Now I'll Have to Discuss this

Don't be so mean to Sue. She's sweet. Dumb as a turd, but sweet.

Thank you, but I'm not dumb just cause I don't agree with you.

Just tonight I've been called a bitch, grandma, dyke and told to take Midol. And of course Winco mocking my profession. Again.
Thank you, but I'm not dumb just cause I don't agree with you.

Just tonight I've been called a bitch, grandma, dyke and told to take Midol. And of course Winco mocking my profession. Again.
Sure, and answer WHY you accuse me of 'Drunk Posts'
Just want some clarification.
Are you capable?
You don’t know who I vote for. You only know that I oppose brainless far left douche bags like you. And that’s more than enough. Shove your little labels right up your crowded ass.
I believe you when you say you keep your personal political beliefs out of the classroom.

But if you think no one here can guess those leaning based on your posts then you must think we’re all idiots
Thank you, but I'm not dumb just cause I don't agree with you.

Just tonight I've been called a bitch, grandma, dyke and told to take Midol. And of course Winco mocking my profession. Again.
You are absolutely right. You are not dumb for disagreeing. You're dumb because of all those batshit crazy conspiracy theories and dumb lies you believe.
Thank you, but I'm not dumb just cause I don't agree with you.

Just tonight I've been called a bitch, grandma, dyke and told to take Midol. And of course Winco mocking my profession. Again.
Yet you have no problem insulting doctors and nurses with your retarded conspiracy theories that suggest they’re involved in some sort of vaccine plot to… what…. kill off Americans? Implant them with chips? I can’t keep track
Yet you have no problem insulting doctors and nurses with your retarded conspiracy theories that suggest they’re involved in some sort of vaccine plot to… what…. kill off Americans? Implant them with chips? I can’t keep track
I do expect SweetSue92 to stick to the MEMOS and provide zero evidence.

Why does a so-called recorder teacher like SweetSue92 claim to be superior.
The DYKE has been exposed.
Say it ain't so, Sue. Are you really one of those vaccine/brain chip crazies?
Yet you have no problem insulting doctors and nurses with your retarded conspiracy theories that suggest they’re involved in some sort of vaccine plot to… what…. kill off Americans? Implant them with chips? I can’t keep track

If that's what you take from my posts about the vaccines than you should probably sit with yourself on your real thoughts about them. I have NO beef with nurses, who are highly skilled but can't even rx the shots. Most doctors didn't have anything to do with it either. The entire awful thing is from way on high and trickled down.

A friend, btw, is dying and in hospice with a brain cancer only dx a month ago. Mid-40s. Multiple boosters.
A friend, btw, is dying and in hospice with a brain cancer only dx a month ago. Mid-40s. Multiple boosters.
I’m sorry your friend is in that situation

But you do realize that there existed 40 year olds dying of brain cancer long before COVID

That you believe your friend got brain cancer from getting a vaccine shows you have poor reasoning skills
I do expect SweetSue92 to stick to the MEMOS and provide zero evidence.

Why does a so-called recorder teacher like SweetSue92 claim to be superior.
The DYKE has been exposed.

If I gave one iota of a care what you think of me, my husband of 29 years and I (30 this summer) would have a great laugh over you being upset and calling me a dyke. It's clear that you are a miserable person. It doesn't seem fair for me to continue to provoke that misery, so to ignore you go.
I’m sorry your friend is in that situation

But you do realize that there existed 40 year olds dying of brain cancer long before COVID

That you believe your friend got brain cancer from getting a vaccine shows you have poor reasoning skills

Myocarditis, pericarditis, increased cancers. The shots are a disaster to be honest. And I like my predictions surrounding Covid very, very much. So far I have been on the right side; I know a Moral Panic when I see one. Moral panics suppress all reasonable thinking.
Myocarditis, pericarditis, increased cancers. The shots are a disaster to be honest. And I like my predictions surrounding Covid very, very much. So far I have been on the right side; I know a Moral Panic when I see one. Moral panics suppress all reasonable thinking.
Two different things

Yes, the masks mandates were unnecessary.

No, you can’t cry “the jab” every time you see a story about someone dying of a disease at a young age
Two different things

Yes, the masks mandates were unnecessary.

No, you can’t cry “the jab” every time you see a story about someone dying of a disease at a young age

The vaccines didn't prevent a bit of transmission. Let's start there. No one in good health under the age of probably 65 even needed them. So already the trust is destroyed. And now everyone acknowledges they cause heart issues in young people. I repeat: HEART issues.

You realize Pfizer promised the spike proteins would stay in the arm muscle, right? Oops, they are found everywhere.

My dying friend has a cancer so rare it's hardly ever seen in anyone over the age of like 4. The drs didn't even know what to do with her. Yeah, I guess this could happen out of the blue. But there's a lot of out of the blue happening these days.

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