Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."
The Republicans did it with Pat Smith, mother of fallen Benghazi hero Sean Smith.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
Patricia Smith, whose son Sean Smith was killed in the attack, spoke passionately about the loss of her son.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
No asshole they first attacked us in 1993 on U.S. soil!
I love watching Trump get in a pissing contest with a humble Gold Star Father

Some fights you just can't win
It was a misstep by Trump to go against a Gold Star family, regardless of their religion or immigration generation. Captain Humayun S.M. Khan died a hero in the service of the United States Army.

Humayun S. M. Khan, Captain, United States Army
Captain Khan was a Pakistani American who served in the U.S. army as an ordnance officer, being the senior-most community member to die in Iraq. His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Captain Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops.

The Muslim chaplain who led the Nimaz-e-Janaza after the military honors, specifically highlighted the ethnically-diverse group that had come to pay its respects to Captain Khan. He was one amongst the growing number of Pakistani Americans in the U.S. Army.
We realise that more then likely more attacks will follow, but our way of live and our values can and do survive attacks by those people who preach hate. Which I'm sad to report is excactly what the current Republican candidate does. The person who wrote this letter talks about a ban on Muslims being constitutional because a president swears to protect people against enemies. This is actually not true he swears to protect and uphold the constitution, a constitution that has religious freedom at it's very heart. It's the army who swears to protect the nation against its enemies He also talks about Trumps right to respond to attacks. The thing is he responded by implying that Khans wife was not allowed to respond by her husband because she is a Muslim, an attack so vicious, callous and unsubstanciated that it should disqualify him to the presidenty. Instead of him trying to make the case that it is like the letter said simply a matter of pragmatism, he attacked 2 grieving parants who felt it was their right, to point out that it is not just white Christians who are willing to lay down their lives, for the idea of America, an idea that thinks of religious freedom as one of its unalienable rights. An idea that Trump and alot of scared white Americans find is no longer valid because there are assholes who use religion as a reason to commit crimes.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
We realise that more then likely more attacks will follow, but our way of live and our values can and do survive attacks by those people who preach hate. Which I'm sad to report is excactly what the current Republican candidate does. The person who wrote this letter talks about a ban on Muslims being constitutional because a president swears to protect people against enemies. This is actually not true he swears to protect and uphold the constitution, a constitution that has religious freedom at it's very heart. It's the army who swears to protect the nation against its enemies He also talks about Trumps right to respond to attacks. The thing is he responded by implying that Khans wife was not allowed to respond by her husband because she is a Muslim, an attack so vicious, callous and unsubstanciated that it should disqualify him to the presidenty. Instead of him trying to make the case that it is like the letter said simply a matter of pragmatism, he attacked 2 grieving parants who felt it was their right, to point out that it is not just white Christians who are willing to lay down their lives, for the idea of America, an idea that thinks of religious freedom as one of its unalienable rights. An idea that Trump and alot of scared white Americans find is no longer valid because there are assholes who use religion as a reason to commit crimes.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
'Gave' his son?
It's America. His son was free to, and chose to join up. He was an adult, not someone to be 'given' away or 'sacrificed' by anyone else.
Liberals often say the same thing about all American military personnel who have died or been maimed in the service of their country. "What are they crying over? They were asking for it. It's an all volunteer military. No one forced them to go." Then they spit on the graves of dead soldiers.
I love watching Trump get in a pissing contest with a humble Gold Star Father

Some fights you just can't win
It was a misstep by Trump to go against a Gold Star family, regardless of their religion or immigration generation. Captain Humayun S.M. Khan died a hero in the service of the United States Army.

Humayun S. M. Khan, Captain, United States Army
Captain Khan was a Pakistani American who served in the U.S. army as an ordnance officer, being the senior-most community member to die in Iraq. His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Captain Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops.

The Muslim chaplain who led the Nimaz-e-Janaza after the military honors, specifically highlighted the ethnically-diverse group that had come to pay its respects to Captain Khan. He was one amongst the growing number of Pakistani Americans in the U.S. Army.
When did he go against him?
We realise that more then likely more attacks will follow, but our way of live and our values can and do survive attacks by those people who preach hate. Which I'm sad to report is excactly what the current Republican candidate does. The person who wrote this letter talks about a ban on Muslims being constitutional because a president swears to protect people against enemies. This is actually not true he swears to protect and uphold the constitution, a constitution that has religious freedom at it's very heart. It's the army who swears to protect the nation against its enemies He also talks about Trumps right to respond to attacks. The thing is he responded by implying that Khans wife was not allowed to respond by her husband because she is a Muslim, an attack so vicious, callous and unsubstanciated that it should disqualify him to the presidenty. Instead of him trying to make the case that it is like the letter said simply a matter of pragmatism, he attacked 2 grieving parants who felt it was their right, to point out that it is not just white Christians who are willing to lay down their lives, for the idea of America, an idea that thinks of religious freedom as one of its unalienable rights. An idea that Trump and alot of scared white Americans find is no longer valid because there are assholes who use religion as a reason to commit crimes.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
We realise that more then likely more attacks will follow, but our way of live and our values can and do survive attacks by those people who preach hate. Which I'm sad to report is excactly what the current Republican candidate does. The person who wrote this letter talks about a ban on Muslims being constitutional because a president swears to protect people against enemies. This is actually not true he swears to protect and uphold the constitution, a constitution that has religious freedom at it's very heart. It's the army who swears to protect the nation against its enemies He also talks about Trumps right to respond to attacks. The thing is he responded by implying that Khans wife was not allowed to respond by her husband because she is a Muslim, an attack so vicious, callous and unsubstanciated that it should disqualify him to the presidenty. Instead of him trying to make the case that it is like the letter said simply a matter of pragmatism, he attacked 2 grieving parants who felt it was their right, to point out that it is not just white Christians who are willing to lay down their lives, for the idea of America, an idea that thinks of religious freedom as one of its unalienable rights. An idea that Trump and alot of scared white Americans find is no longer valid because there are assholes who use religion as a reason to commit crimes.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
So Muslims don't subjugate women? They damn sure do. We treat dogs better than Islamic nations treat their females. You label that hate?

If attitudes like yours are prevalent in Belgium you will indeed be hit again. And again. And again. You can hohum it off until every last native citizen is gone if you want but please don't project that attitude onto the US. We don't roll that way. Some in power do so we must throw them out of office wherever we can find them.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When did he go against him?
By commenting on Khan's speech and comparing "sacrifices". Smarter to have left it alone and focused on policy with a "I won't comment on the grieving of a Gold Star family" statement.
I didn't hear him equate his sacrifices to the death of a soldier. He said he has made sacrifices and put lots of people to work. The left spins anything they can for power.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
What attitude are you reffering to? The attitude that the only thing to do after someboy attacks you, is to get up and say. "You don't fucking scare me." We have beefed up security, looked and found most of those responsible and decided to go back to our daily lives. The truth is most of these attacks aren't committed by refugees but rather by the children and grandchildren of immigrants. They are born here, have Belgian nationality and have lived their entire lives in Europe. We can and do do other stuff, for instance people on the terrorist watchlists can't by an assault rifle legally, in fact no criminal is allowed to own guns, revolutionary right?
I'll give you a little history lesson, in 1933 an Austrian got himself elected on a platform, of strong leadership, demagoguery, and hate for everything that wasn't pure blood German. A couple of months later he had some of his goons set fire to the parliament. He then declared martial law in order to " protect" Germany, in effect abolishing the constitution. It took 12 horrendous years and 60 million death, to get rid of this guy. Trump preaches hate against Muslims, portrays himself as the only person capable of 'protecting' the average Americans and his attacks against Khan and Muslims in general don't exactly show respect for the constitution.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
This one incites hate to all Muslims.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
No, he doesn't preach hate, you're full of shit. To not understand why it's wrong to let unknowns in from hostile regions means you are too stupid to vote.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
Which is bullshit, he was specifically talking about the illegals coming in, not all Mexicans. He has hired many of them himself. Yes, it was a generalization about the illegals but a great many crimes are being committed by them, well, just being here is a crime actually.

Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
This one incites hate to all Muslims.
No it doesn't. That's a reacharound.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
No asshole they first attacked us in 1993 on U.S. soil!

The Kahns attacked us in 1993? Are you sure about that?
'Gave' his son?
It's America. His son was free to, and chose to join up. He was an adult, not someone to be 'given' away or 'sacrificed' by anyone else.
Liberals often say the same thing about all American military personnel who have died or been maimed in the service of their country. "What are they crying over? They were asking for it. It's an all volunteer military. No one forced them to go." Then they spit on the graves of dead soldiers.
And none of that is what I am saying.
I didn't hear him equate his sacrifices to the death of a soldier. He said he has made sacrifices and put lots of people to work. The left spins anything they can for power.
Fuck the left. I heard his comments and read the transcript including the shot he took at Captain Khan's mother. It was stupid it even go there. Again, it would have been smarter, not to mention more Presidential, to have just stayed away from commenting about a Gold Star family other than to appreciated Captain Khan's service to his country.


He doesn't know. He doesn't know that. I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. But plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet. And it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. And personally, I watched him. I wish him the best of luck.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."
The Republicans did it with Pat Smith, mother of fallen Benghazi hero Sean Smith.

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
Patricia Smith, whose son Sean Smith was killed in the attack, spoke passionately about the loss of her son.
And the left when full ape about it, but now it's OK.

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