Now It's Getting Really Freaky


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
WTF? This is surreal. I guess I will check the AP's website and see for myself:

Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?

Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February confirmed an open purchase order by DHS for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. According to an op-ed in Forbes, that’s enough to sustain an Iraq-sized war for over twenty years. DHS has also acquired heavily armored tanks, which have been seen roaming the streets. Evidently somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest. The question is, why?

Recently revealed statements by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the height of the banking crisis in October 2008 could give some insights into that question. An article on BBC News on September 21, 2013, drew from an explosive autobiography called Power Trip by Brown’s spin doctor Damian McBride, who said the prime minister was worried that law and order could collapse during the financial crisis.

McBride quoted Brown as saying:
If the banks are shutting their doors, and the cash points aren’t working, and people go to Tesco [a grocery chain] and their cards aren’t being accepted, the whole thing will just explode.

If you can’t buy food or petrol or medicine for your kids, people will just start breaking the windows and helping themselves.

And as soon as people see that on TV, that’s the end, because everyone will think that’s OK now, that’s just what we all have to do. It’ll be anarchy. That’s what could happen tomorrow.

Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?
Meet me on the ashes of the capitol after SHTF! That's where I'll start to rebuild the government in my own image :eek:
WTF? This is surreal. I guess I will check the AP's website and see for myself:

Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?

Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February confirmed an open purchase order by DHS for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. According to an op-ed in Forbes, that’s enough to sustain an Iraq-sized war for over twenty years. DHS has also acquired heavily armored tanks, which have been seen roaming the streets. Evidently somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest. The question is, why?

Recently revealed statements by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the height of the banking crisis in October 2008 could give some insights into that question. An article on BBC News on September 21, 2013, drew from an explosive autobiography called Power Trip by Brown’s spin doctor Damian McBride, who said the prime minister was worried that law and order could collapse during the financial crisis.

McBride quoted Brown as saying:
If the banks are shutting their doors, and the cash points aren’t working, and people go to Tesco [a grocery chain] and their cards aren’t being accepted, the whole thing will just explode.

If you can’t buy food or petrol or medicine for your kids, people will just start breaking the windows and helping themselves.

And as soon as people see that on TV, that’s the end, because everyone will think that’s OK now, that’s just what we all have to do. It’ll be anarchy. That’s what could happen tomorrow.

Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse?

We gun owners have been asking this quesition for a very long time.

WHY doe DHS need so much ammo? And hollow points at that. DHS once tried to say it was for target practice, but no one uses hollow points for target practice. Too expensive.

For the past year it have been very diffcult to buy ammo.. and what there is is expensive. Even Rimfire .22 are hard to find.
The 1.6 billion round purchase is a complete myth. The DHS has not bought that many rounds, period.
For the past year it have been very diffcult to buy ammo.. and what there is is expensive. Even Rimfire .22 are hard to find.

That's because the retards made a run on ammo when they heard the bogus story about the DHS.

It is the retards who are causing the shortage. Every time a gun shop gets a new shipment, the retards rush in and buy it all up. It's panic buying. Just go and see for yourself. There are people with five gallon buckets of ammo who previously never had more than a box of ammo at home. Textbook hoarding which causes shortages.

"Obamaz cummin fer yer gunz" has been the greatest gun retailer marketing ploy of all time! The credulousness of the rubes has been a financial boon to guns and ammo sellers.
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The 1.6 billion round purchase is a complete myth. The DHS has not bought that many rounds, period.


"Nick Nayak, a DHS procurement officer, said at a House oversight subcommittee hearing in April that the department planned to purchase about 750 million rounds over five years.

The rounds are used for basic and advanced law enforcement training for federal law enforcement agencies under the department's umbrella. The facilities also offer firearms training to tens of thousands of federal law enforcement officers.

The rest of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition the department reportedly aims to obtain would be purchased by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal government's second largest criminal investigative agency.

ICE's ammunition requests in the last year included:

--450 million rounds of .40-caliber duty ammunition

--40 million rounds of rifle ammunition a year for as many as five years, for a total bullet-buy of 200 million rounds

--176,000 rifle rounds on a separate contract

--25,000 blank rounds

The amendment must still be approved by the House as part of an overall DHS spending bill, and then reconciled with a Senate measure."

House votes to curb DHS ammunition purchases | Fox News

Do you actually believe everything you post?

Sometimes you read like a rational person and others .... welll..... I would worry for your safety if a bunch of hungry squirrels were in the area.
RUBE 1: Gimme all the .22 Rimfire ammo you got!

GUN SHOP OWNER: Here you go.

RUBE 2: Gimme all the .22 Rimfire ammo you got!

GUN SHOP OWNER: I'm all out.

RUBE 2: {rushes home to post on the internet that the gubmint has bought all the .22 Rimfire ammo}

Do you actually believe everything you post?

Sometimes you read like a rational person and others .... welll..... I would worry for your safety if a bunch of hungry squirrels were in the area.


I don't believe something unless I have seen the evidence for it. There is no evidence the government has taken delivery of 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. It is the credulous rubes who are the ones who believe what they read on the internet without evidence.

I have actually taken the trouble to thoroughly debunk this meme on this forum in the past. With actual evidence it is entirely bogus.

But like any stupid conspiracy theory, facts do not stop it from popping up again and again and again and again.
I have found one of the sources of the rumors:
ATK (NYSE: ATK) announced that it is being awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS, ICE) for .40 caliber ammunition. This contract features a base of 12 months, includes four option years, and will have a maximum volume of 450 million rounds.

ATK Secures .40 Caliber Ammunition Contract with Department of Homeland Security, U.S.... -- ANOKA, Minn., March 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

IDIQ agreement. Not actual delivery.

Four option years.

"Maximum volume of 450 rounds."

Key word: Maximum.

That does not mean 450 million rounds will actually be purchased.

The agreement is written that way so DHS gets a discount.

You will not find ANY evidence 1.6 billion rounds have actually been delivered. In fact, the DHS has not taken any larger delivery of ammo this year than in any of the years since Bush created the Department. Therefore, it is not possible the DHS has caused the shortage of ammo. It is the panic hoarding of credulous rubes who bought into the bogus meme which has.
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ah, the old "DHS is buying billions of bullets" myth.

most of these rounds haven't actually been purchased or delivered.
Bring it. Bring your little .22 to the show too. My body armor would love to see that bounce off.

threats of violence from an anonymous internet man don't skeer me.

anyways, I don't have to do anything.

The military and DHS is on my side.
ah, the old "DHS is buying billions of bullets" myth.

most of these rounds haven't actually been purchased or delivered.

Hey firearms expert, riddle me what agents need with hollow point? Nobody practices with that, not even the military. It's banned for military use. I heard some BS about it runs cleaner than a regular bullet. The fuck it does. It's designed for maximum kill which is why I have a thousand rounds of it that I've loaded but never used.
Hey firearms expert, riddle me what agents need with hollow point? Nobody practices with that, not even the military. It's banned for military use. I heard some BS about it runs cleaner than a regular bullet. The fuck it does. It's designed for maximum kill which is why I have a thousand rounds of it that I've loaded but never used.

hollow points are used for their stopping power.

no point having a bullet fly through the perp and possibly injure an innocent person.

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