Now inside 52 Weeks


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
It looks like Rubio vs. Clinton. I don't think HRC is too worried about Rubio's record or programs. It will be an interesting contest between a young man and an older woman. This is all contingent on Rubio being able to sidestep the scandal that is nipping at his heels (which I'm sure he will survive but how much capital will it cost him to do so?) and if the current front runners actually do fail to maintain their leads.

Given the "black out" periods there are about 40 "work weeks" until the contest takes place.

I'll be interested to see how Clinton decides to attack him. That Obama became President with less experience, it's a touchy subject. I'd still go after it myself. His Senatorial record is fair game. Votes against the VAWA and Sotomayor should be brought up. His hardline abortion stances are probably going to be highlighted as well.

I'm fearful that she will pick Castro or some other Hispanic as her VP to try to level things out. Bad move if she does. She's best sticking to experienced hands.

If Carson or Trump make it....oh brother, Hillary can take the year off.
Rubio isn't gonna be the nominee.

Hope not. Hillary is a cinch against Carson or Trump, Paul, or Cruz. The only ones that scare me in the GOP field are Christie, Bush, and Rubio
It looks like Rubio vs. Clinton. I don't think HRC is too worried about Rubio's record or programs. It will be an interesting contest between a young man and an older woman. This is all contingent on Rubio being able to sidestep the scandal that is nipping at his heels (which I'm sure he will survive but how much capital will it cost him to do so?) and if the current front runners actually do fail to maintain their leads.

Given the "black out" periods there are about 40 "work weeks" until the contest takes place.

I'll be interested to see how Clinton decides to attack him. That Obama became President with less experience, it's a touchy subject. I'd still go after it myself. His Senatorial record is fair game. Votes against the VAWA and Sotomayor should be brought up. His hardline abortion stances are probably going to be highlighted as well.

I'm fearful that she will pick Castro or some other Hispanic as her VP to try to level things out. Bad move if she does. She's best sticking to experienced hands.

If Carson or Trump make it....oh brother, Hillary can take the year off.

Don't worry about Hillary picking an Hispanic as a running mate. She will just eat lunch at Taco Bell to nail down the Hispanic vote.
It looks like Rubio vs. Clinton. I don't think HRC is too worried about Rubio's record or programs. It will be an interesting contest between a young man and an older woman. This is all contingent on Rubio being able to sidestep the scandal that is nipping at his heels (which I'm sure he will survive but how much capital will it cost him to do so?) and if the current front runners actually do fail to maintain their leads.

Given the "black out" periods there are about 40 "work weeks" until the contest takes place.

I'll be interested to see how Clinton decides to attack him. That Obama became President with less experience, it's a touchy subject. I'd still go after it myself. His Senatorial record is fair game. Votes against the VAWA and Sotomayor should be brought up. His hardline abortion stances are probably going to be highlighted as well.

I'm fearful that she will pick Castro or some other Hispanic as her VP to try to level things out. Bad move if she does. She's best sticking to experienced hands.

If Carson or Trump make it....oh brother, Hillary can take the year off.

Castro would be an excellent choice. While his experience at the federal level is limited, Castro is sharp and will work well with Hillary. It will also set him up for the presidency down the road. Remember this also. Rubio is Cuban. He will not play as well to the Hispanic vote as Castro will. Last of all, Castro is from Texas, and while he is a liberal, he doesn't quite swing full liberal left, which is a good thing in my book.
It looks like Rubio vs. Clinton. I don't think HRC is too worried about Rubio's record or programs. It will be an interesting contest between a young man and an older woman. This is all contingent on Rubio being able to sidestep the scandal that is nipping at his heels (which I'm sure he will survive but how much capital will it cost him to do so?) and if the current front runners actually do fail to maintain their leads.

Given the "black out" periods there are about 40 "work weeks" until the contest takes place.

I'll be interested to see how Clinton decides to attack him. That Obama became President with less experience, it's a touchy subject. I'd still go after it myself. His Senatorial record is fair game. Votes against the VAWA and Sotomayor should be brought up. His hardline abortion stances are probably going to be highlighted as well.

I'm fearful that she will pick Castro or some other Hispanic as her VP to try to level things out. Bad move if she does. She's best sticking to experienced hands.

If Carson or Trump make it....oh brother, Hillary can take the year off.
Marco has to get by Trump. Carson,, Jeb, and even Cruz , I don't see it happening, he would be a safe bet as VP , if it isn't Fiorina..

Hillary should hire Liz Warren as VP, that would be a kick ass ticket..

Things could get weird and we could have 3 Women involved directly in the election, Hillary, Warren, and Fiorina as the VP on the Repug side.
Rubio isn't gonna be the nominee.

Hope not. Hillary is a cinch against Carson or Trump, Paul, or Cruz. The only ones that scare me in the GOP field are Christie, Bush, and Rubio

Kasich could be a problem for Hillary also, but he just isn't catching on with Repubicans.

To matter, you have to win. To win, you have to resonate. He's not resonating so he isn't going to win and hence, he won't matter.
It looks like Rubio vs. Clinton. I don't think HRC is too worried about Rubio's record or programs. It will be an interesting contest between a young man and an older woman. This is all contingent on Rubio being able to sidestep the scandal that is nipping at his heels (which I'm sure he will survive but how much capital will it cost him to do so?) and if the current front runners actually do fail to maintain their leads.

Given the "black out" periods there are about 40 "work weeks" until the contest takes place.

I'll be interested to see how Clinton decides to attack him. That Obama became President with less experience, it's a touchy subject. I'd still go after it myself. His Senatorial record is fair game. Votes against the VAWA and Sotomayor should be brought up. His hardline abortion stances are probably going to be highlighted as well.

I'm fearful that she will pick Castro or some other Hispanic as her VP to try to level things out. Bad move if she does. She's best sticking to experienced hands.

If Carson or Trump make it....oh brother, Hillary can take the year off.
Marco has to get by Trump. Carson,, Jeb, and even Cruz , I don't see it happening, he would be a safe bet as VP , if it isn't Fiorina..

Hillary should hire Liz Warren as VP, that would be a kick ass ticket..

Things could get weird and we could have 3 Women involved directly in the election, Hillary, Warren, and Fiorina as the VP on the Repug side.

I'm not a fan of Liz Warren. I think the strongest contender for the VP slot is probably Corey Booker. Geographically there is no balance to the pick but with the nation divided like it is; you're not going to be able to swing a state with a VP nom.
I know I sound like a crazy right winger here....but I'm honestly not all that sure the Establishment insiders are going to win the GOP primary this time....

I really think the Republican Party has gone bonkers. The insiders are basically Rubio, Jeb, Kasich, and Christie. Even if you add all their polling numbers together I still don't think you beat Trump or Carson. Not to mention Ted Cruz actually has a sizable base as well. It really is turning into a tough road for them.

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