Now, it begins.....R-W Rep. Chaffetz gets booed.."Do your job"...

The ONLY thing that right wingers on this thread have contributed is......................bumping this thread.

Meh on the various subjects discussed in the thread, but I want to say holy shit that was some fucked up town hall... As a resident I would be straight-up /pissed/ to have that kind of raucous behavior interrupting everything and accomplishing nothing. o_O They barely even talked about their actual state issues, yelling at him to do shit against President Trump the whole time, at one point the idiots even boo'ed a fucking fact. WTF?

Admittedly we're a smaller population, but damn... This little snippet from one of the town halls here was declared to be "over the line" and "rude" by our locals - and this was a very contentious matter (ACA) with a heavily disliked Dem senator that Alaskan's were seriously pissed at. (The yelling dude publicly apologized for losing his temper in the paper heh) Alaskan town halls are organized and... tidy, idk how you lower 48'ers function with town halls like that. Second video is an albeit a bit smaller crowd, Alaskan's work so daytime halls don't have as many people, but it was touching on subjects almost as contentious (talking about wtf we can do with our budget, we were like $3.5B short. Low oil prices are killing us.) Our state is /nothing/ like the lower 48... thank goodness.

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LMAO oh no its a vast, vast mind you Russian/Trump conspiracy :laugh::lmao::laugh::lmao::laugh: Is Comey part of the conspiracy? WikiLeaks?

Holy shit its a Russian Putin Trump Comey WikiLeaks FBI Deplorables KKK/ Alt-Right conspiracy, oh the humanity. :laugh:
When Chavez was interviewed 3 days before the inauguration and informed that Trump will be in violation of the Constitution the moment he takes the oath of office for not completely divesting from his business interests his response was," I'm not going to go on a witch hunt."
It was fine to go on a witch hunt for 3 years with Hillary but when the President of the United States is in direct violation of the law, he's not interested.
Says it all.
When Chavez was interviewed 3 days before the inauguration and informed that Trump will be in violation of the Constitution the moment he takes the oath of office for not completely divesting from his business interests his response was," I'm not going to go on a witch hunt."
It was fine to go on a witch hunt for 3 years with Hillary but when the President of the United States is in direct violation of the law, he's not interested.
Says it all.

What's good for the goose is not good for the grabber.
Given the anger and criticism against Chaffetz for his hypocrisy, do you think that he'll keep siding with Trump and forgo any investigations on the possible breach of ethics by the administration, ...........OR............will Chaffetz, say, "screw it, Trump will go down as a screwed up clown and I better save my own miserable hide in the next congressional election" ????
Given the anger and criticism against Chaffetz for his hypocrisy, do you think that he'll keep siding with Trump and forgo any investigations on the possible breach of ethics by the administration, ...........OR............will Chaffetz, say, "screw it, Trump will go down as a screwed up clown and I better save my own miserable hide in the next congressional election" ????
The only anger directed at Chaffetz is from a small and incredibly loud chorus of moonbats, who have little political power outside the Sugar House district of SLC.

You progressive cranks don't know dick about Utah.
When Chavez was interviewed 3 days before the inauguration and informed that Trump will be in violation of the Constitution the moment he takes the oath of office for not completely divesting from his business interests his response was," I'm not going to go on a witch hunt."
It was fine to go on a witch hunt for 3 years with Hillary but when the President of the United States is in direct violation of the law, he's not interested.
Says it all.
Only a cowardly son of a bitch would expect someone to divest, thus destroying their lives...
Given the anger and criticism against Chaffetz for his hypocrisy, do you think that he'll keep siding with Trump and forgo any investigations on the possible breach of ethics by the administration, ...........OR............will Chaffetz, say, "screw it, Trump will go down as a screwed up clown and I better save my own miserable hide in the next congressional election" ????

Likely he'll say....

Most people know that the election is two years out.

This will be long gone in the memories of these voters.

So I'll do the right thing........
So let me get this straight, every President that I can think of becomes about a 100 times more wealthy after "serving" in the White House and now people care?

You can't fix stupid.
it's not the job of any individual state rep to investigate anyone
may i introduce you to the chairman of a certain committee?

Full House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
so a committee is an individual rep?
what about reps that are not members of the committee?
the townhall was held by the chairman of this committee. so, the appropriate target for demanding to do the job.

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