Now I'll Have to Discuss this

The nations and states I have been to. How could I cut and paste a list that specific?

Was that your senior trip from high school?

The funny part is that your list basically proves my point. The few counties you have been to outside of the US are clones of the US economically and socially.
Was that your senior trip from high school?

The funny part is that your list basically proves my point. The few counties you have been to outside of the US are clones of the US economically and socially.

No it wasn't a senior you're criticizing the nations I've been to after saying I never left my state.

This place is a cesspool
No it wasn't a senior you're criticizing the nations I've been to after saying I never left my state.

This place is a cesspool

I am pointing out you have never been to anywhere worse off than the US, so you have no frame of reference when you call the US a "third world shithole".

I would also mention, if you feel that way about the United States, there is no law requiring you to stay here.
I am pointing out you have never been to anywhere worse off than the US, so you have no frame of reference when you call the US a "third world shithole".

I would also mention, if you feel that way about the United States, there is no law requiring you to stay here.

That's odd. You have never had a child. Do you comment on abortion and birth control?

Well if you ever did, not anymore. You don't have ovaries so you don't get to say. Just applying your mind-numbingly stupid arguments to your own self.
Some of my more advanced students will have heard of it and want to discuss. This will necessitate the annoying experience of talking without injecting my own opinion
I can only imagine the views of children who have not been corrupted by partisan politics a rather interesting venture Unkotare......

That's odd. You have never had a child. Do you comment on abortion and birth control?

Well if you ever did, not anymore. You don't have ovaries so you don't get to say. Just applying your mind-numbingly stupid arguments to your own self.

I have two children, well both are adults now but they are still my children.

Also, I never said you could not comment on things, just that you lack and frame of reference for you claims, all you do is parrot your cult leader.
I have two children, well both are adults now but they are still my children.

Also, I never said you could not comment on things, just that you lack and frame of reference for you claims, all you do is parrot your cult leader.

You did not HAVE a child. Therefore, by your own standards, you should not comment on matters of reproduction and abortion. Or if you do, we get to mock you for I don't know how many comments. Likewise, since you're not in law you have no business commenting on any legal matters; if you're not a teacher, on education; etc.

It's a stone cold stupid argument and frankly you think all conservatives are stupid so took the lowest swipe you could at me. It's not that you need to visit third world countries to discuss them. It was you taking a swipe at my intelligence and experience. Low hanging fruit, always.
You did not HAVE a child. Therefore, by your own standards, you should not comment on matters of reproduction and abortion. Or if you do, we get to mock you for I don't know how many comments. Likewise, since you're not in law you have no business commenting on any legal matters; if you're not a teacher, on education; etc.

It's a stone cold stupid argument and frankly you think all conservatives are stupid so took the lowest swipe you could at me. It's not that you need to visit third world countries to discuss them. It was you taking a swipe at my intelligence and experience. Low hanging fruit, always.

Try as you might, you still fail.

But I have children, thus I have a frame of reference.

I have been in school and have had children in school so I have a frame of reference. I have served on a school board, so again have a frame of reference.

You lack this in reference to what is a third world country. Hell, take a trip down to Mexico for a few days.

And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservative, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.

The group I think are stupid are partisans that hold some weird blind loyalty to their party and put their party before the country, and this country is filled with them, this forum is almost exclusively them.

But I have to agree with you on one thing, your intelligence and experience are indeed the low hanging fruit.
Try as you might, you still fail.

But I have children, thus I have a frame of reference.

I have been in school and have had children in school so I have a frame of reference. I have served on a school board, so again have a frame of reference.

You lack this in reference to what is a third world country. Hell, take a trip down to Mexico for a few days.

And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservative, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.

The group I think are stupid are partisans that hold some weird blind loyalty to their party and put their party before the country, and this country is filled with them, this forum is almost exclusively them.

But I have to agree with you on one thing, your intelligence and experience are indeed the low hanging fruit.

Conservatives are so stupid that we know which bathrooms to go in.
Try as you might, you still fail.

But I have children, thus I have a frame of reference.

I have been in school and have had children in school so I have a frame of reference. I have served on a school board, so again have a frame of reference.

You lack this in reference to what is a third world country. Hell, take a trip down to Mexico for a few days.

And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservative, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.

The group I think are stupid are partisans that hold some weird blind loyalty to their party and put their party before the country, and this country is filled with them, this forum is almost exclusively them.

But I have to agree with you on one thing, your intelligence and experience are indeed the low hanging fruit.
Sounds like someone wasted a lot of money on your education. You should apologize to them.
Conservatives are so stupid that we know which bathrooms to go in.

And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservatives, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.
Sounds like someone wasted a lot of money on your education. You should apologize to them.

I got my degrees for the singular purpose of making as much money as I can while not working myself to death.

In that respect they have been a roaring success.

If it makes you feel any better, you paid for my education along with every other tax payer thanks to the GI Bill.
I got my degrees for the singular purpose of making as much money as I can while not working myself to death.

In that respect they have been a roaring success.

If it makes you feel any better, you paid for my education along with every other tax payer thanks to the GI Bill.
Wasted money, would have been better off buying more latrines.

Would you know which one to go into?
And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservatives, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.
That’s right, I’m a progressive. Hadn’t you heard?
Try as you might, you still fail.

But I have children, thus I have a frame of reference.

I have been in school and have had children in school so I have a frame of reference. I have served on a school board, so again have a frame of reference.

You lack this in reference to what is a third world country. Hell, take a trip down to Mexico for a few days.

And I do not think that conservatives are stupid, I have a huge amount of respect for conservative, there are just very few left in our country and you are not one.

The group I think are stupid are partisans that hold some weird blind loyalty to their party and put their party before the country, and this country is filled with them, this forum is almost exclusively them.

But I have to agree with you on one thing, your intelligence and experience are indeed the low hanging fruit.

Having children is not the same as having the biological function to gestate and birth children, so that's a fail.

Going to school is not the same as being a teacher. IF you think it is, then I guess visiting a third world nation as a first world resident is just like experiencing the third world. Did you do this? Live in a cardboard shack in Guatemala?

If not, by your own standards, you're disqualified from commenting.

This is pretty easy, actually,
Having children is not the same as having the biological function to gestate and birth children, so that's a fail.

Going to school is not the same as being a teacher. IF you think it is, then I guess visiting a third world nation as a first world resident is just like experiencing the third world. Did you do this? Live in a cardboard shack in Guatemala?

If not, by your own standards, you're disqualified from commenting.

This is pretty easy, actually,

Yet, I never said you were disqualified from commenting, this is just a strawman you made up to avoid the real issue.
Yet, I never said you were disqualified from commenting, this is just a strawman you made up to avoid the real issue.

You mocked me saying I'm not qualified to comment because I have never been out of the nation or even out of my state. Dude, this is a freaking message board. We have opinions here. Some are informed, many first hand, some dull as could be.

You took a swipe and you failed.
You can present your evidence to prove otherwise any time you choose.
The Hur report stipulated that Biden knowingly STOLE classified documents as a SENATOR.

The reason for not filing a criminal complaint is because he IS SENILE!


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