Now it is time for Obama to pander to the illegals (the other brown victims).


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yeah, time to push the notion that all the poor illegals are all victims from mean white right wingers.

It is formula that clearly works so well. Why change it?

The morons on the left (especially the white left guilt people who live in gated communities with armed guards) will rally with the notion. Get ready for them to get worked into a lather about another (yet another) issue that could not care less about.

Anyway, the liar in chief, on to the next BS issue that will be used for political gain to extrapolate votes from the ignorant to win the elections.

Oh, off topic. Remember in the other thread when the liberals parroted the same bullshit that MSNBC says (through any democratic administration) that the republicans never had any alternative ideas to the sham (that we conservatives all said and have been utterly vindicated) known as Obamacare? Then I provided a long extensive list of all the ideas that were an alternative, and it turns out MSNBC is the lying pieces of shit after all and not FOX News?:eusa_whistle:

Here is what the bogus, incompetent, American hating, commie loving, power hungry administration is doing now in regards to amnesty.

EDITORIAL: Amnesty by another name

The culture of lawlessness is alive and well in Washington. President Obama sets the tone with his health care law revisions, rewriting the legislation without bothering Congress.

Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the House, urges the president to ignore inconvenient provisions of the immigration law. She tells Telemundo, the Spanish-language TV network, that just being in the country illegally isn’t a sufficient reason to deport illegal aliens, the law be hanged.

Others are picking up on the tone. Illegal immigrants are taking to the streets demanding not only that the House enact the Senate-passed amnesty bill but that President Obama halt deportations with an executive order. Far from “living in the shadows,” illegals are running into the open, loud and proud.

For three hours on Monday morning, illegal aliens and their supporters staged a demonstration at a deportation office in Fairfax County, just off the Beltway. Chanting slogans, the protesters sat in the driveway of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to prevent a bus from getting through. The demonstrators said they were trying to halt the deportation of illegals on the bus. “What do we want? Shut down ICE,” went the call-and-response. “When do we want it? Now.”

Seven college-age illegal-alien students filed suit Tuesday against the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia insisting that they pay only “in-state” tuition, like legitimate residents of the commonwealth. Giancarla Rojas, 19, a student at Northern Virginia

Community College, wants to transfer to George Mason University, but says she can’t afford GMU’s $29,000-a-year non-resident tuition. The tuition rate for Virginia residents is $9,900, about one-third of the other.

She was brought illegally by her parents to this country from Bolivia when she was 13, Miss Rojas insists she’s entitled to the discount. U.S. citizens who cross the Virginia border (legally) from Maryland, West Virginia or North Carolina to attend a Virginia college would still pay the full non-resident rate. This requires those who follow the law to subsidize those who don’t.

Illegal aliens looking for cut-rate tuition could head over to Maryland, where voters last year ratified the legislature’s grant of in-state tuition to illegal-immigrant students. This renders the concept of citizenship meaningless. Why bother undergoing the lengthy naturalization process when the welfare, discounts, driver’s licenses and other freebies are available for the taking now? Encouraging lawlessness invites contempt for the law.

Read more: EDITORIAL: Amnesty by another name - Washington Times
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Actually according to the far left media there are "white" Hispanics.

Not sure if the far left realizes the conundrum they created when they started using that term.
Actually according to the far left media there are "white" Hispanics.

Not sure if the far left realizes the conundrum they created when they started using that term.

Only after they found out someone named "Zimmerman" was HALF WHITE, did they put WHITE in front of his ethnicity.


Curiously, they never do that for Obama. I wonder why.

Anyone have any ideas why that is?
How's scapegoating them for everything from the housing crash to non-existent crime waves to the horrible state of our health system instead working for the republican party?
How's scapegoating them for everything from the housing crash to non-existent crime waves to the horrible state of our health system instead working for the republican party?

*****lefty propaganda ALERT!!!****
How's scapegoating them for everything from the housing crash to non-existent crime waves to the horrible state of our health system instead working for the republican party?


The issue ought to be: "What's best for American citizens--those people who the whores in Washington are supposed to represent.

But, the criminals, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer etc. think about nothing but how to buy votes generated by the Mexican Invasion with money borrowed from China that our children will have to pay back.

Try to think of your country instead of your party.
How's scapegoating them for everything from the housing crash to non-existent crime waves to the horrible state of our health system instead working for the republican party?


The issue ought to be: "What's best for American citizens--those people who the whores in Washington are supposed to represent.

But, the criminals, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer etc. think about nothing but how to buy votes generated by the Mexican Invasion with money borrowed from China that our children will have to pay back.

Try to think of your country instead of your party.

I am thinking of my country, I do not want to see it turn into a place where any honest, peaceful person must fear the authorities no matter who they are. To actually do something about the "problem" would require a rather draconian and invasive attitude by the government and especially law enforcement that would hurt all of us in the long run. It seems the main thrust of the OP is that the democrats are fishing for votes, maybe, but being decent and considerate is a good way to do that rather than the horrible scapegoating campaign that will eventually ruin the GOP and do nothing but put more power in the hands of the cops to intrude into all our lives.
It's the hard truth, if the GOP continues to use Hispanics as a political boogeyman it will be the end of the party as you know it and no amount of vote rigging and gerrymandering will save them. The changing demographics of this country are a fact that the GOP has not come to terms with and it looks like they never will.

Propaganda, on top of the stated scapegoat propaganda.


Every liberal, and I mean all of them, are utterly hopelessly brainwashed into this narrative.
Is the public in the mood to listen to anything obama says?

He will tell the same group he has been lying to the whole time, and he will lie to them again, and they will all believe him.

Take a look at the example of the person that still buys into the liberal narrative that mean white righty hate the poor brown victims.

It works. They are utterly hopelessly brainwashed. Hence, the great ball of shit this country is in.

Hell, they still believe Bush and republicans caused the housing bubble. Yes, they still teach that to each other, and they believe it.
So Obama is a racist using another 'HERD' of people to further his Statist agenda. NOTHING NEW here.
Propaganda, on top of the stated scapegoat propaganda.


Every liberal, and I mean all of them, are utterly hopelessly brainwashed into this narrative.

You mean you actually care about the plight of the illegal alien in this country and are not actually in favor of sicking the lawdogs on them without mercy??? No I have you and your party pegged correctly, you just don't like it.
Besides giving Dumbocrats more votes, how is giving Amnesty to 10 million+ people going to benefit the United States?

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