Now I'll Have to Discuss this

You mocked me saying I'm not qualified to comment because I have never been out of the nation or even out of my state. Dude, this is a freaking message board. We have opinions here. Some are informed, many first hand, some dull as could be.

You took a swipe and you failed.
Well, the harpy is a dullard. Marxists usually are.
You are NOT a Doctor.
Probably doesn't work
My brother died gasping for air, trying to get enough breath to say he didn't have Covid, cause it doesn't exist. He was 62. Yes, I hate those that convinced him of that.
You mocked me saying I'm not qualified to comment because I have never been out of the nation or even out of my state. Dude, this is a freaking message board. We have opinions here. Some are informed, many first hand, some dull as could be.

You took a swipe and you failed.

Nope, no fail. All you did was prove my point.
Unk isn't MAGA.

He's wrong about this, but he isn't MAGA.
I've read his posts. He reminds me a lot of Ron Paul. Seems reasonable but can go to batshit crazy in 3.2 seconds. If he supports MAGA goals, he is MAGA. Can't get past that fact.

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