Now, it begins.....R-W Rep. Chaffetz gets booed.."Do your job"...

The only anger directed at Chaffetz is from a small and incredibly loud chorus of moonbats, who have little political power outside the Sugar House district of SLC.

You progressive cranks don't know dick about Utah.

Yeah, capt. Crunch.....most of us come on this forum to marvel and learn from your intellect.........LOL (what a complete :asshole: )
We have seen that what progressives lack in numbers they make up for in ability to attend these things due to not working, and loud shrill voices.

Someone's forgotten that the Tea Party's earliest actions were to protest at townhall meetings.

Yes, and the people doing it today absolutely vilified them for doing so. So the question is, did you really think the Tea Party was wrong in their actions or do you now support what they did since your side is engaging in what they hated?

I think the Tea party was wrong on the issues especially after it allowed itself to be overtaken by the usual suspects on the Right.

That isn't what I asked.

You singled me out for a charge of inconsistency? On THIS board? In THIS political environment?

lol, lucky me.

I responded to your non-response. It's supposed to be a conversation, but it works best when you provide a real answer to a question.
what begins? if George Soros pays folks to protest because he's against doing good things for the people he should be locked up.

Secretary DeVos was blocked from entering a school by these disgusting Soros thugs!
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Who is going to arrest her and what LAW did she violate?

Glad you asked........

Ethics LAW states:

"A [federal] employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives."

What is the punishment? Who will arrest her and charge her?
Who is going to arrest her and what LAW did she violate?

Glad you asked........

Ethics LAW states:

"A [federal] employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives."
according to that muppet, this is not a law, but a guideline. LOL

When does KellyAnne go to prison?
Who is going to arrest her and what LAW did she violate?

Glad you asked........

Ethics LAW states:

"A [federal] employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives."
according to that muppet, this is not a law, but a guideline. LOL

When does KellyAnne go to prison?

Not likely with a corrupt RW administration in place.

Would you like to make an argument that she didn't violate the above statute, or is that above your intellectual level?
Some of us have speculated that right wingers in congress will soon begin to wonder about making the choice whether to BLINDLY back Trump....or worry about their sear in congress.....

Jason Chaffetz of Utah (a state not known for its liberal leanings) is now one of these "confused" elected dimwits......Yesterday on his ill-advised town hall meeting he was virtually booed off the stage as a thousand protesters shouted at him to "DO YOUR JOB" in investigating the Trump administration ethical challenges and demanding that Trump should be compelled to reveal his [under perpetual audit] tax returns.....

Should be fun watching this play out.....How do you think Chaffetz will lean: Back Trump or worry about his own sorry hide?

View attachment 111664

Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside
Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close
Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close

Far left Progressives continue to downgrade the Democrat Party. This is going to follow the Democrats into the next election and the next until they can get control of their radical members.
Sounds like chaffetz is weak kneed. No surprise. I always root for common folk over elected officials no matter the party. Give it to em. He deserves it for being elected. Keep them feeling uneasy and afraid. Its our job.
Given the anger and criticism against Chaffetz for his hypocrisy, do you think that he'll keep siding with Trump and forgo any investigations on the possible breach of ethics by the administration, ...........OR............will Chaffetz, say, "screw it, Trump will go down as a screwed up clown and I better save my own miserable hide in the next congressional election" ????

Your attempted ignorance is obvious. Everyone knows that social media packed his audience with radical Progressive activists. Do you honestly expect this outrageous behavior to benefit Democrats in the future?
Elected officials should be held to the fire regardless of party. It is a great thing. Everyone with half a brain agrees.
The only anger directed at Chaffetz is from a small and incredibly loud chorus of moonbats, who have little political power outside the Sugar House district of SLC.

You progressive cranks don't know dick about Utah.

Yeah, capt. Crunch.....most of us come on this forum to marvel and learn from your intellect.........LOL (what a complete :asshole: )

Elected officials should be held to the fire regardless of party. It is a great thing. Everyone with half a brain agrees.
Being held to the fire is one thing, packing the house with loutish crackpots from outside your district is quite another.
Some of us have speculated that right wingers in congress will soon begin to wonder about making the choice whether to BLINDLY back Trump....or worry about their sear in congress.....

Jason Chaffetz of Utah (a state not known for its liberal leanings) is now one of these "confused" elected dimwits......Yesterday on his ill-advised town hall meeting he was virtually booed off the stage as a thousand protesters shouted at him to "DO YOUR JOB" in investigating the Trump administration ethical challenges and demanding that Trump should be compelled to reveal his [under perpetual audit] tax returns.....

Should be fun watching this play out.....How do you think Chaffetz will lean: Back Trump or worry about his own sorry hide?

View attachment 111664

Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside
Hundreds grill Rep. Jason Chaffetz at Utah town hall while more protest outside

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Hundreds Confront Congressman Jason Chaffetz at Rowdy Utah Town Hall

Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close
Thousands attend Chaffetz town hall, outside crowd turns to protest when doors close

I'm sure Chaffetz got a good belly laugh out of that, he won his seat with 75% of the vote. I'm sure he's really worried. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your attempted ignorance is obvious. Everyone knows that social media packed his audience with radical Progressive activists. Do you honestly expect this outrageous behavior to benefit Democrats in the future?

Usual moronic retort.......after Obama took office in 2009, a very loud bunch of ea Baggers took to the town halls....So, nitwit, what happened in Congress in the 2010 mid-term election???

Ask a grown up........LOL
Your attempted ignorance is obvious. Everyone knows that social media packed his audience with radical Progressive activists. Do you honestly expect this outrageous behavior to benefit Democrats in the future?

Usual moronic retort.......after Obama took office in 2009, a very loud bunch of ea Baggers took to the town halls....So, nitwit, what happened in Congress in the 2010 mid-term election???

Ask a grown up........LOL

The took back a bunch of seats they lost because of Bush.

If you think that trend will are kidding yourself.

Me....I don't care. A stalemated government for two years is a dream come true.
Who is going to arrest her and what LAW did she violate?

Glad you asked........

Ethics LAW states:

"A [federal] employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives."

Once again you come up with the word LAW. KellyAnne violated a RULE.

"The ethics rule at stake here, 5 CFR 2635.702, doesn’t come from the U.S. Code, which contains laws passed by Congress and signed by the president. It comes from the Code of Federal Regulations, a body of rules adopted by the executive branch itself, typically following some congressional authorization. Regulations often have the force of law, but the penalties for violating them vary, and are set either by Congress or at the discretion of the executive.

But the penalties for violating the rule are vague. The code provision says that breaking the rules “may be cause for appropriate corrective or disciplinary action to be taken under applicable Government wide regulations or agency procedures.” And it places responsibility for punishment with the “employing agency” -- in this case, the White House. That means discipline is up to the president.

How upsetting is this outcome? To begin with, it isn’t a violation of the rule of law. Conway broke the rules, but the rules don’t require punishment if the president chooses not to give it. In Conway’s defense, she presumably didn’t know that the endorsement was a rule violation.

If Conway had violated a federal law that comes with a punishment, the situation would be different. The Department of Justice would presumably initiate an investigation. Charges could be brought, provided the prosecutor thought they were warranted.

We send people to jail for crimes. We condemn people for ethics violations. There’s a difference. Bad ethics can eventually lead to full-blown corruption -- but on its own, without a bribe attached, Conway’s ethics violation is just bad practice.

Kellyanne Conway's Ethics Breach Is a Mild Outrage

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