, he cries about Greg Abbott.

It's a mind disease with you folks, we just have to overcome you and then ignore you.
Republicans own Texas government, lock stock and barrel. There are no bills passed without republican support.
Republicans own the city of Austin? Fascinating
Yep, as far as voting districts they do, and with such massive gerrymandering, it will stay that way.
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